The Power of Art: Recovering From a Substance Abuse


Art has the power to inspire people, making them see things from a different angle. Whether it is dancing, drawing a portrait, playing a musical instrument or writing a story, art stimulates the brain and encourages positive actions in one’s life.

Art therapy is especially effective for those recovering from substance abuse. Although medications often play a major part of addiction treatment, a creative form of self-expression is also an important step in sobriety. Artistic expressions allow people to communicate their thoughts, ideas, and fears in a way that verbal communication is sometimes incapable of. During the art therapy, people can even discover something about themselves they didn’t know before.

What Is An Art Therapy?


According to Psychology Today magazine, art therapy involves the use of creative techniques such as drawing, painting, collage, coloring, and sculpting to help people express themselves artistically and examine the psychological and emotional undertones in their art. With the guidance of credentialed art therapist, clients can “decode” the nonverbal messages, symbols, and metaphors often found in these art forms, which should lead to a better understanding of their behavior and feelings so they can move on to resolve deeper issues.

In other words, art therapy encourages free self-expression through any form of art and is used to cope with traumatic events, stress or other mental health disorders.

The art therapy activities usually include:

  •    Painting
  •    Drawing     
  •    Sculpting
  •    Dancing
  •    Acting
  •    Music
  •    Poetry
  •    Jewelry making
  •    Cooking
  •    Singing
  •    Sewing
  •    Creative writing

How Does The Art Therapy Support Substance Abuse Treatment?

Since the 1950s, art therapy has been used as a way to provide emotional release, self-expression, and stress management. The Journal of Addiction Nursing states that art therapy can contribute to the recovery process in the following ways:

  •    Decrease the client’s denial of addiction
  •    Increase the client’s motivation to change
  •    Provide a safe outlet for communication
  •    Lessen the shame of addiction

Art therapy is a part of a comprehensive drug treatment that includes individual therapy, group therapy, family counseling, 12-Step meetings, and other core services that aid addiction treatment. Art therapy complements these services by providing a break from the direct, intensive work of talk therapy and allowing the subconscious to express itself creatively.

Art therapy is an important complement to a 12-Step program. According to Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, recovering patients can use art activities to explore the hidden feelings of shame, guilt, fear, or unmanageability that led them to come to rehab. For example, through the process known as incident drawing, clients can freely illustrate the experiences of feeling self- destructive or out of control, which can lead them to become in peace with themselves, and ultimately, healing.  Therapists often use fluid paint to help clients experience the sensation of being out of control, which in turn helps them admit their need for sobriety.

Art therapy should be considered as a creative form of nonverbal communication. Language is not always the most effective way to convey the emotions that are uncovered in the recovery process. Art therapy is a necessary addition to traditional talk therapy because it gives clients an alternative way to describe and communicate their feelings.

Art Therapy Doesn’t Require Artistic Talent

You may be discouraged to enter art therapy during substance abuse treatment if you do not have an aptitude for it. However, you do not need to have any art skills to benefit from art therapy. No one is going to judge the quality of your artwork. The purpose of each session is to focus on what your art says about you and your thought process, and how this knowledge can be applied in your drug or alcohol abuse treatment.


But even though art therapy doesn’t require you to possess any artistic talent, the session may bring out the hidden artist within you. Eventually, you may be surprised with your ability to express yourself artistically. Art therapy can even help you discover new things about your character that you may not have known before.

As you continue art therapy as part of your addiction treatment, you will be able to track your progress. Your art will speak for your improved state. Some of the first artwork produced by you might express anger, frustration, fear, and confusion, but as you move forward, you will find healthier ways to express yourself and your paintings will tone down.

Finding an Art Therapy Program


Rehab programs that emphasize the role of holistic therapies are most likely to include art therapy in their recovery services. If you are interested in art therapy, consider visiting Alternative to Meds Center (AMC). Its programming includes the use of art and other therapy modalities to give the client as broad a horizon of recovery as possible.

AMC also offers many other holistic therapies that include acupuncture, yoga and meditation, massage, ionic footbath and many more. These holistic treatments help generate a positive and clean environmental footprint for the body, mind, and spirit.

AMC uses the very best of the medical, psychotherapeutic and holistic worlds to provide clients with the most complete integrative and transformative program offered in the country. The AMC brings the licensed therapists and counselors, doctors from both medical and naturopathic realms, alternative practitioners, acupuncturists, holistic nurses, addiction treatment specialists, and diverse care providers together from around the world to deliver a program capable of delivering recovery to the complex population that they serve.

AMC’s accommodations are luxurious and retreat-like in Sedona, AZ, rather than a sterile and cold institutional type setting. The beauty of nature helps individuals reconnect with the things they love, which is one of the highest forms of healing.

For more information, visit Alternative to Meds Center website.


Cystoscopy: Purpose, Procedure, and Preparation


What is a Cystoscopy?

According to the healthcare company MedicineNet, a cystoscopy is an examination of the inside of the bladder and urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body.

The doctor performing the examination uses cystoscope - a long thin tube with a tiny lens and a light on the end - to insert it into the bladder. The small lens magnifies the inner lining of the urethra and bladder, allowing the doctor to see inside the hollow bladder. Many cystoscopes have extra channels within the sheath to insert other small instruments that can be used to treat or diagnose urinary problems.

Reasons For Having a Cystoscopy

According to the health information site Healthline, the doctor might order cystoscopy if a patient has urinary problems, such as the constant need to urinate or painful urination. A cystoscopy can reveal several conditions, including bladder tumors, stones, or cancer. The doctor can also use this procedure to diagnosis:

  • Blockages
  • Enlarged prostate gland
  • Noncancerous growths
  • Problems with the ureters (tubes connecting your bladder to the kidneys)

A cystoscopy can also be used to treat underlying bladder conditions. The doctor can pass tiny surgical tools through the scope to remove small bladder tumors and stones or to take a sample of bladder tissue.

