Understanding Sexual Addiction


Although sex is considered a natural part of life, it can produce negative consequences when it is taken to an extreme. Sexual addiction, also known as a hypersexual disorder is a condition in which an individual cannot manage their sexual behavior. Persistent sexual thoughts affect their ability to work, fulfill their daily activities, and maintain relationships.

There is a debate about whether sex addiction exists in the same way as other addiction. Many people struggle to adopt a notion that a person struggling with sex addiction struggles just as much as a drug addict to control their behavior. This article will shed some ling on this addiction.

What is sex addiction?

adult-art-beauty-326585According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine sex addiction can be defined as a “primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory, and related circuitry.”

An individual with sexual addiction has an abnormally intense sex drive. Sexual activity dominates their thoughts to the point when it interferes with other activities and interactions. If these urges become uncontrollable, the person can have difficulty functioning in social situations.

It is not yet clear to doctors whether compulsive sexual behavior should be viewed as an addiction similar to drug addiction. Many people feel that such a diagnosis would shame people who enjoy having a lot of sex with multiple partners. Many people strongly believe that hypersexuality as a disorder is real but should not use addiction language and should be described using non-moral terms.


Some attempts to define the characteristics of sexual addiction have been based on a chemical imbalance in the brain since sexual addiction may share the same rewards system and circuits as substance addiction.

However, individuals struggling hypersexuality may be addicted to different types of sexual behavior. This makes the condition harder to define. It also suggests that the disorder doesn’t come from the individual acts, but rather from an obsession to carry them out.

According to the Fifth Avenue Psychiatry, a unique, private psychiatric practice in New York, activities associated with sexual addiction may include:

  • Compulsive masturbation
  • Constant use of pornography
  • Multiple affairs
  • Multiple or anonymous sexual partners
  • Obsessive dating via personal ads
  • Computer sex (cybersex)
  • Prostitution or use of prostitutes
  • Sexual harassment
  • Unsafe sex

According to professional psychiatrists at the Fifth Avenue Psychiatry, a sex addict generally gets little satisfaction from the sexual activity and avoids an emotional bond with sex partners. Most of the time, the addiction leads to feelings of guilt and shame.

Studies have shown a strong connection between alleged sexual addiction and risk-taking. According to Psychology Today,  Sexual addiction may cause a person to persist in taking risks even if there negative health consequences, such as sexually transmitted infection (STI), physical injury, or emotional consequences.


argument-bench-breakup-984949The causes of sexual addiction remain unclear.

Addiction takes root in the reward center of the brain and may occur when it mistakes pleasure responses for survival mechanisms.

The midbrain is the section of the brain that is responsible for the body’s reward system and survival instincts. Sexual addiction creates a rush of dopamine, the “happy” chemical in the brain, which ultimately triggers the feeling of pleasure. The midbrain then mistakes this feeling of pleasure as being central to survival.

It is also possible that in people with sexual addiction, the frontal cortex, or the brain’s center of logic and morality, is impaired by the midbrain. For example, a recent study on rats has linked lesions of a section of the brain called the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) with compulsive behavior. This may shed some light on the causes of hypersexuality in humans.

Some studies have also shows that most people with addicvitve sexual behavior come from dysfunctional families. A person struggling with hypersexuality is more likely to have been abused than other people. Similarly, a significant number of people recovering from sexual addiction have reported some type of addiction among family members. It can occur alongside another addiction.

Misconceptions About Sex Addiction

Misconceptions about sex addiction are very common in our society. People often develop opinions on sex addiction based on their exposure to television and other types of media or through word-of-mouth conversations within friend groups.

It is important to understand clear facts about sex addiction in order to allow struggling individuals to get the help they need as they recognize the consequences of their out-of-control sexual behaviors.

Some of the common sex addiction misconceptions include:

1. These people just have a high sex drive. It is not a sexual addiction.

bed-bedroom-blanket-545015It is true that some people enjoy a high frequency of sexual activity. However, their sexual drives and appetites do not interfere with their daily activities or social life. Many people who have high sex drives are in monogamous relationships with positive intimacy.

Meanwhile, someone who suffers from out-of-control sexual behaviors arranges their daily life around their sexual compulsions. They often live a life of secrecy and may spend hours thinking, preparing, fantasizing and acting on their sexual impulses. As a result, their work, relationships, and families suffer.

2. People who cheat in their relationships are sex addicts

It is always damaging and painful when couples experience infidelities or affairs in their relationships. Even if a person has acted outside of the relationship on or several times, he or she may not be a sex addict. It is common for a hurt partner to grasp at the “sex addict” and project that on their partner out of resentment and anger. In this way, the betrayed partner justifies the issue to make sense of the trauma he or she is facing.

3. Sex addiction is an excuse for having sex

adults-barefoot-bed-1246960Probably the biggest misconception is that sexual addiction is the only explanation for unacceptable sexual behavior. In fact, it is not uncommon for people with sexually addictive behavior to suffer from mental health issues, such as anxiety, obsessive compulsion, bipolar disorder, depression, and various other mental health issues. It is important for therapists to evaluate thoroughly for both mental health symptoms and out-of-control sexual behaviors. By implementing a holistic and individualized treatment approach, individuals who exhibit unhealthy sexual impulses, as well as other issues, can experience a well-wounded and resilient recovery from all of their painful symptoms.


If you believe you or someone close to you could benefit from treatment, it is normal to have questions about how to find the best sex addiction treatment facility.  One of the most important factors to consider is whether the facility you consider, such as Fifth Avenue Psychiatry specializes in the treatment of sex addiction. This is critical due to the fact that sex addiction varies so significantly from other types of addiction. It is also vital to ask questions about the treatment methods offered. Also, ask about the center’s success rate. If you are concerned about your privacy while you are in the treatment, make it a point to inquire about the facility’s privacy policy and the steps the center takes to ensure the privacy of patients.

