Posts by: joelandrewcote

The Dialogue Festival

A recent article in the Guardian highlighted The Dialogue Festival, a 4 day event in London that incorporated 3 different venues and addressed 5 specific themes, under the umbrella topic of a celebration of the spoken word. The five themes of dialogue included debate, technobabble, lyrical, chatterbox, and banter. Each themed unit was curated by […]

Sports and the Theatre

While I’ve been in many theatrical settings in which sports have been looked down upon and belittled, not to mention the people who watch them, I strongly believe, as an avid basketball and football fan and theatre practitioner, that there is a strong crossover between the disciplines, stemming from their common ground in, among other […]

“I Will Not Stand Xenophobia and I Will Not Finance It”

If I were not a theatre artist, I would most definitely work in the political realm, as something along the lines of a diplomat or ambassador. In fact, for most of my life, I’ve been trying to figure out how I could do both. Unsurprisingly, the theatre news and literature I’m most drawn to exists […]