Posts by: lehuggin

Some thoughts on stakes…

I just wanted to reinforce for myself and my fellow actors, directors, budding dramaturgs, playwrights, etc., that the characters’ need to communicate can make or break the show. This has come up multiple times in Theatre Ensemble and my Directing I class with David Gram. This notion of need, objectives, communication, action, etc., is one […]

I’d write you a shorter letter if I had more time

This title is a quote my dad always used to tell me when he was editing my writing. It’s been particularly relevant for me in writing program notes for my modern adaptation of Antigone, as well as in preparing to direct my ten minute play for The Director’s Project. In my program notes, I’m quickly […]

Asking the “right” question

When researching venues for my imaginary Antigone production, I came across an article in the NY times Arts Beat blog about dangerous political theatre. Ben Brantley had written an article in January about a production he saw at the Under the Radar Festival in NYC by the Belarus Free Theater. They did a production of […]

Antigone Now and Theater of War

For my program notes assignment I chose to do Antigone Now by Melissa Cooper. Beginning my image search for the production, I found that all the images I was gravitating towards were of past and current wars, natural disasters, or political crises. Reading the translation of Sophocles’ Antigone, the nature of the war is explained […]

Realism vs. Whatever the fuck this contemporary stuff is

ATM Article! I found this article on the tcg website reviewing a recent production of Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire at the Comedie-Francaise in Paris. This production was directed by Lee Breuer, a fellow art provocateur during the 1970’s with Philip Glass, and involved Japanese silk screens, american biker motifs, Stanislavski and Meyerhold acting […]

Stick Fly!

Ever since our discussion on the trials of regional theatres, I’ve been thinking a lot about what kind of theatre should be produced in regional theatres, and on broadway, and why? Before I came to BU, I was a part of the subscription audience for Seattle theatres such as ACT and Intiman (before it closed), […]