Posts by: smarois

Can Never Get Enough of Arcadia

I agree with the previous post about being in love with Arcadia since we’ve read it, especially since I also had the opportunity to see it in New York. But, for those of you actors out there, here’s an opportunity for you to continue the love affair with Stoppard. This local company, which happens […]

The Sounds of Ken Urban

As promised, here is a link to Occurrence Music, which is Ken Urban’s electronic music project where he provides sounds files that can be used in productions of his plays. He does not want the cost of a sound designer to dissuade anyone from putting on his shows, so he (I think very admirably) makes […]

The Issue of Censorship

So, we’ve dealt with the issue of censorship when we read  The Pillowman and we’ll be seeing it again this week with Family Stories: Belgrade. And hopefully some of you got the chance to go to the recent forum on censorship and Columbinus. It cannot be merely coincidence that so many plays that we are looking […]


I remember talking in an earlier post about how theaters need to use social media tools, like Twitter, more effectively to reach a larger audience. Stage Troupe has a production of Amadeus that’s coming up next weekend that I believe is using Twitter in an interesting way to attract attention. As a college theater group, […]

3D Filmed Performances:Cool, right? Destructive to the form? Maybe So I know that in this course we’ve watched filmed versions of performances, but I think 3D ballet and opera may be pushing it a bit too far. My biggest concern when it comes to these 3D filmed performances coming out is that I’m afraid the original intent of works will be lost. 3D […]

Past Pillowman Pictures

Hi all, I just wanted to include this link to some production shots from Stage Troupe’s production of The Pillowman last spring. I saw the production and left absolutely in love with the play. About five or so people walked out in the middle of the show over the three performances, which I think is […]

Spider-Man to Join the Ranks of Infamy

So it seems that talk of the Spider-Man musical has been dominating conversations of musical theater goers. Having been in New York this past weekend, I think I heard the name “Spider-Man” more often than the name “Steve.” What does it take to gain that sort of infamy though? Certainly it would be the most […]

The Off Cut Festival

So, my roommate was telling about this festival that she heard of. They accept international writing submissions, so for any of you writers, this may be something to look into! I might be submitting something for funsies The Off Cut Festival The Off Cut Festival Facebook Page

Shout Out to Modern Drama II/The Hours

So for those of you who studied the NYC avant-garde movement in Modern Drama II or saw the movie, The Hours, you should recognize the name Philip Glass. As one who really loves his music, I really wish I could go to THIS. It is a great example of how interdisciplinary coordination can bring the […]

Sight MUST Be Necessary for Theatre Right?

Wrong! So, while reading this week’s plays, I started thinking about other handicaps that could be explored by theater.  Sight seems like a pretty integral part of any production; so much money goes into lighting, set, props, costumes, etc. All these elements are meant to be seen. Well, here’s an experiment in blind theater. Crazy, […]

South Park and Avenue Q Writers Meet to Write Uganda’s Music Man

Jaw dropped when I saw this article. Not sure the world is ready for this pairing, but I sure am! Being a fan of both Avenue Q and South Park, I know the power humor has to get across serious messages.

Some Humor & Some Twitter & Some Humor on Twitter

Hey all, So first off, I wanted to share some theater humor that one of my friends sent me (I found it entertaining, yet thought provoking at the same time): Things You Will Never Here in the Theater Secondly, I wanted to share this considering the growing role of social media in EVERYTHING: Why Don’t […]

For the First Time in English…

So, I think this is pretty exciting: There will be  a staged reading of the play, Rosalie’s Youth, next Friday (February 11th) at 8pm in the Boston University Student Theater at Agganis Arena. Rosalie’s Youth (known primarily by its Hebrew Title) by Hanoch Levin (a prominent Israeli dramatist) is an Israeli satire on love, wealth, and […]