Other uses of cystoscopy include:

  • Taking a urine sample to check for tumors or infection
  • Inserting a small tube to assist with urine flow
  • Injecting dye so kidney problems can be identified on an X-ray

What Are the Different Types of Cystoscopy?


According to National Health Service (NHS), the UK’s biggest health website, there are two types of cystoscopy:

  • Flexible cystoscopy – a thin (about the width of a pencil), a bendy cystoscope is used and the patient stays awake during the procedure.
  • Rigid cystoscopy - a slightly wider cystoscope that doesn’t bend is used. During the procedure, the patient is either put to sleep, or the lower half of the patient’s body is numbed.

Flexible cystoscopies tend to be done if the reason for the procedure is just to check the inside of the bladder. A rigid cystoscopy may be done if the patient needs treatment for an already existing bladder problem.

How to Prepare For the Cystoscopy


According to Arizona Gynecology Consultants, a clinic specializing in all areas of women’s health, patients should drink plenty of water the day before a cystoscopy. By hydrating, the patient will help flush waste through the bladder, so it is as clean as possible before the examination.

A doctor will typically ask the patient for a urine sample before performing the cystoscopy. At Arizona Gynecology Consultants, patients who have urinary tract infections or weak immune systems may need to complete a round of antibiotics before undergoing a cystoscopy.

Does Cystoscopy Hurt?

According to the Official Foundation of the American Urological Association, after the cystoscope is removed, the patient may be sore and might have a burning feeling for up to 48 hours. At first, the patient might find some blood in her urine, but this should go away within 12 to 24 hours. If the pain remains after the two days of the procedure, the patient should inform the doctor about this.

The experts at Arizona Gynecology Consultants require the use of anesthesia, and different patients may receive different types of anesthesia. If a patient requires general anesthesia, she will likely need to fast for several hours before the cystoscopy. General anesthesia renders a patient completely unconscious, and food in the patient’s stomach can cause life-threatening complication under the effects of general anesthesia.

Other patients may require only a regional or local anesthetic. A dose of regional anesthesia will take the form of an injection in the spine that numbs the patient from the waist down. Local anesthesia will numb only the area of the body that houses the bladder, and the patient will be awake during a procedure. At Arizona Gynecology Consultants, patients who undergo general or regional anesthesia should expect a hospital stay of at least a few hours following a cystoscopy.

Risks of a Cystoscopy

Cystoscopy is usually a very safe procedure and serious complications are rare. Nevertheless, the patients should always speak to the doctor about the possible risks of the procedure before having it.

According to NHS, urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most common complications of a cystoscopy. These are infections of the bladder, kidneys, or small tubes connected to them.

Symptoms of UTI can include:

  • A burning sensation when peeing that lasts longer than two days
  • A fever of 38C (100.4F) or above
  • Pee that smells bad
  • Feeling sick and vomiting
  • Pain in the lower back or side


Patients should contact a doctor if they experience symptoms of UTI.

For more information about cystoscopy, you can visit Arizona Gynecology Consultants and ask medical professionals any questions regarding this procedure.  



Opioid Crisis – Why It Happened and the Signs of an Opioid Overdose


The opioid crisis

The United States is living through an epidemic of opioid abuse. More than 115 people in the United States die from drug opioid overdose every day. The opioids misuse - including prescription pain relievers, heroin, and a synthetic opioid such as fentanyl - is a serious national crisis that affects public health as well as social and economic welfare.

In 2013, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that the total "economic burden" of prescription opioids misuse in the United States is $78.5 billion a year, including the cost of addiction treatments, healthcare and criminal justice involvement.

How did the opioid crisis happen?


In 2010, there were nearly 2.4 million opioid abusers in this country. During the 1992-2000 period, the number of new abusers had increased by 225%. Nearly sixty percent of the opioids is obtained either directly or indirectly through a physician's prescription. Often, doctors are aware that their patients are abusing or selling these medications, but they prescribe them anyway.

For instance, in August of this year, MedPage Today published a California state medical board’s investigation of physicians, nurse practitioners and physicians’ assistants who prescribed opioids for individuals who later overdosed.

Why do doctors overprescribe painkillers while knowing that it can lead to drug addiction? This problem was caused by recent changes in medicine’s philosophy of pain treatment, cultural trends in America’s attitudes toward suffering, and financial disincentives for treating addiction.

Back in the 19th century, doctors spoke against the use of painkillers. Pain, they argued, was a good thing, a sign of physical vitality. Over the past century, the availability of morphine derivatives such as oxycodone (Oxycotin) increased and a paradigm shift has occurred with regard to pain treatment. In contemporary medical culture, nearly all doctors think that treating pain is their mandated responsibility.

Opioid Crisis Statistics


What do we know about the opioid crisis?

  • About 21 to 29 percent of patients who are prescribed opioids for chronic pain misuse them
  • Between 8 and 12 percent develop an opioid use disorder
  • An estimated 4 to 6 percent who misuse prescription opioids transition t heroin
  • About 80 percent of people who use heroin first misused prescription opioids
  • From July 2016 to September 2017, opioid overdoses increased 30 percent in 45 states
  • The Midwestern region saw opioid overdose increase 70 percent from July 2016 through September 2017
  • Opioid overdose in large cities increased by 54 percent in 16 states

Signs of an opioid overdose

It often can be difficult to tell if a person is high, or experiencing an overdose. The list below presents some information on how to tell the difference. However, it is best to treat the situation like an overdose – it could save someone's life.

