Interactive Blogging for the Blogless

I don’t generally read blogs and am only reading this one and contributing as part of Illana’s dramaturgy class.  While I often lose interest after reading the first few lines of  blog posts, I have found some real value here– the Ira Glass commentary definitely helped me focus on development and not on the frustrating inability to create on paper the complex yet focused and emotionally provocative play in my head.  Ira Glass bought me time before I have to be brilliant.

So rather than just accept my general dissatisfaction with blogdom, I started thinking about what kind of a blog I would read.. and look forward to… and interact with (I do love that blogdom does not observe grammatical rules).

The great gift of this blog is that Illana is hosting… so what do I really want from her?  My first thought is that I would love a “play reading” blog where each month Ilana suggests a play to read… then a few weeks later posts questions/comments and starts a discussion.  Okay, yes, I am not as “media dumb” as a bag of hammers, and I do realize that what I envision sounds more like a chat room.  But Illana and others on this blog have so much in depth knowledge about the most exciting new plays… I’d love to read an extensive commentary after I’ve finished the play and then watch and see who will challenge her… I think that would be fun… I know I’d read more than the first two lines… I’d read every month… I’d send in comments…

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