You shouldn’t feel any shame in admitting you suffer from sex addiction. Help is now far more readily available than it has been in the past. Sex addiction treatment programs can help you take back control of your life and learn how to develop healthy sexual relationships that are free from compulsive behavior.



‘Krokodil’ Or The Deadliest Drug In The World


Desomorphine, known by the street name “krokodil” is an opioid derivate of codeine. Like heroin and other opioids, it has a sedative an analgesic effect and highly addictive. People who inject this drug into their veins always develop severe skin problems, infections, and gangrene. The skin becomes discolored, sale-like, which resembles crocodile, hence the street name “krokodil.” Krokodil is also called “Russian Magic,” referring to its short duration of opioid intoxication (euphoria)

Krokodil is the worst drug in the world. Worse than cocaine, worse than heroin, worse than meth, worse than acid. It even makers crack look appealing, and that’s instance. Krokodil’s origins are among Russia's poorest communities where it arose as a cheap alternative to heroin. This article will tell more about the danger of this drug.

Why is it called Krokodil?

addiction-antibiotic-capsules-159211The drug krokodil gets its name from the fact that the caustic drug causes an addict’s skin to become green, scaly and bumpy, similar to a crocodile’s. If the drugs miss a vein and are injected into the skin, that skin will develop abscesses. It is common for addicts to develop gangrene and require amputations. The flesh on some body parts affected by krokodil injection will tor off completely, leaving bare bone.

Withdrawal symptoms are savage and are much more than heroin. Heroin causes pain and sickness for days, but withdrawal from krokodil can result in a month of unbearable pain. Doctors dealing with addicts say that this is might be the stronger level of addiction and the hardest to cure. If a person does manage to get clean from krokodil, they may be left with permanent damage like a speech impediment, vacant glaze, and erratic movements.

What are the side effects?

According to the reports, the krokodil drug acts fast, within 2 to 3 minutes, and 1- to 15 times more potent than morphine, and 3 times as toxic. After a rapid onset, the euphoric effects may last less than two hours. Because of such short duration of the extasy, many users find themselves in a rapid repetition of drug use to avoid withdrawal symptoms that resemble heroin. And due to the drug’s rapid onset by the short duration of action and frequent administration, quick physical dependence may occur.

100-ziotych-addiction-bills-47327There have been multiple news reports about people using this drug in the United States. Those who use krokodil develop extreme skin ulcerations, infections, and scale-like skin. The most common complications reported thus fat from krokodil injection appears to be the severe vein damage, soft tissue infections, and horrible gangrenes. According to one of the CNN reports, the localized soft tissues effects occur relatively quickly after the use of this drug. There have been cases of amputations. It also appears that ulcerations may occur locally at the injection place but also at remote areas of the body. The organ or nervous system damage is also a common side effect of krokodil.

According to the independent medicine information website, reported health hazards due to krokodil injection use include:

  • Reported health hazards due to krokodil injection use include:
  • Blood vessel damage (thrombophlebitis)
  • Open ulcers, gangrene
  • Skin and soft tissue infections
  • Need for skin grafts and surgery
  • Limb amputations
  • Pneumonia
  • Blood poisoning
  • Meningitis
  • Rotting gums or tooth loss
  • Blood-borne virus transmission (HIV and HCV due to needle sharing)
  • Bone infections (osteomyelitis) and osteonecrosis
  • Speech and motor skills impairment
  • Memory loss and impaired concentration
  • Liver and kidney damage
  • Overdose
  • Powerful respiratory depressant effect
  • Death

Animal studies in rats have demonstrated cardiac congestion, necrosis at the injection site, and kidney toxicity.

Is krokodil addictive?

Addiction is an obvious problem with krokodil use due to its short effect duration and very high opioids potency. Frequent administration may lead to binge patterns that can last for days. Users are at very high risk for exhaustion due to sleep deprivation, speech problems, and memory loss. Even more, variations of homemade recipes can put users at increased risk of overdose.

Another, not so obvious risk of krokodil use is that those who are afflicted with gangrene and other side effects may delay seeking much-needed medical treatment due to fear of legal action. Moreover, the desire for continued krokodil administration to prevent withdrawal effects may prevent users from asking for help.

Devastating consequences

Desomorphine is very cheap, partly because of the availability of codeine but also because making it is relatively simple; people attempt it at home without the use of a properly-equipped laboratory.

Usually, the codeine is prepared with readily obtained chemicals, including paint thinner, codeine, hydrochloric and phosphorus. Needless to say, it is a very dangerous mix. Addicts usually cook the drug in their own kitchens and typically don't even bother to purify the resulting substance, which greatly makes the drug even more dangerous than it already is.

Users inject their umpire desomorphine - and if they miss the vein, the injection will rot the skin and the person will end up with abscess and dead flesh. Also, needle sharing may be responsible for spreading HIV and hepatitis C. Typically addicts often die within two to three years.

There are many dangerous drugs out there. TestCountry, a professional provider of drug testing kits gives a long, descriptive list of other dangerous drugs and the consequences of their use. One of those drugs is krokodil. As you have read, the appearance of one’s skin after using this drug often resembles that as a crocodile, hence the nickname of this drug has acquired. Anyone who is taking this or any other dangerous drug should recognize the problem and seek out immediate drug rehab help. As mentioned above, most of krokodil users have a fatal reaction within the first few years of the first use. The severe health complications occur within the first couple of uses.




My Insta Worthy dishes!


My 2019 New Year resolution was to learn how to cook… like a true chef! It has been my longtime dream to create tasty, Instaworthy foods but I never tried to achieve my goal since I am always concentrated on school work. So, to keep myself motivated, I will post pictures of my cooking progress. Here are some dishes that I served to myself throughout January.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day... And the tastiest!

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Steel-cut oatmeal with cranberries, blueberries, raisins, and ghee butter. Served with unsweetened cocoa.


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Goat cheese frittata with chives, mushroom and smoked salmon.


