Sleep No More (In NY, During Incite)

Follow this link ladies and gents. Tickets are pricey but if you’re like me and missed it when it was in Boston, it might be worth spending the cash money. It’ll be going on during Spring break, every day of the week.

One Comment

jauher posted on February 3, 2011 at 6:45 pm

Can’t wait to see this!! There seems to be a lot of energy in the CFA lately surrounding innovative site-specific theatre like “Sleep No More”: the upcoming production of “Aura”, the theatre arts thesis production of “The Last Days of Judas Escariot”, and Alex Mandell’s “Hamlet”-inspired thesis movement piece are all site-specific works being produced in the School of Theatre this semester! This article discusses pop-up theatre, a new theatrical trend and close cousin of site-specific theatre…read and enjoy, all you artists and theatre-makers.

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