slew (recently one of my favorite words, go figure) of stuff

so, instead of making separate posts to catch up for my lateness, i’m just going to make one big fat one or two with all my findings in it.

1.i went and saw Fragments at ArtsEmerson tonight, with Leigh. I thought Fragments was a piece in and of itself that Beckett wrote. (I tried to find the original performance, the world premiere) Not so, my friends! Peter Brooks just picked stuff to do and called it Fragments, another example of another Fragments is here:

^ also a nice idea of what Peter Brook and Beckett’s relationship was/is.

2. those of us in this class who are in our 4th quarter of senior year could really benefit from saving as much $$ as possible, wouldn’t you say? doesn’t free theater sound nice? I know, right!

^company one’s on there! yay friends!

3. watch this video and see what you think. i googled “street theatre performance” and stumbled upon these guys, Arc Theatre. it’s nothing extraordinary, but it gives me some ideas for stuff to do and hello, collaaaaborate oooon in the real world. this is the kind of stuff we could do to just get our faces out there.

of course whatever we do will outshine this greatly

4. found this link by total happenstance, whilst looking for kabuki in Boston. A list of the major theatres in Boston, with a link to each one of them:

5. if anybody’s going to NYC any time before April 9th, and wants to see some Japanese theatre at Carnegie Hall (they extended this festival in honor of the earthquake victims):

6. i can’t figure out if this is only a California thing or not, but look at this! it’s cool! seems like a good go-to place for certain questions about theatre production/making your own company:

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