Posts by: nlindh


I just can’t get enough of this play since we read it! I saw the new production of it in New York during Spring Break while it was still in previews. This is a link to an interview with Billy Crudup (Nightingale) and Raul Esparza (Valentine) on Charlie Rose last week. They talk about the […]

Skin (Sarah Kane’s Short Film)

It’s on YouTube. Here are the links, it’s split into two parts. Skin Part 1 Skin Part 2

Cutting the Arts – Harball Interview with Kevin Spacey

Not quite sure how this link thing works, I tried loading the video onto the post but I don’t know how. This is a recent interview from Harball with Chris Matthews interviewing Kevin Spacey about the House Republicans goal for budget cuts, the easiest target being federal funding for the arts.

Dark Circle (Documentary)

After reading Burning Vision I was reminded of this documentary that my high school science teacher had us watch when we were learning about energy sources. It’s called Dark Circle, from 1982 and it won the grand prize at Sundance that year. It’s main focus is nuclear energy and the corruption within the “nuclear business.” […]

shakespeare is still cool

Okay so this isn’t about contemporary writers or anything but since I’m doing Homebody/Kabul as my final project this article in BU Today (of all things) caught my eye. aaannnddd another Shakespeare note. Actually… multiple Shakespeare notes…because even though it is classical work, I think it’s a testament of the contemporary theatre world and […]

Sleep No More (In NY, During Incite)

Follow this link ladies and gents. Tickets are pricey but if you’re like me and missed it when it was in Boston, it might be worth spending the cash money. It’ll be going on during Spring break, every day of the week.