Posts by: sophiegr

J.S. Bach and the Punch Brothers

I’m in love. His name is Chris Thile, and he’s the one holding the P. P for Punch Brothers: the best band around. Chris plays mandolin and is the angelic vocalist in all their brilliant work. I’m utterly smitten. They’re coming to Brighton Music Hall next week and, though I cant actually go to the […]


Have you ever walked out of a show? If so, what and why? I’d love to read your answers. There’s an article in the Gaurdian about the RSC production of “Marat/Sade” and how people have been storming out. inspired by this, they asked their critics to recall a time they walked out of a show…or […]

Water is Rising!

This is a little bit of a continuation of my last post. I was reading the Globe this morning and found an article about the “Water is Rising” project from the Pacific islands. The project weaves together the traditional song and dance from the cultures of three Pacific islands: Kiribati, Tokelau and Tuvalu. These groups […]

The Erosion of the Ethnosphere…and how we can help.

“The world in which you were born is just one model of reality. Other cultures are not failed attempts at being you; they are unique manifestations of the human spirit.” -Wade Davis “We all sing we all dance we all have art, but what’s interesting is the unique cadence of the song, and the rhythm […]

AHhaha! Nudity!

At Boston Playwright’s today we were talking about onstage nudity. Specifically in the play by Leslie Epstein (head of the creative writing department at BU), “King of the Jews” that they put on a few years ago. The play had about three seconds of nudity in it. The character was tortured offstage and the burst […]

La Traviata, Salzburg, 2005

Watch this, it gets good at 1:45 In 2005 the Salzburg Festival put on a production of Verdi’s La Traviata that was unlike any before it. Directed by Willy Decker, it took an opera famous for its lavish decadence and stripped it down to the necessities. I’ve seen La Traviata three times in my […]

Look at the moon!

Hello! One of my friends from Whitman University is studying abroad in Britain, and he just wrote me about seeing a show at Kneehigh. He sent me a link to their website, and I was introduced to a trove of theatrical inspiration. I’ve always been interested in theatre that has ties to the natural world, […]