Posts by: ccrawley

How would You fix spider man?

Again, I don’t mean to sound negative or disparage all the good work being done in the field of development and production. I’d just like to raise awareness about what so many of my playwright friends complain about. The machinery that came into being after the new play gold rush of the ’80s needs to be examined. Funders and boards need to ask their artistic directors: How many new plays are in our season? How many by women? How many by writers of color? Where is that money for new work actually going? If we don’t examine the machine, and the big funders don’t investigate the authenticity of the institutions they fund, development hell could erode the divide between commercial and nonprofit and in 20 years we might be able to examine them under the same microscope.

Crystal Skillman

She reviews a play called Let it Rain: The Umbrella plays. This is a really well written review and portrait of this play experience. It seems like a  really intimate and profound piece.

Art and Violence

I noticed that there was another post on this production, but this article drew my attention and I think it’s an important one to read for a few reasons. First, this show looks really fun and informative. I too found it made me think of Fallujah, which is inspiring to know that work that is […]

Rocco is Loco

“In truth it does not surprise me, let alone outrage me, that there are roughly three arts administrators for every working artist in the country –”

“In truth it does not surprise me, let alone outrage me, that there are roughly three arts administrators for every working artist in the country –”

The Actor’s Gang Prison Project

After reading August Wilson,  Susan Laurie Parks and seeing Bradon Jacobs-Jenkin’s Neighbors, my imagination has been running wild with thoughts of using theatre as not only entertainment but also a forum for political discussion. This video touches on that in a way I hadn’t imagined. The notion that theatre can be an outreach for prisoners, […]