Musical Theatre for TV?

In this day and age, Glee makes many attempts to bring musical theatre into the mainstream, and (in my opinion) often compromises kitsch for art. However, a new show has been picked up with plans to air this January, directly following the Superbowl. SMASH, a new show explores the notion of what it takes to be on Broadway. Executive Producer Steven Spielberg has cast numerous theatre and broadway musical theatre veterans to bring his new show to life.

Smash follows a composer/ lyricist pairing Tom and Julia as they begin to write a musical based on the life and times of Marilyn Monroe. Unsure as to whether or not their musical will be a hit or a miss, they utilize the modern age of technology and post one of their songs on youtube. The response to the song and the music is tremendous and soon catches the eye of a big time producer. After multiple rounds of out of town tryouts, the plot thickens as we meet the two girls who are pitted against each other to play the iconic Marilyn Monroe. The question boils down to whether the role should go to the talented newcomer or the big time (washed up?) broadway veteran.

When I heard about Smash, I was extremely skeptical. When Glee first arrived on the television scene, I wasn’t sure what to think. At first, I embraced it with open arms; However, as time went by, I really felt as though Glee was simply making fun of theatre people and what it is to be an artist and a performer in today’s society. However, I think Smash truly has the potential to be so much more than that… The cast alone boasts so much Star Power from both Hollywood AND the Great White Way. I have faith that this star studded cast in combination with Spielberg’s unbelievable background and producing chops, this show has the potetential to really be a home run. It marries the theatre and the television industry and has the ability to bring art to the home. It doesn’t require you to spend mass amounts of money to go to the theatre. After all, the true magic of theatre is happening right in your living room.

Who knows, maybe this will make me a believer again…

One Comment

alassar posted on December 3, 2011 at 5:34 pm

Have you seen all the musical theatre web series? There are TONS. I recommend watching “The Battery’s Down.” It’s produced beautifully and has great original music.

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