Sacramento theater scene

My folks live in Sacramento, and the B Street theater there is a pretty fun little joint. Of course, if my parents like to attend, we should take that into consideration. My step-mother was writing to tell me that they’d just seen Circle Mirror Transformation, and she loved it, which is cool. The B St. is one of the few good theater games in town, and they have an image to uphold, you see, catering to the likes of my parents. Their Mainstage shows are going to appeal to the somewhat conservative Central California mentality that is not the Bay Area, Boston or Seattle.

So I was perusing the B St. Theater site, and happened upon the web page for its “B3 series,” a thinly veiled and probably quietly-marketed New Theater effort, for when people like my parents aren’t paying attention, or maybe have gone to bed. Read this carefully crafted copy from the page:

“For adult audiences desiring fresh, intimate theatre—the B3 Series offers complex characters and intellectually moving plotlines. Here, audiences are led to travel deep into their own life experiences through engaging stories that don’t shy from the unexpected.”

Wow. That could be so many things… The shows include works by Charlayne Woodard, Lisa Kron and Conor McPherson. You gotta hand it to them…at least they are doing this stuff.

Circle Mirror: By the way, for a really poorly written review in the Sacramento Bee, check this out. They love the show, but I can’t figure out why, exactly.  It seems to be a chance to fawn their local talent as much as anything. And they give so much away about the show, even the surprise ending. Sheesh. Aren’t you glad we’re in Boston!?!

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