Hive, an interesting theatre experience

Unfortunately this article is about a year old, but it’s still an interesting thing to check out.

It’s the third of a week long, interactive theatre experience. 12 theatre companies exhibit their own unique production as audience members are free to roam about and chose which plays they will experience.

This article talks about some of the interactive experiences, such as giving your cell number away so that one of two actors can call you and perform directly with you or ‘The Interview’ where a solider asks the audience yes/no questions and then invites them to ask him some.

Also at Hive 3 was ‘At Home With Dick and Jane’, which involves a 10 minute pre-show, a filmed interview of a playwright and film producer, and is then followed by a silent, live-action experience. One audience member at a time is put in a chair and can only see what a film camera would see. They are then steered throughout the set, as if filming the actions happening in front of them. You can watch the whole thing here.

This article talks about Hive 3 which happened in March of 2010. Hive seems to be put on every other year, so hopefully there will be a Hive 4 in the spring of 2012!

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