Posts by: ccleary7

Stick with Me, Here…

So. I was reading an article about pedophiles on The Daily Beast, (which, by the way, is an excellent blog if you’re unfamiliar with it…) and I was reminded of our conversation in class about morality regarding “Medea.” Let me just say, I think we’re really fortunate as artists to be able to explore extremely […]

Theatre Daedalus

Tonight was my final advanced playwriting class, and while I’ve been sad that Lydia has been in New York for a lot of the semester getting Stick Fly on its feet, we’ve had a FABULOUS co-/assistant/step-in teacher, Jaclyn Villano, an MFA candidate for Playwriting at the BPT. Jaclyn has her own theatre company, Theatre Daedalus, […]

Fitz and the Tantrums

SO… on Friday  night, I went to The House of Blues and saw this incredible band called “Fitz and the Tantrums.” You may know them from their breakout hit, “Moneygrabber,” which is burning up the radio a little bit right now. This experience was notable for multiple reasons: 1. I felt like a real, live, […]

The Power of Quotations

I’m a huge fan/collector of quotations, sayings, mantras, etc. I think reading other people’s words about and thoughts on life, love, challenges, friends, etc. is the most comforting and inspiring thing in the world. Knowing that someone, somewhere, no matter how far away or long ago had similar feelings to me, similar struggles and thoughts […]

Music Musing

Most of the time, when I do something creative (or anything, amost… workout, grocery shop, take a walk, clean my room), I look to music for inspiration. I’m feeling particularly stuck in some areas of my work (ok, it’s playwriting) and I keep finding myself looking for music to inspire me, because isn’t it great […]

The Greater World

I’ve been thinking a lot about what theatre means in my life, and how the other things I love fit in too…It’s a difficult balance to find, where the theatre ends and the life begins and if that separation is logical/feasible/possible/helpful. A while back in class, when we were first discussing our productions of our […]

oh dear.

I just tried to read this “interview” from ArtsBeat. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. It’s director/writer/actress Elaine May interviewing Ethan Coen (of the Coen Brothers) and Woody Allen to promote their new night of three one-act comedies, “Relatively Speaking.” All three (interviewer and both interviewees) have written one-acts for this special production, opening October […]

Tim Walker, and, Not Feeling Guilty For What I Like.

As I was trying to think of what to post this week, I found myself searching for something impressive. I was talking to a friend trying to explain what the assignment was, and they innocently asked, “well, what do you like?” I, of course, immediately responded that the only things I read on the web […]

The Resistance

I stumbled upon (for shame!) this article about becoming a better writer…and frankly, having just come from playwriting, it was a pretty timely coincident. The entire thing is pretty cool and I agree with some and not with others and I know some of them bug me because they’re things I’m bad at and wish […]

Attempting to Change the Way I Read Things, View People, etc. etc.

So I read this interview/article in ArtsBeat with John Lithgow. He’s one of my favorite actors and he has a new book coming out called, “Drama: An Actor’s Education,” so I thought I’d definitely find something interesting/inspiring/something to really just comfort me. Instead, I found that his life and approach to acting are so different […]

“Finding Joe,” and, Being the Hero of Your Own Life

I saw an excellent trailer for a movie last weekend. It hit me at the exact right time, with school getting back in full swing and my life as an artist coming back into sharp focus. I spent a lot of the summer figuring out what’s important to me as a person outside of the […]