If someone is high and using downers like heroin or pills:

  • Pupils will contract and appear small
  • Muscles are slack and droopy
  • They might “nod out”
  • Scratch a lot due to itchy skin
  • Speech may be slurred
  • They might be out of it, but they will respond to outside stimulus like loud noises or light shake from a concerned friend

If you are worried that someone is getting too high, it is important that you don’t leave them alone. If the person is still conscious, walk them around, keep them away, and monitor their breathing.

The following are signs of an overdose:

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Unresponsive to outside stimulus
  • Awake, but unable to talk
  • Breathing is very slow and shallow, erratic, or has stopped
  • For lighter skinned people, the skin tone turns bluish purple, for darker skinned people, it tursn grayish or ashen
  • Choking sounds, or a snore-like gurgling noise (sometimes called the “death rattle”) vomiting
  • Body is very limp
  • Face is very pale or clammy
  • Fingernails and lips turn blue or purplish black
  • Pulse (heartbeat is slow, erratic, or not there at all

The information about sings of overdose was taken from Harm Reduction Coalition website.

Treating opioid addiction


Over 2.5 million Americans suffer from opioid use disorder. If you are addicted to painkillers or other drugs, it is crucial that your first step is to seek recovery. Do not try to recover from opioids alone. Opioid withdrawal symptoms are too harsh to handle on your own. Managing opioid addiction is no simply a matter of “getting clean” or stopping all drug use. Typically, the changes that cause opioid dependence will not be corrected right away. In fact, those changes can trigger cravings months or even years after you’ve stopped misusing opioids. That’s why ongoing treatment that includes counseling and behavioral therapy is so important. Consider Bright Future Recovery and their medical drug and alcohol detox services.

Bright Future Recovery sits on a gorgeous acre in Hollister, CA, surrounded by green hills. Having a home-like environment while the individual is undergoing a drug and alcohol detoxing is healing for their minds and body, and will provide them the support they need while they get through the withdrawal symptoms.

Bright Future Recovery also offers church, NA and AA meetings, for those who are religious or want to start sharing their story or simply listening to others. Attending groups is a powerful way of supporting others going through recovery processor.

It’s natural to be nervous before being admitted into a medical detox program. After all, who really prepares for such a thing?

The process of being admitted into Bright Future Recovery typically progresses as follows:

  1. Review the website – especially our Servicesand Facility pages – to make sure Bright Future sounds like the right fit for you or your loved one.
  2. Contact the center either by phone or by emailto inquire about a spot in our facility and to have them check your insurance to see if you’re covered for detox treatment.
    • This is the time where you can also ask about scheduling an intervention if it’s your loved one who needs treatment and you’re having trouble convincing them to accept help.
  3. If everything lines up, as far as payment and an available spot, then you’re clear to head over to the facility. The center can help with travel tips and arrangements if you’re coming from out of town.
  4. Once you get to the center, your first day will include a thorough intake assessment in order to customize your detox program – including whether medication will be needed – and to start building out your extended treatment plan.

For more information, visit Bright Future Recovery website.


Anti-inflammatory diet – a key a healthy life


Our bodies use inflammation to help fight harmful bacteria and also protect us from diseases. In most cases, inflammation plays an important role in the healing process. However, some medical conditions cause faulty inflammatory responses, which are called chronic inflammatory diseases (cancer, heart disease, asthma, Alzheimer’s disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes).

One of the most natural ways a person can take to reduce inflammation is to follow the anti-inflammatory diet. An anti-inflammatory diet contains certain foods and illuminates others to minimize the symptoms of chronic inflammatory diseases.

What is an anti-inflammatory diet?

An anti-inflammatory diet includes foods that prevent inflammatory responses. Such diet replaces sugary, refined foods with whole, nutrient-rich foods.

An anti-inflammatory diet also contains an increased amount of antioxidants, which reduce the number of free radicals in the body. Free radicals are molecules in the body that damage cells and increase the risk of certain diseases.

Many popular diets already follow anti-inflammatory principles. For example, the Meditteranean diet contains fish, whole grains, and healthy fats, all of which are beneficial for the heart. Studies have shown that such diet reduces the effects of inflammation on the cardiovascular system.

What conditions can anti-inflammatory diet help?

Doctors and dietitians often prescribe anti-inflammatory diet as a therapy for different conditions that are worsened by chronic inflammation.

An anti-inflammatory diet can help many conditions, such as

  • Psoriasis
  • Asthma
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Colitis
  • Eosinophilic esophagitis
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Heart disease
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Lupus
  • Hashimoto’s disease

Following the anti-inflammatory diet can also prevent the risk of different types of cancers, including colorectal cancer.

Foods to eat


Although there are many of varieties, some of the most common include

  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries
  • Cherries
  • Raspberries
  • Strawberries

Berries are packed with antioxidants, which have powerful anti-inflammatory effects that reduce your risk of disease.


When you consume berries, your body produces natural killer cells (NK cells), which keep your immune system functioning properly. In a study published by National Institutes of Health (NIH), men who consumed blueberries every day produced significantly more NK cells than those who did not eat the berries.

In another study, obese men and women were given strawberries every day. By the end of the experience, the result showed that the participants had lower levels of certain inflammatory markers associated with heart disease[4].



Needless to say, broccoli is extremely nutritious. Along with cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and kale, broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable, which means that it is associated with a decreased risk of heart disease and cancer[5].