Appetizer time!

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Pan-seared tuna with seagrass and soy sauce. Spent weekly salary preparing this dish... totally worth it.


Goodbye, boring salads!

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Lettuce with fried carrots, onions, baby potatoes and kale.


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Lettuce salad with mozzarella, cherry tomatoes, and balsamic vinegar glaze.



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Milk chocolate fondant with vanilla ice cream. Classic.


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Cheesecake. I did not actually cook it, but that is what I aspire to make!


5 Clever Tricks Car Salesmen Use That You Need to be Aware Of


Purchasing a car in a complicated and involved process. For many customers, it involves months of research and planning. Approximately 48% of us spend between one and three months shopping before we a make a purchasing decision, while 83% of us conduct online research before buying a car. While after this painstaking research, you might find a deal with a shiny new vehicle, the process of finding the right car is frustrating. Consumers say that one oft their major frustrations when purchasing a car is dealing with salespeople.

Sales is an art, science, and some may even describe it as a game. The salesman’s goal is to persuade you that a product will improve the quality of your life, make daily tasks easier, save you time and money, or provide you with a handful of benefits you cannot get elsewhere.

Over the years, the car salesmen have gained somewhat of a bad reputation. Although most car salespeople are just like other workers; simply want to perform well at their jobs and make decent money, there are some car salespeople who do have a few tricks up their sleeves. Many of them are trained to coax customers into impulse buying and making customers spend a little more than they originally planned. Discover bellow a few car salesmen tricks and information on how to get the upper hand when buying a car.

2. Clever Wordplay

A lot of car salesmen use clever working to persuade you into buying a car. Rather than asking “Can I help you today?” or “How can I help you today?” the salesperson may choose to say, “Are looking for a sedan or an SUV today?” or “What type of vehicle you are planning to buy?” These questions leave little room for you to respond with, “I’m just looking around, I don’t need any help right now.”


A lot of times people who arrive at the dealership don't know exactly the model they are going to purchase. While looking around the lot, you may spot a model you like and ask the salesperson to tell you more about it. The salesperson will highlight the car’s best features, showing the car in only the best light. He or she might say that the previously, the car “had only one owner, an elderly couple,” but he or she may not tell you that this couple hated the car for a specific reason. And when you ask about the price, you are most likely going to hear “fourteen nine, nine, nine,” as opposed to “fourteen thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine dollars.” That makes the price sound lower in your head.

While you are at the dealership, don’t be afraid to say no to a salesperson. If you want to look around all by yourself, just ask if you may do so. Also, bring your mobile device and do your own research on the spot. If you are considering to buy a used vehicle you can visit websites like USA Auto and find out how to choose the right car or truck.

2. Paying Coy With Prices

If you hear that a car costs $27,999 it may sound like something you cannot afford. But hearing monthly payments of $400 per month may sound a bit better to you. By obscuring the real price of the car, the car salesman can make an expensive vehicle seem within reach. They can also stretch out the payments therefore getting you to spend more.


Most dealers will avoid telling you unpleasant things such as fees, trade value, and interest rate. Instead, they will focus on the monthly payment and make sure it is something you feel comfortable with. In reality, they are likely charging you too much for the loan, not giving you enough for your trade, and packing in a few additional fees to bump up their profits.

Your best defense against his tactic is preparation. Before coming to the dealership, you should know both how much you can afford to spend each month on your vehicle and how much you want to spend in total. Then, make sure to stay under both of these numbers.

3. Too-good-to-be-true Deals

A salesperson may advertise a great deal on a new vehicle. However, car salesmen reel you in with bargain prices, but they don’t mention that they only have two or three cars available at that price or that you will have to have nearly perfect credit to qualify for the most advantageous terms. This is a trick to get you in the door. Once they get you in, there is a likelihood that the skilled salesman can get you in a car even if it isn’t the one you want, instead of you walking out without one.

4. Hiding The Vehicle’s History


Car salesmen may alter car’s title to hide that it was previously salvaged. Usually, the car business can get away with this by transporting vehicles to a state where titles are recorded differently. Then, the vehicle can be sold for much more than it is worth if people realized it was wrecked or flooded. If you want to buy a used vehicle, considering visiting a website such as USA Auto, which offers a variety of reliable used cars, trucks, and SUVs.

5. Playing to Your Emotions

Some clever salespeople may make it a point to tell you how great you look driving the vehicle and even use a large mirror to show what looks like in the driver’s seat. He or she may also pay close attention to what features are important to you, and then highlight them on each vehicle thereafter. For example, if you inquire about the car’s safety, the salesperson may tell you all of the wonderful safety features the next car has to offer.

Make sure that when you examine each vehicle, you remember why you came to the dealership in the first place. Focus on the long-term benefits and remember that you are making a large purchase that involves a level of commitment. Don’t be fooled by flash.


USA Auto

Social Media Effects on Teens’ Mental Health


No matter what you did today on your computer or phone, it is very likely that social media was involved. Perhaps, you caught up with your friends on Facebook, updated your status in Twitter or shared a photo of your pets on Instagram?

Statistically, you are more likely to use social media than not. According to the data collected by Statista from 2008 to 2018, approximately 77% of all Americans have a social media profile of some kind.

However, despite the increasing number of social media platforms, there is a remarkable lack of clear data about how they affect us personally: our behaviors, our social relationships, and our mental health. In many cases, the information that is available doesn’t look very promising.

Studies have linked the use of social media to depression, insomnia, anxiety, lower self-esteem, inattention, and hyperactivity  – most often in teens and adolescents. The list of side effects goes on. However, these studies are almost entirely of an observational or correlational nature, meaning they don’t prove whether or not one is causing the other.

A common argument against the theory that social media causes individuals to feel more depressed and lonely is simply that those who are more depressed and lonely are more inclined to use social media as a way of reaching out.

Does Social Media Cause Depression? 

