“Poetic Theatre”

This article really jumped out at me because I recently went to see the play Terminus which is writen in verse with a LOT of lovely rhyming.

It’s interesting that the author writes about how terrifying this concept sounds – theatre, with connotations of being unlifelike, and poetry, which evokes painful memories of 10th grade english class. I’ll admit, when I was skipping through the playbill for Terminus and it mentioned that the play was in verse, I immediately groaned and prepared for something dull and unreachable. But the exact opposite happened! The play was truly marvoulus and I think a lot of it had to do with the very melodic and unique way in which the characters were talking. As the author from this article puts it, “After all, poetry can do precisely what even the best naturalistic reproduction of everyday speech can’t – it can show us our language again.”

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