Broccoli is also rich in sulforaphane, an antioxidant that fights inflammation by reducing your levels of cytokines and NF-kb, which drive inflammation.


avocado-close-up-colors-557659Not only avocados are tasty and Instaworthy, but they also offer various beneficial compounds that protect against inflammation and reduce your cancer risk.

Avocados are packed with potassium, fiber, magnesium and heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. They also contain tocopherols and carotenoids, which are linked to reduced cancer risk. Moreover, avocados reduce inflammation in young skin cells.

NIH published a study, in which people consumed a slice of avocado with a hamburger for a certain period. As a result, they had lower levels of the inflammatory markers NF-kb and IL-6 than participants who ate the hamburger without the avocado.

Fatty fish


Tuna, salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines – all these fatty fish hold an abundant amount of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which have anti-inflammatory effects. Although fish contain some omega-3 fatty acids, those mentioned above have the most of it.

When you eat fish, your body metabolizes these fatty acids into resolvins and protectins – compounds which have strong anti-inflammatory effects.

In clinical studies, people who were consuming salmon (EPA and DHA) supplements had decreases in the inflammatory marker C-reactive protein. However, in a different study, people with an irregular heartbeat who took the same supplements experienced no difference in inflammatory markers compared to those who received a placebo.

Green tea


Green tea is one of the healthiest drinks you can have. Green tea reduces inflammation and protects safeguards cells from damage, ultimately helping you to avoid the risk of cancer, Alzheimer’s and heart disease, obesity and other conditions.

Green tea has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, a substance called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), which reduces pro-inflammatory cytokine production and protects your cells from damage.



Turmeric is a spice that is often used in curries and other Indian dishes. It recently became very popular due to its content of powerful anti-inflammatory nutrient curcumin. It reduces the inflammation related to arthritis, diabetes and other diseases.

Turmeric powder is extremely easy to incorporate into your diet. You can add it anywhere – from oatmeal and smoothies to rice and soups. It gives food a beautiful orange color. However, if you want to rip more benefits from this superfood, consider taking turmeric supplements containing isolated curcumin. Curcumin supplements are often combined with piperine, which can boos curcumin absorption by 2,000%.

Alternative treatment   


Following the anti-inflammatory diet is the most natural way to protect yourself from diseases caused by inflammation, one of which, is cancer. Alternative cancer treatments may not play a direct role in curing the disease, but they may help the patient to cope with signs and symptoms caused by cancer and cancer treatments. Synergy Lifestyle Medicine takes an individual approach with every patient. Doctors at Synergy use a variety of specific lab results and genetic biomarkers to help guide optimal treatment for cancer and all chronic disease state.

Synergy uses a wide range of complementary therapies to enhance your immune system to more effectively and efficiently fight cancer and chronic disease. They also offer Fractionated Chemotherapy with Biological Modifiers, a low-dose chemotherapy protocol designed to target cancer cells better while leaving healthy cells intact.



What is Addiction? Sings of Substance Abuse and Compulsive Behavior


Addiction can be defined as a condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing or activity that causes negative consequences for the individual. Often, people assume that addiction refers only to those who have a compulsive need for alcohol or drug. However, there are also those addicted to specific activities, such as shopping, gambling, or eating. It is possible to get addicted to almost anything, and with the growth of the internet and smartphones, experts are warning about the increase of people addicted to social media, online pornography, and gaming.

Below are just a few types of addiction that individuals around the world are struggling with every day.

Substance addiction

Alcohol, legal highs, and illegal drugs are all substances that one can become addicted to. Unfortunately, some people may mistakenly think that those who abuse drugs lack moral principles or willpower and that they could stop their addiction by merely choosing to. In reality, drug addiction is a complex disease, and quitting takes much more than a strong will.

Drugs change the brain in ways that make quitting extremely hard, even for those who want to. Individuals suffering from addiction need a substance in the same way that others need food or water. Moreover, likely to become vacant, irritable and violent when addiction has taken hold.



Alcohol affects everyone differently. Besides violent behavior, heavy drinking can also cause numerous health issues, such as liver damage, heart problems, depression and even brain disorders.

Both men and women are generally advised to not have more than three drinks a day or 14 in a week. Based on your health, you may need to drink less or not at all.


One drink is:

  • 12 ounces of beer
  • 8 ounces of malt liquor (which has more alcohol than beer
  • 5 ounces of wine
  • 1 1/2 ounces of distilled spirits like vodka and whiskey

Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medicine

Normally, people take prescription drugs only for the reason the doctor intended. But the National Institute on Drug Abuse reported that about 28 million adults, which is approximately 20% of the U.S. population, have used prescription drugs for nonmedical reasons.

Over-the-counter medicine can be just as dangerous and addictive as illegal drugs. Most commonly abused prescription drugs include:

  • Opioid pain relievers
  • Stimulants for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Central nervous system depressants for an anxiety
  • Cough and cold medicine that has dextromethorphan, which in high doses can make you feel high.



Once in the body, heroin affects many brain areas, especially those controlling the feelings of pain, and regulating heart rate, sleep, and breathing. Heroin gives the user an instant rush of pleasure. But when it wears off, everything slows down. You’ll move and think more slowly, and you may feel nausea, nervousness, physical and mental fatigue, depression, and severe drug cravings.

Heroin is one of the most addictive drugs. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reported that out of everyone who tries heroin for the first time, nearly one in four become addicted.


blur-bud-cannabis-1466335An increasing number of states had legalized medical uses of marijuana. Many states also allow recreational pot. Although marijuana has a reputation of being harmless, fun substance, it still changes the biochemistry of the brain, sometimes with permanent consequences. A study published in the Hippocampus journal concluded that teenagers who smoked pot every day for three years had “abnormally shaped” hippocampus region when they reached their early 20s. They “performed around 18 percent worse in long-term memory test,” compared to other test subjects who had never smoked marijuana.

