Posts by: marionlc

I read this, too.

Get drunk interviewing Allen Johnson and listen to him tell stories? Yeaaa

And… if I dare, and I do, my response to Allen Johnson’s “Another You”

Initial response in my journal: “I’m crying. Breathing in a way I don’t know how. I feel something in the pit of my stomach right above my uterus or right in front of it I don’t know. The search for God or the Universe, or The Bigger thing out there is every day happening. Wasted […]

My response to YJL’s “The Shipment”

In an interview with Lane Czaplinski about The Shipment, YJL talks about how there is not as much of a spotlight on racism against Asian-Americans as there is one on racism against African-Americans. Being Korean, and so on the outside of black-white discrimination, has allowed her to witness it in such a way that she […]

The Romanian Revolution of 1989:

[gonna be handing this out on Friday, but I thought maybe everyone might want to take a look at it beforehand, even just having alongside reading the play] December 15- Father Laszlo Tokes spoke out against Ceausescu in the town of Timisoara. Backed by thousands, the riot police arrived to try and remove Tokes and […]

Racial Microagressions: an article

My roommate, Chelsea Kurtz’ sister sent her this article. Claire Kurtz is studying to become a social worker and had to read this article. I found it hugely relevant to a multitude of our readings, and it’s extrrrremely interesting. From the point of view of therapy. Racial Microagression in Everyday Life

and i figured we might as well educated ourselves

on Argentine theatre history, while we’re at it.

this woman. is super cool. and beautiful.

Marie Clements!

slew (recently one of my favorite words, go figure) of stuff

so, instead of making separate posts to catch up for my lateness, i’m just going to make one big fat one or two with all my findings in it. 1.i went and saw Fragments at ArtsEmerson tonight, with Leigh. I thought Fragments was a piece in and of itself that Beckett wrote. (I tried to […]


Here’s a blurb about Bhavabhuti’s Uttararamacharita! And an excerpt!

The Srngaratilaka

I found the text, in Sanskrit and English. It’s a love poem! Surprise surprise. Read a bit of it, it’s not that long. Written by Kalidasa, said to be known as the greatest Indian poet & dramatist. He wrote plays, too! 5th century, dude.


I’m sorry that this [angsty hipster] guy had to see what sounds like a shitty production of TV(oTGC). If you click on the thumbnail at the top right of the article, you might understand. Still, I think he was a bit harsh on Crystal Skillman there, essentially comparing her play to a torture porn movie. […]

BAM! (not Emeril)

I don’t know if any of you remember because it was a blip on the radar, but I mentioned our first day of class I think that BAM is putting on a slew of great plays this season. Here’s Diary of A Madman with Geoffrey Rush: It’s in NYC through March 12th, so if […]