Posts by: jayz

Tit for Tat

In regards to the play “Blasted” by Sarah Kane here is the link for the radio show Radiolab. The Good Show The show is about an hour and if you want to skip to the part about the prisoners dilema then its about 40 minutes in to the show. I highly recommend all of the […]

In Regards to “Family Stories: Belgrade”

I was doing so image research on this play and I found this interring image. It shows a stealth bomber on a military operation during the conflit. Image of bomer over Belgrade

Blackadder on Stage

Blackadder was one of the shows that I grew up on. Very funny and very British. Now they have adapted it for the stage. The adaptation apears to have all of the good british humer that the origonal had. Should be a good time. The original casts included Hugh Laurie, Rowan Atkinson, Tony Robinson, Stephen Fry, and Miranda […]

How to act like a Zombie

I thought this was fun. It is an article on on the thought process of an actor when portraying a zombie or other non-human. In the article it talks about the one track mind/primal instinct that would be prevalent. If you like you can reed more about acting like a zombie

From the tech side of things.

I thought it would insetting to give an insite into some of the things that I am involved in on a daily baises as a Lighting Designer. Having the lighting indicate a mood or a time of day is almost easy, where it becomes difficult is when there there needs to be a shift over time and having that shift […]