Signs of addiction

Drug and alcohol

Alcohol and drug addiction typically start as recreational. The individual drinks or uses in a social setting but as time passes, the user will experience intense cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

Here are just a few of drug addiction signs:

  • Repetitive speech patterns
  • Dilated pupils, red eyes
  • Disrupted sleep patterns
  • Loss of interest in favorite activities
  • Cravings and compulsive using
  • Continues use in the face of adverse consequences

Behavioral addiction


Behavioral addiction refers to several mental health conditions in which a person engages in a particular behavior repeatedly. Just like drug addiction, even though the behavior causes the person harm, they cannot resist engaging in it.

Common behavioral addictions include:

  • Gambling addiction
  • Shopping addiction
  • Hoarding
  • Kleptomania (impulsive stealing)
  • Food addiction
  • Exercise addiction
  • Sex addiction

Signs of addiction

Here are some signs of behavioral addiction, many of which are parallel to the symptoms of drug and alcohol addiction.

  • Spending most amount of your time engaging in the behavior, arranging or thinking about it, or recovering from the effects
  • Becoming dependent on the behavior as a way to cope with distress
  • Continuing despite physical and/or mental harm
  • Not being able to cut back despite wanting to stop
  • Hiding the extent of the problem from family and others close
  • Experiencing symptoms of withdrawal such as depression, irritability, etc. when trying to stop



Yes, addiction is a treatable disorder.

If you or your loved one has any type of addiction, you need to get the best treatment possible. Begin by
contacting an online addiction support community like Emerge And See. Having experience with
addiction firsthand, the Emerge And See is an online resource for substance abuse that will help you find
a treatment center near you. It will give you a clearer picture of the path to recovery.



Investing in Real Estate Without The Heavy Work


If you want to invest in real estate properties, one of the most important criteria (aside from location) is the type of property. While considering a purchase, you need to ask yourself, from which properties you will benefit the most, for example, residential homes, office towers, shopping malls, warehouses, or a combination of any of these.

Every type of real estate has a different set of virtues influencing its performance. You need to conduct thorough research to find out which kind of property will perform well in a market and which won’t. Similarly, you can’t assume one type of property will continue to be a good investment just because it has performed well in the past.

Let’s review some of the options

Broadly speaking, there are four types of income-producing real estate: leased residential, retail, industrial, and offices. There are also other less common types as well, such as hotels, parking lots, seniors care housing, and mini-storage. It is critical that among these investments, you choose the one (or two) that is income producing.

Residential real estate


Real estates are properties such as residential buildings, apartments, condos, vacation houses, and townhouses where a person or family pays you to live. The length of their stay depends on the lease contract they sign with you. Most real estate investors choose the residential real estate to enhance their monthly income though rental earnings. You can also raise the monthly rent for it to be higher than the monthly mortgage – this way you will get you benefits of dividends.

Commercial real estate


The commercial real estate includes mostly office buildings and skyscrapers. They tend to be, on average, the largest property type because of their location in downtown cores and suburban areas.

Besides buying already existing office space, you can also use your savings to construct a small building with individual offices and then lease them out to companies and small business owners. Because commercial reals estate typically involves multi-year leases, it leads to greater stability in cash flow, and even protects the owner when rental rates decline. Moreover, in times of prosperity, offices tend to perform extremely well, because of the increasing demand for space, which causes rental prices to rise for an extended period.

Industrial real estate


The industrial real estate includes everything from industrial warehouses leased to firms as distribution centers over long-term agreements to car washed, storage units and other special purposes real estate that generates sales from customers who temporarily use the facility.

Generally, industrial real estates require smaller average investments, easier to manage and have lower operating costs compared to office and retail counterparts. Moreover, to increase your revenue, you can add significant fee and service revenue, such as coin-operating vacuum cleaners at a car wash.

There are several critical factors to consider in an industrial property to make it functional. You need to estimate the dimensions (ceiling high, width, length) and chose location close to major transport routes (such as railroad or highway), and have a degree of specialization in the space (such as whether it has cranes or freezers). You also need to consider that for some renters, the presence of outdoor yard space is important.

Mixed-use real estate investments


Mixed-use real estate investments combine any of the above categories into a single project and are rapidly becoming one of the most popular assets in the U.S. development. An example would be a small storefront building with apartments above and retail below. It can be a single-family property with a ground floor doctor’s office.

Mixed-use real estate investments are highly popular because they have a degree of built-in diversification, which is important for controlling risk. However, if you are considering investing in such asset, you need to be aware that changing the building’s certificate of occupancy from commercial to residential can be hard. Often, buyers do not inspect the certificate of occupancy and do not realize until after purchasing a building that it was commercial. Be sure to check it before buying any property.

Mixed-use properties can be commonly found in packed areas, such as Manhattan, Atlantic Avenue, Court Street, and Franklin Avenue. These areas are abundant with commercial storefronts topped with apartments.

Hiring a property manager

Many investors who want exposure to rental real estate hire an experienced property manager to do all the heavy lifting. If you do the same, you can get the benefits of being a landlord, without all the hard work.