A recent study published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology concluded that there is, in fact, a causal link between the frequent use of social media and negative effects on well-being, primarily depression and loneliness. The researchers said this is the first time a causal link has been established in scientific research.


The study included University of Pennsylvania 143 students.  The participants were randomly assigned to one of two groups: one that would significantly limit use of social media and the one that would continue their social media habits as usual.

During the three weeks, the experimental group had their social media use reduced to 30 minutes per day. To keep these experimental conditions, researchers tracked the phone usage data, documenting how much time was spend on each app every day. All the study participants had to use iPhones.

The results were clear: the group of participants that used less social media, even though it wasn’t completely eliminated, had better mental health outcomes. Baseline readings for participants were taken at the beginning of the trial in several areas of well-being: social support, loneliness, anxiety, fear of missing out, self-esteem, autonomy, and self-acceptance.

adult-business-meeting-business-people-1438072At the end of the trial, those in the experimental group experimented both loneliness and depressive symptoms decline, with the large changes happening in those who reported greater levels of depression.

Meanwhile, both groups saw a decline in levels of anxiety and fear of missing out, which the researchers posit as a potentially coming from users simply becoming more aware of their social media use by participating in the experiment

Our busy lives

How could systems designed to make our communication easier and bring us closer to our friends and family be bad for our mental health?

Very much like the algorithm that powers your Facebook, it is complicated.  A professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, Oscar Ybarra, Ph.D., has published a piece on the relationship between Facebook and certain mental health outcomes.


He notes that even if individuals are aware of the “curated” nature of many online platforms, “they nevertheless feel like their life is stacking up compared to what these people are presenting.  These constant “upward social comparisons” can happen hundreds of time each day, depending on how frequently you check your social media feeds.


Depression in Millennials: Stats

A study published in the Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research showed that millennials struggling with depression aren’t being helped by their use of Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat. Researchers found that college students who have been diagnosed with the major depression tend to use social media more often.

Young adults are more likely to use social media in ways that exacerbate of highlight their depression or insecurities. For example, depressed young adults are more likely to compare themselves to other people on social media who appear better off than them.

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Depressed young adults are also more likely to be bothered if tagged in an unflattering picture, less likely to post pictures of themselves with other people, and more likely to self-censor what they posted to avoid the judgment of others. The depression can have a variety of dangerous outcomes. Behaviors that indicate depression and/or suicidal ideation are included.

According to the Echo Recover  – a nonprofit addiction recovery foundation – here are some facts regarding anxiety and depression in adolescents and young adults.

  • Suicide is the second-leading cause of death in people aged 10-24 years old
  • American students in grades 7 through 12 make an average of 5,240 suicide attempts per day
  • More people die of suicide than homicide in the U.S.
  • Only 30 percent of depressed teens are getting treatment
  • Suicide-related behavior among American teens has steadily increased from 2009 to 2017

Another study conducted by Jean Twenge, Ph.D., professor of psychology at San Diego State University, shows that 5 times as many high school and college students deal with anxiety now than the same age group during the Great Depression.

The FOMO is Real

Fear of missing out, or FOMO, is another mental health effect that has been strongly linked with the use of social media.

buildings-cellphone-city-901944Although a relatively new phrase often attributed to millennial ennui, psychologists say it has real social significance. Amy Summerville, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at Miami University in Ohio, is an expert on issues of regret and the psychology of “what might have been.”

She explains that FOMO is an extension of larger issues of inclusion and social standing. Once our basic needs are met, like food, shelter, and water, the need for inclusion and social interaction ranks right up there.

Toady’s ubiquitous use of social media and technology has created a world in which we can gaze into our own crystal ball and see what our friends are doing at almost any time of the day. And that is not necessarily a good thing. Social media use can harm your mental health, especially when it is used more frequently. Setting limits and sticking to them can help minimize these effects.



Outbound Marketing vs Inbound Marketing – Which Is More Effective?


If you have been following marketing trends, you might have heard people throwing around terms such as “inbound marketing” and “outbou

nd marketing.” What do these terms really mean?

Marketing professionals are not strangers to making up words: if your job depended on convincing people to buy things using language. Inbound and outbound marketing are two terms embody a kind of cultural shift in the entire concept of hos marketing works across channels.

What is outbound marketing?

Outbound marketing used to be known as just “marketing.” It pushes itself at an audience, whether the audience wants it or not. Radio and TV ads, banner and display ads, telemarketing, billboards, newspaper and magazine ads, cold calling, pop-ups, and contextual ads are all examples of outbound marketing. Outbound marketing has fallen out of favor in the last ten years.

Oversaturation of ads, especially on the internet, caused people to ignore display advertising.

Since the creation of the ad blocker, it has only gotten worse. Clickthrough rates for display ads are not at a dismal 0.05%, and according to Hubspot’s State of Inbound 2017, marketers consider paid advertising like print, outdoor, and broadcast to be the most overrated marketing tactic.

What is Inbound marketing?

Inbound marketing is a relatively new marketing concept where marketers try to draw in potential customers with interesting content. It is also frequently called content marketing and other content that people actually want to read. Search engine optimization pad discovery and paid search help people find marketers’ content. If it is engaging enough, they interact with it, sharing and reading, and have a positive impression of the brand that influences later purchasing decisions.


Inbound marketing is very hands-off and indirect: there is never a noticeable sales pitch. Inbound marketing increases customers’ engagement with the brand by nudging them down the sales funnel. Inbound marketing is becoming more popular because it goes together well with internet marketing. According to the Addiction-Rep, a branding and lead generation agency, internet-based channels have become the preferred method of marketing for many companies across the U.S. – an beyond.

Inbound vs Outbound marketing

To review, here are the differences between inbound and outbound tactics.


