The Joys of Feel-Bad Theatre

So it’s no secret that here at the BU School of Theatre, we take on difficult and often disturbing subjects as the bread and butter of the plays we produce.  Rape, Nazis, incest, murder…you name it, we tackle it.  Ben Brantley sparked an interesting discussion on the Arts Beat blog entitled “The Joys of Feel-Bad Theatre” that asked readers to talk about shows they’ve seen that left them deeply unsettled.  I found it interesting that “Neighbors” topped the list and that, for all its disturbing glory, the reader was ultimately glad they saw it.

For all you masochists out there, enjoy.

One Comment

philschroeder posted on April 13, 2011 at 1:19 pm

Great article! I loved the comments, if for no other reason than to pick up on other, similar moments to seek out. I think that the dramatist who can truly make us uncomfortable has really achieved something. What a week of reading to match this topic, too.

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