Posts by: purdumse

Chautauqua clarity Here’s a great read for anyone who caught Chautauqua.  A fabulous show asking of us artists what we want and are responsible for putting out there.  What are our intentions, are we trying to educate shock or entertain?  A good discussion we’ll probably have friday seeing as we’re discussing Sarah Kane’s Blasted…

Hide yo wife, hide yo kids…

Because Charlie Sheen is coming to my hometown, Columbus, OH.  After his first show bombed and he was booed of stage, Charlie has made his way to Chicagi where he fared a little better.  How will he fare in the mecca of culture and the dircerning eye, Columbus?  Stay tuned….

Spoiler-Alert! Or not… Here a theatre critic talks about how much information should be devulged in a review, and whether or not it really ruins a show to know the ending or key plot points.  Her argument is that the predictability of a show doesn’t make it any less awesome.  Any thoughts?   A review less about theatre but […]

Did you know?…

Elizabeth Taylor was also a swingin stage actress?  Well, at least partly.  She was part of two productions both met with dissimilar fates.  Read their reviews here;

A glimpse into one man’s past

This article comes at a good time as we are about to graduate.  A playwright with a day job, who once was an actor waiting tables writing short plays in his spare time.  It seems no matter what path we carve for ourselves, we will find our way.  He also blends the topics he wants […]


Check out this New York Times review of ‘Dream of the Burning Boy’, which stars recent alum Jessica Rothenburg!  Nice review and congratualtions Jessica!

Dear Philip Berman,

Audra Mcdonald.  May be coming.  To Cambridge.  You heard me.  Audra in Porgy in Bess.  It hasn’t been confirmed, but woah there.  For those who don’t know Audra McDonald is one of our finest Musical Theatre actors out there.  And she *may* be coming to the A.R.T. in Cambridge.  Check it out here;

Really? No, Really? Already? Again?

Um excuse me, but who is looking out for the actors in the Spiderman Musical?  It’s just pretend, guys.  Not quite worth the staggering list of injuries it has produced.  Does someone have to die or what?  I don’t know Mrs. Taymor.  For such an expensive production can’t you get like a harness or some pillow […]

Gotta give him cred for doin it on his own…

Though this review is a bit harsh, I’d love to see this show right about now.  It’s a one man show of one of my favs, John Leguizamo, talking about how he made it in the business so far.  From Queens to Hollywood how his journey was carved out.  Sounds like a good show for […]

Tickle me Pink, Punch me Drunk

I am so so so so jealous I did not see this show while I was in NY, but it was there so here’s a shoutout.  Boston even gets an honorable mention in this article, Holla!  This is theatre at it’s finest.  Why do we do theatre anyways?  Why hasn’t it died out while film and television grows […]

Asian American Theatre Oh My

Having just come from Los Angeles and specifically from LAX, a large international airport, this article intrigued me.  While I shuffled around the larger terminals scavenging for food I noticed tightly wound lines of asians waiting to check in their luggage (carts and piles of boxes) to travel across the ocean to Asia.  Being a large […]