•    Pulls in interested readers

•    Written for the customer’s needs

•    Draws in customers

•    Interactive and fluid

•    Is part of content consumption

•    Natural habitat: blogs, social media, opt-in

•    Email marketing campaigns

•    Search engine optimization

•    Influencer marketing


•    Pushes at everybody, regarding of interest

•    Written for the product’s needs

•    Iner, one-way

•    Seeks out customers

•    Disrupts content consumption

•    Natural habitat: display ads, billboard, telemarketers scripts, TV ads, magazines

What’s more effective, Inbound or Outbound marketing?

Inbound marketing seems to be the best fashionable marketing choice right now. According to Hubspot’s State of Inbound 2017, 71% of companies globally reported that they are primarily focused on inbound. Certainly inbound provides a better ROI: inbound marketing efforts are 62% less expensive than outbound.

On the down side, inbound’s effectiveness can be hard to measure. Since the inbound strategy depends on raising brand awareness, providing value, and not giving the hard sell, it is often difficult to quantify exactly how well your strategy is working. The biggest criticism of outbound marketing traditionally has been that it is expensive, not responsive and isn’t targeted at a specific audience. You end up spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on a TV ad, send it out into the world and just hope for the best.


Things like retargeting pixels and contextual ads allow Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google display ads and target specific users based on what they are interested in. The outbound marketing nowday has untapped potential and gets around ad blockers. Unlike outbound marketing of the past, it incorporates inbound’s strategy of showing users things they specifically will find helpful or interesting.

Today, many companies apply a combination of smart inbound strategy and retargeting outbound display ads. Retargeting can work solely with inbound, too. Of course, like anything in marketing, you will have to find a mix that works for your potential customers.

What is the inbound methodology?

A good inbound strategy involves creating content that appeals to your desired reader and then helps them find it through search, social, and discovery. To get started, you will have to create buyer personas: who are the people you want to draw to this content? What are they looking for? What kind of things do they like? After that, craft a solid SEO strategy. How will this audience find you? What content management system will you use? Will you pay extra for a beautiful custom web design? Will you install the best free WordPress plugins? Will you promote your content on discovery networks such as Outbrain Amplify? Will you push it to your social? How often will you post? A lot of this stuff you will figure out as you experiment. After all, it is all about creating your content and putting in out into the world.

Make sure you build a way to asses the success of your efforts. Before you do anything, figure out a specific idea of what success would look like for your content, and have a way of measuring that. Metrics will drive what you do going forward. A successful marketing strategy involves dynamic changes based on the data you collect about your content. If that sounds too impersonal, think off of this way: figure out what your people want, and give it to them.



Finding the right marketing strategy for you

At the end of the day, the best marketing strategy for your business will be the one that works. Always try new things while you continue to do the world things that are working. You should analyze your data frequently and always be aware of any changes. Remember, audiences change, too. If a strategy worked last year, it might not work this year. Consumers quickly get tired of seeing the same thing, and marketers can bring few methods into the ground, robbing them of their usefulness. The mix of outbound and inbound marketing will most likely change with time as technology adds new features and ways of connecting with people. With this in mind, the most important strategy will always be: experiment, measure, repeat.



The Best Tips For Administering Medication To Your Pet


Giving your pet medications probably isn’t the best part of your relationship. In the best-case scenario, you hide the pill in a treat and your loving pet never even notices it. However, for many owners, the process of giving their pets medications is rather an unpleasant alternative. To make the process easier for both you and your pet, follow “20 tips on giving your pet medication” infographics, designed by the Compounding Pharmacy of America. However, before you start applying the medication there you, as a responsible owner, need to know about what is giving to your pet.

So, let’s first talk about the types of medications you may see and how they are administered.

Giving Pills Or Capsules

Pills and capsules are the most commonly prescribed types of medications and can range from pain medications to antibiotics. There are a few important things to remember about pills or capsules. First, unless directed, they should never be crushed, cut or dissolved. The coating on the pills is designed to wear off in your pet's digestive system and let the medication out in the area that it will be absorbed best. Cutting or removing the coating will cause the medicated to be released to be released too early, and it will not work as effectively as it is intended to.


Second, giving medicine “twice a day” doesn’t mean “twice a day whenever you remember.” Timing on medication is vital; doses are spaced to keep the medication level in your pet’s blood high enough to ease the pain or kill the infection but low enough to not have a toxic effect. Giving medicine twice a day means giving it every 12 hours, three times a day means every eight hours, and so on. Controlling pain or properly curing an infection depends on timing, while timing depends on you.

Third, every animal reacts differently to taking medications. Talk to your veterinarian and ask him to demonstrate giving the first dose and walk you through the steps until you are comfortable handling and giving medication. Most of the time, hiding it in peanut butter or a piece of meat or cheese will do the trick. Other times you will have to directly put the medication in your pet’s mouth.

Finally, read the prescription directions really carefully. Note whether you need to give the medication with or without food or if you need to separate if you need to separate it from other medications. While these directions seem to exist only to make your life more complicated, they actually have a tremendous impact on whether the medication works as it should.

Giving Oral Liquids

In most cases, oral liquids are prescribed to smaller pets such as kittens and puppies. Just as with the pills and capsules, ask a staff member at your vet clinic to demonstrate the best way to medicate your pet.


There are two important questions to consider when applying the liquid medications. First, does it need to be refrigerated? Many liquid medications do since on the counter their effectiveness lowers. Second, is it a solution or suspension? Solutions need very little mixing before administering because the parts of medication stay together well.  Once mixed, it doesn't separate back into water, sugar, and powder. Suspensions, on the other hand, are different. They do separate after sitting for a while.  Suspension medications have to be mixed thoroughly before administering. To do so, roll the bottle vigorously between your palms for at least 30 seconds. Try to avoid shaking it as you might fill the liquid with air bubbles. Finally, liquid medications are usually administered using a dropper or a syringe. Make sure your staff from your veterinary clinic helps shows you exactly how to use these tools and how to measure the correct dosage.