Here are a few of the benefits a property manager can offer

  1. Tenant screening: an experienced property manager will help ensure tenants are a right fit for the property and that they are compatible with neighboring tenants.
  2. Marketing and advertising: a full-service property management service will have access to several platforms, and possibly a designated team to market any vacancies your property may have. This will offer a significant advantage when it comes to filling your properties quickly and avoiding long vacancies
  3. Maintenance: repair and maintenance expenses are inevitable, whether its basic repairs or emergency failures. An experienced property manager has a network of vendor contacts, as well as the problem-solving skills to find the best solution in a timely manner.
  4. Accounting: financial reporting is the key to measuring a property’s performance. Property managers will provide comprehensive reports including budget vs. actual variance analysis.
  5. Rent collection: having a third party between the owner and tenants is often an effective way to aid the rent collection process. A property manager will consistently follow and enforce the owner's rent collection policy, handle tricky situations and collect late charges
  6. Legal issues: any property may be encumbered by legal issues or subject to code requirements and government regulations. Knowledgeable property managers are familiar with local, state and federal regulations and codes and can help identify compliance issues that may require further legal counsel.

If you want to rip the benefits of hiring a property manager, consider using COBE Real Estate full-service commercial brokerage and property management services. With over 50 years of real estate experience, COBE might be the best solution for your commercial real estate needs. Instead of wasting your own time, visit COBE website and simply inquire about their listings and see which properties are currently on the market.

Property Search

10 Effective Ways to Detoxify Your Home Naturally

Although about 16 million Americans suffer from depression, no one knows what exactly causes it, with theories ranging from high stress to a bad diet and exercise deficiency.  However, recent studies linked depression to a wide array of environmental toxins. Nearly every day of our lives we are exposed to pollution – in our food, air, homes, work, etc. – and over time these toxins accumulate in our system. Try these 10 simple steps to keep your home – and the planet – free of toxins.

Some of these are easy fixes. Others challenge us to re-examine a lifetime of habits.

Say no to pesticides


“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” While it is true that apples, along with other fruits, are very nutritional, many pesticides are lurking on the surface of grown, non-organic foods. However, eating 100% organic is not always realistic. It can be expensive, time-consuming, and inconvenient. Follow the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen list to avoid consuming pesticides. If the crop falls under the Dirty Dozen, it was grown using lots of chemicals, and you should opt for organic whenever possible. If it falls under Clean Fifteen, it is less likely to have pesticide residues and is probably safe to eat.

Clean green


Conventional dish soaps, laundry detergents, dryer sheets, air fresheners, and household cleaners contain harmful for your health chemicals. Ingredients in common cleaning supplies have been linked to cancer, asthma, reproductive disorders, and hormone disruption. When possible, choose fragrance-free brands that are labeled nontoxic. The Environmental Working Group (EWG), one of the most respected nonprofit organizations, has built a great guide to nontoxic cleaners.

Be naturally beautiful


Remember, your skin is the largest organ in your body and since it is porous, it absorbs all the toxins that are in conventional shampoos, soaps, and makeup products.  Instead of buying store lotions, try using almond, jojoba or coconut oil! The key to healthy beauty care is to understand what’s really underneath the lid; here is a fantastic guide from the EWG for non-toxic beauty products.

Ditch Teflon cookware

Generally speaking, Teflon is a safe and stable compound, but at a temperature above 570 F, Teflon coatings on nonstick cookware start to break down, releasing toxic chemicals. Also, once scratched Teflon pans begin an inevitable march toward complete exfoliation. That is, all the Teflon is going to end up in your food, and then inside your body. Instead of using Teflon, try stainless steel, cast iron or nontoxic ceramic.

Cook with healthy oils


The oils you use for coking all have a specific tolerance for heat, called a smoking point. For years we have been misled into thinking that canola oil was healthy. However, canola oil, along with other vegetable oils, is devastating for your health and the environment. Vegetable oil has a low smoking point and releases toxic chemicals when heated up. In contrast, heating up butter, olive oil and lard have a much higher smoking point. Coconut oil produces the lowest levels of harmful chemicals.

Ditch the cans


Many foods and beverages cans are lined with, or contain traceable levels of Bisphenol – A (BPA), a chemical that has been linked in past research to birth defects, heart disease, as well as breast cancer and other health concerns. Children and pregnant women are especially vulnerable to disrupting chemicals. To avoid the hazard, try buying fresh and frozen food when possible or buying cans labeled free from BPA.

Minimize plastic


Many chemicals of concern are found in plastic so it’s a good idea to reduce the amount of it in your home. The majority of plastic products contain vinyl, aka PVS, which has been linked to obesity, earlier puberty, enlarged male breasts, prostate, and other cancers. One way eliminate toxins is to look for a number 7 recycling symbol on the bottom of the item. If the packaging doesn't have a leaf symbol on out, it may contain BPA.

Use plant power

Indoor plants provide a valuable weapon in the fight against the rising level of air pollution. They absorb potentially harmful gases and clean the air inside homes and office buildings. There is even a market for air purifying plants. Peace lily, bamboo palm, gerbera daisy, aloe vera – not only look beautiful but also filter out certain harmful compounds in the air and make it much healthier to breathe. Here is a full list of plans that will detoxify your home and make it cozier[7].

Switch to pure beeswax candles

Even innocent looking scented candles with their warm softy glow have their dirty secrets. Most candles are made of paraffin wax, which releases nasty chemicals when burned, such as benzene, toluene, and ketones, all of which can be found in diesel fuel fumes. To avoid the release of toxins, use beeswax candles. They give off the warm glow and pleasant odor without health hazard.

Leave your shoes at the doorstep

A study group from the Battelle Memorial Institute has found that lawn care chemicals can easily be tracked into the house and researchers from Baylor University showed that people who live near asphalt roads sealed with coal tar have an increased risk of cancer. The toxins are settled inside the house as dust particles, which are brought in on the shoes. Also, the rainwater on the pathway often contains gasoline, and your boots bring these chemicals into your bedroom. So, leave the shoes at your doorstep and throw on a pair of cozy wool socks instead.


