Posts by: bashaw

Blasted additional info Here is an interview with Sarah Kane, only 3 months before her death

Akira-It really is worse than you could ever think In our discussions in class, we’ve touched on the subject of losing one’s culture when coming to America, either by force of by choice. In the upcoming live-action adaptation of the great Akira, we see that Hollywood is doing something similar. This article tells the story, in a humorous way.

Interesting read for WDH For our reading of Women Dreamt  Horses I found an interesting discussion on an online forum about animals that commit suicide.

Year Zero: The reviews are in And they’re positive. Year Zero is an Asian discovery play, with some interesting twists about the differences between identifying with different Asian countries.

An unsung playwright Here we have the story of a playwright who has gone fairly unknown in America. He is an Indian absurdist, and worth looking into.

39 Steps: In Philly For anyone in the Philadelphia area, the Walnut Street theatre is showing the 39 steps. I’ve been to a few Walnut shows, and they are an amazing space to see a show in.

Tennessee Williams: in a new light An online writer gives us an article about the life of playwright Tennessee Williams. An interesting read

Laramie Project Getting another go The very powerful show ‘The Laramie Project’ is in casting now at the Little theatre company. Hopefully they can do justice to this powerful show.

Hair: More relevant than ever? This reviewer doesn’t believe that the show is too good. But in a time when America is fighting two different wars and beginning to take action in Libya, perhaps it is time for an anti war play. But maybe not Hair…

Spider-Man: Can’t keep it together So Spider-Man the musical has a new choreographer. This comes on the heels of yet another actress getting injured during the show that just can’t get out of previews. What’s next for this disaster? Only time will tell…

A shame

Spiderman the musical has beaten Wicked in the amount of money is makes per full house: I’ve seen both shows. Spiderman does not deserve that much money.