Applying Topical Medications

Topical medications are among the simplest medications for pet owners to use. The hardest part is to keep pets from licking it off! There are only a couple of options to prevent it. One is to apply the medication right before feeding your pet. The food should distract your pet long enough for the medication to lose its scent. The second option is the ever-popular Elizabeth Collar, aka the “cone of shame”, which is a plastic lampshade-like collar that goes around your pet’s neck and extends past their muzzle to prevent them from licking off the medication. While it is hard to ignore the puppy eyes that beg for it to be removed, in many cases, such a collar is a necessity. The cones go on and off easily, and allow pet to eat and drink with them on. However, keep in mind that the bowl must be smaller than the cone.

Giving Parental Medications

These medications are injections, also called “shots”. The most common medications in this category are insulin (for diabetes) and allergy medications. Administering injections to your pet will require some training with your veterinary clinic staff and at first can be intimidating. However, most likely, you will quickly master giving injection properly.

Few Other Tips Apply To All Medications:

•    Always give the whole prescription. It might be tempting to save a few of those expensive antibiotics or pain pills once a pet is feeling better, but not fining a course can hurt your pet. In those cases, another round of medications often will be needed because the incomplete first round failed to cure the problem.

•    Always mention to your veterinarian what other medications you are giving your pet. This includes any vitamin, herbal or alternative supplements. They can all interact with the prescribed medications and potentially harm the animal.

•    Always schedule a follow-up exam before your pet’s prescription runs out. If the problems haven’t cleared up, you may need another round of medication or a different kind of medication.

•    Medication administration can be a real challenge for both pets and owners. Love, patience, proper education, and determination will help you succeed!

… Or Just Go To The Compounding Veterinary Pharmacy

Not many people know the benefits of compounding veterinary pharmacies. Pharmacists can compound a bitter pill into a tasty treat such as beef, chicken, or fruit for your pet. They can also turn the pill into a topical gel or lotion that can be administered topically, which is a lot easier to apply. There are many compounding pharmacies across the United States but there are only few that can be trusted to give the quality result. Compounding Pharmacy of America has the most experienced pharmacists, all of whom are licensed Pharm. D’s. Consult your veterinarian for a recommendation on using a compound pharmacy for your pet’s medication.


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Essential Car Maintenance Hacks


Most likely, you rely heavily on your car. You’re in your hometown that doesn't have reliable public transportation, so a vehicle is a necessity to get to the grocery store, kids’ school and doctor office. However, from gas to repair and maintenance, owning a car can be expensive.

Here are some simple tips that will keep your car in the best shape, making driving more pleasant, and ultimately saving you a few bucks along the way.  

Cover the Windshield During the Winter

During the warm temperature, use a shade to prevent the smoldering sun heating up your car’s interior. You can do the same thing in the winger, expect put a blanket or a plastic tablecloth over the outside of your windshield to protect it from snow and ice. This way, you will also prevent your windshield wipers from sticking to the glass.

Use Clear Nail Polish to Repair Windshield Cracks

Have you ever heard of the old trick where you put clear nail polish on pantyhose to stop a run from going all the way down your leg? Guess what, the same theory works on small cracks in your windshield. Instead of waiting for the windshield to completely crack, many experts advice to put nail polish on it as soon as you notice a small fracture. It is a great temporary fix until you can get your car to the shop.

Trashcan Solution

Did you finish your cereal this morning? Instead of throwing out the box, use it as trash in your car. Place a trash bag inside and you’ve got an inexpensive way to keep the trash in your car under control.

Clean Your Windshield With a Razor


When your windshield becomes caked with bugs, pine needles, leaves and other stuff that the car wash simply does not take off, grab a razor blade. Very carefully scrape that hardened and stuck-on gunk off the window to enjoy a clear view again. After scraping it, spritz it with window cleaner and wipe it off with a dry cloth to reduce any streaks the razor may have made.

Lighten the Keychain and Protect Your Ignition


A heavy keychain does more than weight your pocket down; over time, it can also weight down the ignition, causing premature wear. Lightening your load on your keychain might just lighten the life your vehicle’s components. Strip the keychain of everything but the basics.

Clean Your Engine

With the right household supplies, cleaning your engine is simple and takes only a few minutes before starting, be sure to cover your battery and air intake with plastic. After those are covered, pour some dishwasher soap on the engine, give it a quick scrub with a soft bristled brush and rinse it with a soft rag.

Toothpaste For Cloudy Headlights


Believe it or not, toothpaste (especially whitening) can clean foggy headlights. Simply apply toothpaste to the plastic lens cover with a cloth and thoroughly rub it all over the lens. After a few minutes, rinse off completely with clean water and dry. For further protection, use furniture polish or car wax with UV protection.

Use Pool Noodle to Protect Your Doors

If you own a car, you have banged your doors in the garage walls at least once. To prevent it, cut the pool noodle in half and either glue, nail, or bolt the tube at the specific height your door meets the wall. This is a cheap and effective way to stop having to worry about how to close your door is to the garage wall when getting in and out of your car.

Park Your Car Facing East to Defrost Windscreen in the Morning

This simple hack will save you a lot of time in the morning. If you don’t have a garage and live in a place where frost is a big problem on winter mornings, make sure to park your car facing east. As the sun rises in the east, it will defrost the ice on your windscreen rather than you having to stay outside in the cold and scraping it off yourself. Who doesn’t want a little bit of added comfort on a cold winter morning?

Use a Plunger to Remove Small Dents

This trick is fairly self-explanatory. If you have a small dent on your car’s panel, you can use a plunger to try and get it out. When pulled back the suction of the plunger also pulls the dented part of the panel forward and back into place.

Use Wet Newspaper to Get Off Your Registration Sticker

What can be more irritating than taking off the expired registration stickers? Next time, instead of destroying your nails trying to scratch the sticker off, let the wet newspaper do the trick. Soak the newspaper in warm water and place it over the sticker for 10 minutes. The warm water will penetrate the sticker and it will easily come off.