It is vitally important to eliminate your house from toxins as much as possible. Studies showed that environmental toxins may alter the brain in ways that set depression in motion. Although antidepressants are often the best solution to battle chronic depression, the American health system is notorious for antidepressant over prescription. Nowadays, unlike three decades ago, doctors prescribe these dangerous medications for non-depression diagnoses, such as anxiety, insomnia, and neuropathic pain. Many people unnecessary take antidepressants and due to the harsh withdrawal symptoms, quickly get addicted. If you have been struggling to quit antidepressants, consider Alternative to Meds Center (ATMC) – a licensed medication withdrawal and addiction treatment in Sedona, Arizona. ATMC doctors address the problem of antidepressant addiction with customized top-shelf programs for nutrition and detoxification but also with medication tapering, counseling, exercise and yoga, supplementation, organic diet, acupuncture, colonics, and a whole host of what is termed environmental medicine. To find more information about this alternative mental health programs, visit ATMC website.


Gun Safe for a Safe house

America's pervasive gun culture stems in part from its colonial history, revolutionary roots, frontier expansion, and the Second Amendment, which states: "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The debate over a gun ownership remains one of the top issues in the US, especially after mass shootings.

I personally think that the gun ownership should remain legal. Although I live in a secured dorm during the school year, when it comes to the summer internships, I can only afford a cheap apartment that is usually located in a high crime neighborhood. Coming back home at night is always nerve-racking. I look at firearms from a preparedness point of view. I believe that owning a firearm is no different than buying fire insurance or a fire extinguisher. While I hope there will never be a need to use either of them, it can be catastrophic not having those items when a time comes.

Revolver gun not secured in a gun safe.

However, despite the vast amount of opinions about the gun ownership, there should be no debate that those who own a gun must also own a gun safe.

Controlling who has access to your guns is fundamental to gun safety.  Burglars are first and foremost but think too about anyone else who may be in your home: children, visitors, babysitters, house-sitters, friends with spare keys, etc. Different types of protection are required depending on the type of gun and who you’re trying to block access to.

Choosing a Gun Safe


How often and under what circumstances you want to access your weapon affects the type of the safe. There are advantages of handgun-size safes, especially when you need a quick access to your weapon. A large safe can also be accessed fairly quickly with optimal placement, but having a handgun safe nearby can save you some time in a break-in situation.

Gun safe with a good lock.

Steel Thickness on a Gun Safe

The thickness of the steel is a significant security factor because the safe should be thick enough to withstand a bullet but not too heavy for transportation and installation. Seven gauge is the minimum thickness of the outer door sheet. The lower the gauge number, the thicker the gun safe is.

Mechanical Dial vs. Electronic Keypad

Gun safes can be fitted with either an electronic keypad-style lock or a conventional dial lock. For the convenience of quick opening, the electronic locks win. Electronic keypads also do not require fine motor skills which can be diminished in a stress situation, permit multiple combinations, and have many optional features. However, for endurance and years of trouble free use, the electronics can't compare with the dial lock. With no batteries to replace the ability to last more than 100 years and a longer warranty are all advantages of mechanical dials.

Pistol laying on a table and not in a gun safe.


Above are just a few factors you need to consider when choosing a gun safe. If you want to learn more information about different safes consider contacting trusted local locksmith Sarasota, where technicians are trained to gain the most knowledge of security technology. Moreover, their professionals have an average arrival and response time of only 15 minutes.  Sarasota locksmith company is fully licensed and insured so you can feel comfortable trusting their work.



Locksmith Sarasota

Facing The Abuse of Drugs in The Corporate World

Corporate people at risk for abuse of drugs

Junkies, prostitutes, homeless, scattered needles – these are the images that come up in our minds when thinking about drug addiction. Addiction affects nearly everyone – either directly or as a person affected by another’s substance abuse.

Mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, doctors, veterans, teachers, bosses, employees, co-workers – these are the titles that also fit the image of a person struggling with substance abuse. Most of the time, we are not even aware that someone we know is facing such life obstacle. People tend to believe that those with addiction are easy to spot because their lives are collapsing and destructing around them. However, the established stigma around the drug abuse is what prevents the employees and coworkers to seek help and openly talk about their problem.

The Dunes East Hampton Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Workplace Infographic

Working “Functioning” alcohol and drug addicts

A 'functioning addict' can be defined as someone who is considered successful in life yet hides the excesses of their alcohol or drug use. An example of this would be an alcoholic or drug addict who might have a good job, a secure home life and be respected in the community. You might probably think, “This ‘person’ is more successful than I am. How could he/she possibly have an addiction?” That’s the point. Conventional stigmas in the workplace do not accurately portray a person with an addiction. Only when an employee’s addiction spins out of control (which it will eventually), then his/her struggles become apparent to others.

Of course, many will try to go great lengths to hide the symptoms and signs of their self-destruction because they want to avoid being labeled with the stigma of addiction. And it is understandable. While addiction and its symptoms are multi-faced, many of us still see this disease through a single lens – the one that usually depicts a person as either immoral or too defective to live a fully-functioning human life.

Drugs in the workplace

Employees are the company’s grease asset. They play a vital role in the company’s success. But what happens when these employees are caught in the deadly trap of illicit drug and/or alcohol consumption?

The statistics speak for themselves.