An Unusual But Effective Way to Cool Down Your Car

Instead of blasting the air conditioning, try rolling down the driver’s side window. Then, go to the passenger side, and open and close the door for a few times. This forces the hot air out of the car, cooling it faster than simply relying on the air conditioning.

Dich the Air Fresheners


Instead of wasting money for those car fresheners trees that you hand from the rearview mirror, simply use an herbal tea bag. Wrap it in a breathable cloth, and hang it on the mirror. Tea bags are much cheaper to replace, and there are plenty of soothing scents to choose from. Moreover, unlike car fresheners, herbal teabags do not contain any chemicals.

Red Mountain Funding provides much more tips and tricks for getting the most out of your car wash. For more than 20 years, Red Mountain Funding has worked with drivers in the Valley of the Sun. They understand how important it is to have a reliable means of transportation and want to do everything in their power to help keep Arizona drivers on the road in beloved, reliable vehicles.

Signs of Alcoholism – Know the Warning Signs of Alcohol Abuse


Most of the time, drug addiction starts out as an experimental substance use in social settings.

Even though any substance can be abused, some drugs carry a higher risk of dependency and addiction than others. It is important to identify instances of substance abuse while it is at the early state, so intervention can occur before addiction takes hold.

Without a doubt, substance abuse is widespread in the US. according to the 2013-2015 data from NIDA’s National Survey of Drug Use and Health, 65.7 percent of individuals aged 12 and older used alcohol the prior year, 13.5 percent used marijuana, and 17.8 percent reported using illicit drugs. In their lifetime, 81 percent of those who participated in the survey reported drinking alcohol, 44 percent said they smoked marijuana, and 48.8 had used illicit drugs. The longer one uses a substance, the harder it is to stop without experiencing harsh withdrawal symptoms. As a result, recognizing the signs of drug use sooner rather than later is crucially important.

There are few common signs of habitual drug use across all substances as well as signs that are unique to the specific type of substance abused. Knowing these signs can help you to identify whether a loved one may be using drugs and risking to lose their health, school, job, and family life.  

General Signs of Addiction

If someone is abusing any drug, there are some of the general signs to look for. These include:

  •    Difficulties to concentrate at school, lost of interest in school-related activities, declining grades
  •    Poor work performance, often being late to work, appearing tired and disinterested in work duties
  •    Changes in physical appearances, such as wearing dirty clothing and a lack of interest in grooming
  •    Unusual behavior, such as an increased desire for privacy
  •    Drastic changes in relationships
  •    A lack of energy when performing daily activities
  •    Spending more money than usual or often requesting to borrow money
  •    Problems with financial management, such as not paying bills on time
  •    Decreased appetite, weight loss
  •    Poor skin tone, bloodshot eyes and appearing tired or run down
  •    Defensiveness when asked about substance use

Signs of Alcohol Addiction


Alcohol is one of the most widely abused substances in the US. In 2012, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism stated that 17 million adults ages 18 and older had an alcohol use disorder in the United States.

Both alcohol abuse and alcoholism are accompanied with multiple signs and symptoms. Oftentimes, those who abuse alcohol use may be able to hide these signs for some time. However, over time, it generally becomes harder and harder to hide the issues.

According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, alcohol abuse can lead to blackouts and memory loss. A person may have yellowish skin and broken capillaries, particularly in the face. With severe alcohol use disorder, the hands may tremble, and the voice may have a huskier tone. Over the long term, alcohol abuse can lead to chronic diarrhea and even vomiting blood.

When a person addicted to alcohol stops drinking, then he will experience harsh withdrawal symptoms, such as a headache, nausea, insomnia, and anxiety. Sometimes, withdrawal symptoms include delirium tremens (DTs), a condition that can lead to hallucinations and life-threatening seizures. As a result, those who struggle with addiction should never attempt to stop drinking on their own; medical detox is required.  

Other common signs of alcohol addiction include:

  •    Lack of control over drinking
  •    Preference to drink alone or during odd times, such as the morning
  •    Continuing to drink despite interpersonal physical and psychological problems related to it
  •    Depression, irritability, and mood swings. A tendency to argue with family members and friends
  •    Drinking to cope with problems, improve mood, relax, or sleep

Is It Time For An Intervention?


Despite several signs of addiction, it is not always easy to tell when a person struggling with drugs or alcohol is in need of professional help. Broaching the topic of getting help can be even more challenging. However, neglecting to intervene when your loved one demonstrates all the signs of addiction can put him or her in grave danger.

To help decide if now is the right time to get your loved one the help needed, take the following intervention quiz developed by the team of professional intervention specialists at Intervention Helpline. 

Intervention for Addiction is Always Necessary


According to the Intervention Helpline, simply getting one person into treatment doesn't automatically solve the problems surrounding the addiction. There are still the relationships and other situations revolving around the addiction that has to be addressed. For this reason, drug intervention is always necessary.

Someone has to intervene on the enabling behavior that helped fuel the addiction. Someone has to intervene on the lack of accountability that was the result of lowered expectations.

While each interventionist develops his or her own style, most of them typically follow a similar pattern of meeting with the family and educating them, guiding the intervention for addiction itself and then ensuring their loved one is safely enrolled in a treatment program.


Choosing the Right Rehab

Alcohol and drug addiction is a truly appalling condition that causes horrible damage to the lives of families. There are many treatment facilities all over the United States that are dedicated to helping addicts get on the road to recovery and helping them stay on it. The experience of one treatment seeker will be dramatically different from another. A recovery center that is perfect for one addict may be ineffective for another.

Intervention Helpline offers a full guide to choosing the best drug rehab.  Speaking in general terms, there are three identifiable factors that contribute to successful addiction rehabilitation. First and foremost is the person’s desire to get better and to comply with treatment protocols. Second is choosing a drug recovery program that best fits with the individual and offers long-term care. The third vital component in treatment success is having a solid aftercare plan and recovery support. For more information about finding the best drug rehab, visit Intervention Helpline.