According to the facts from 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health:

  • Of the 22.4 million of current illicit drug users aged 18 or older, 15.4 (68.9 percent) were employed either full or part time
  • For employed adults, aged 18 or older, the rate of alcohol use was higher (65.8 percent) as compared to unemployed adults (53.8 percent)
  • Most binge and heavy alcohol users were employed. Out of 58.5 million adult binge drinkers, 44.5 million (76.1 percent) were employed full or part time. Out of 16.2 million heavy drinkers, 12.4 (76.0 percent) were employed.

It should be of a great concern for employers to address this health issue appropriately and compassionately. Hiding an addiction can be more costly to business or company than having the employee seek and receive help for it right away.

For instance, a single addicted employee creates problems for:

Employers: According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, drug abuse costs employers $81 billion annually.

Coworkers: absences, withdrawal from responsibilities, concentration difficulties, excessive breaks during work hours, often poor decision-making adds more workload on the shoulders of colleagues. They have to work longer hours and sometimes face odd behavior of their struggling coworker.

Family: family members are the first ones to bear the consequences. An addiction brings in negativity and impacts everyone’s personal and professional lives.

Workplace: when everyone shows up on time daily and do a great work, there is a sense of community among the employees. When everyone puts in the same effort, there is a sense of unity in the office.

An employee struggling with addiction can bring more stress among the co-workers, therefore lowering the group productivity and slowing down the enthusiasm.

Spotting the Signs of Addiction at the Workplace

Workers taking abusing drugs to relieve anxiety.

Often, addicts are experts at lying and hiding their tracks, which is why they can be tough to be spotted in the workplace even when bosses and co-workers are on the lookout for clues. Nevertheless, there is a number of visible signs that can indicate a substance abuse problem in an employee. While none of these signs is a proof of anything by itself, if a worker shows two or more of these behavioral characteristics, the chance that this person is overindulging in drugs or alcohol is fairly substantial.

According to the Forbes article about workforce addiction, the most prominent signs of abuse include:

  • Frequent tardiness or unexplained absences
  • Inconsistent on-the-job performance
  • Frequent small accidents resulting in minor injuries or broken objects
  • Unusual physical symptoms or behaviors (unsteady gait, hyperactive/manic activity, sudden weight loss, dental problems, wearing long sleeves on hot days, etc.)
  • A sudden lack of concern over personal appearance and hygiene
  • Paranoia or overreaction to criticism or helpful suggestions
  • An unwillingness to talk about hobbies, family life, or personal interests in someone who was forthcoming before
  • Lower levels of productivity in the morning; a general sluggishness when first reporting to work
  • Bloodshot eyes, or bags under the eyes indicating a lack of sleep

Drug & Alcohol Rehab Center: Helping Employees in the Addiction Battle

If you know someone who you think needs help abandoning harmful habits, consider taking this person to The Dunes East Hampton drug and alcohol rehab center. It has more than 350 years of collective sobriety. Their management and clinical staff members know, from their own experience, the fears, anxieties, and resistance that drug and alcohol addicts face when confronted with having to go into a recovery facility.

Unlike other treatment facilities, The Dunes rehab treatment in NY is designed to address the unique needs of executives and other professionals with demanding careers. For people in highly visible roles, where reputation is everything, The Dunes respect their privacy and care about the clients' discretion. Unlike other facilities that cut residents off completely from the outside world during rehab, The Dunes allows outside contact during certain times to take care of urgent business.

For more information, visit their website.


Lock up – Why Is It Important To Have A Good Home Lock?

Green door with home lock.

When most people think of home security, they think alarm systems, video cameras, and motion detectors. These are important tools to improve the safety of the house, but perhaps the most critical component is something that many forget to consider – locking the door.

Locking the door is your first defense against intruders. It’s a simple thing that prevents you from a life-threatening danger.

A news outlet from Michigan reported that a few years ago, several University of Michigan students experienced numerous off-campus apartment robberies, all of which were carried out by the same man. He robbed houses while students were at school. All of the victims reported to have had their front doors unlocked at the time of the incident.

Even though locked door certainly might make some burglars to re-consider their attempt to break-in, most intruders will still find their way into the house. According to York Dispatch, just last week, a New York University student suffered a gunshot in his off-campus apartment while struggling with two intruders who broke his front door lock.

Although in both cases, it was up to students to choose whether to lock their doors or not, it is up to a real estate agents of these off-campus housings to choose the proper door lock.

Growing a business as a realtor near a campus area means a constant flow of costumers seeking to flee the dorms. With a growing number of students each year, a college will ensure prosperity

to a nearby real estate agency. That is why it is important to ensure the installation of quality locks that will last for many years and will protect the property against the break-ins.

Are the current home locks worth keeping?


Before upgrading security system, it is important to note the quality of the current lock. According to the ABC Locksmith Company, locks are given an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) rating of Grade 1, Grade 2 or Grade 3. Grade 1 locks provide basic residential security and most often used in public schools, hospitals, or any building with heavy traffic. Grade 2 door locks are usually used for light commercial applications where the traffic is low. Grade 3 are the highest grade locks and are used for both residential and commercial use. A Grade 3 lock will work properly for at least seven years of use.

Other steps to improve home security

Securing a front door with a high rated lock is the first defense against burglary, but there are also additional ways to which the apartment can be secured. For example, the real estate agent can order to replace cheap hollow core doors with solid wood or metal doors. Hollow core doors should only be used for interior spaces but not for exterior entries. Steel doors are surprisingly affordable and can protect the living space not only from the unwanted guests but also the environmental surroundings.

It is well known how important it is for every business establishment to have a high level of security. If you are looking to establish a high level of security in the apartments, look no further than ABC Locksmith Company, which has several different branches of service, each of which strives to exceed customers’ expectations and provide them with the highest level of security possible 24 hours a day.

Locksmith Clearwater