Intervention Helpline provides information about finding the best rehab centers, factors to consider, evaluating success rate, what happens after treatment, and why a drug addiction program can fail. For additional intervention and treatment questions, you can also speak with one of their intervention specialists.


Cannabis-Assisted Detox. How Cannabis Helps Treat Opioid Addiction


Opioid addiction is an epidemic raging through the United States, which is causing devastating effects. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that 52,000 deaths had been attributed in the US during 2015 alone, which makes drug overdose one of the leading cause of injury death in the country. It has become a large concern with many addicts starting on painkillers and moving to heroin when their prescription runs out.

Despite these dismal facts, it has recently been discovered that there may be a way out if this crisis: medical marijuana. According to a new study published in the Addiction journal, daily treatment that involves marijuana appears to help opioid addicts to recover from the drugs. From 1996 to 2016 Canadian scientists tracked opioid addicts to understand what factors kept them in addiction treatment.



Medical marijuana is becoming popular treatment used for medical conditions and illnesses, including opioid addiction and methamphetamine abuse. Although not approved by the FDA, medical marijuana shows premise in helping opioid-addicted people reduce harm and withdrawal symptoms of opioid use.

Marijuana use in medical treatment is one of the most controversial forms of treatment today. Currently legal in 29 states, medical marijuana is now widely used to treat a number of different medical conditions and illnesses. Depending on the state, medical marijuana can be legally prescribed by a doctor and purchased in a dispensary, or even cultivated and grown at home.

Opioid addiction is one of the newest illnesses medical marijuana is used to threat. According to CNN, that is because cannabis as medicine is believed to help opioid addiction in one significant way - that is, by helping people reduce the number of opioids consumed.

To some, this method may seem counterproductive. After all, abstinence is an essential part of a part of addiction recovery. However, total abstinence is not always possible right away. Finding a way to help addicted individuals reduce the use of opioids to work on getting better is vital to recover success.

Medical marijuana may help people to reduce the use of opioids through a method called “harm reduction.” Essentially, this implies reducing the use of harmful opioids to lessen the risk of overdose and other dangerous consequences.

About Opioid Addiction

Opioids, also known as narcotics, are potent, pain-relieving drugs. This type of drugs includes both prescribed pain relievers such as Oxycodone and Fentanyl and the illicit drug heroin. Opioids work in your brain by attaching to opioid receptors and altering the way your brain responds to both pain and pleasure. When opioids enter the body, you experience an immediate rush in the first few minutes, and pleasurable feelings of euphoria, relaxation, and calm.


Following the rush, the person is likely to experience a feeling of being “high,” within 30 minutes up to a few hours. During the high, the person experiences a number of side effects. Uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms are what keep people stuck in opioid addiction.

Perhaps one of the most dangerous factors about opioids is the strongly addictive properties of the drugs. Most prescribed opioids are intended to use only for a few days, yet abuse can occur within that time. Addiction is not far off with opioid abuse and can happen after just a few uses because of how the drugs alter the human brain.

Continuous drug use can cause tolerance to the drugs, or inability to feel the effects of them. If you no longer feel the effects of opioids and have already formed an addiction to them, you may begin taking more of the drugs or taking them in higher frequency. This pattern increases your risk of overdose.

The goal of opioid addiction treatment should always be to reduce or cease use of the drugs and make the patient as comfortable as possible. Several methods are proven effective at this, and medical marijuana may be one of them.

Side Effects And Withdrawal


Abuse of opioids comes with a whole host of horrible side effects. These may include the following:

  • Chronic constipation
  • Nausea
  • Extreme cravings
  • Increased sensitivity to pain
  • Increased sweating
  • Reduced pupil size
  • Reduced sex drive
  • Shallow breathing
  • Slurred speech

One of the most uncomfortable side effects of opioid abuse is withdrawal symptoms. For someone who has been abusing opioids for an extended period of time, and begun to develop a physical dependence on them, the person may begin to feel physical symptoms when not taking the drugs.

Withdrawal symptoms are rarely life-threatening, according to the U.S. National Library Of Medicine. It is when you feel these symptoms but already have a tolerance that opioid addiction can be dangerous. Withdrawal can push you to keep taking opioids, especially if you aren’t feeling the effects anymore.

The following are possible withdrawal symptoms

  • Aching muscles
  • Anxiety or agitation
  • Diarrhea
  • Goosebumps
  • Increased tearing
  • Pupil dilation
  • A runny nose
  • Stomach cramps, vomiting or nausea
  • Sweating or yawning
  • Insomnia
  • Withdrawal symptoms may occur anywhere from 12 hours of last opioid use, up to several days after abuse. Usually, dependence keeps people going back to opioid abuse, while withdrawal symptoms ensure they will probably stay there until they get help.

Just as the amount of time to become dependent on opioids differs from person to person, so does the amount of time and method by which to recover. What might work for one person might not be as effective for another, which is why variation in treatment methods is so important.

How Does Medical Marijuana Treat Opioid Addiction?

How would cannabis treat opioid addiction? Marijuana contains cannabinoids or chemicals that make it
a mind-altering drug. These include THS (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol
) and many others.

Just like other drugs, some of these cannabinoids, which have been produced in labs, can be harmful when misused. However, growing evidence, including research from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) suggests that cannabis can be useful in treating certain illnesses and conditions.


Finding the Right Rehab Center

Because marijuana is not legalized in all the states, there are not many rehab centers that use cannabis as a drug treatment. 

The recent passing of the adult use act in California means all adults are eligible for cannabis use. Cannabis has many medical purposes that can aid in meeting recovery goals. It helps with sleep, pain, trauma, the discomfort of withdrawal and craving, and many other ailments. Many people use cannabis for relaxation the same way millions of people have a glass of wine. With no lethal dose and no interactions with other medications, cannabis has the potential to eliminate self-harm from drug use as well as treat medical conditions. Some of the benefits can be derived from non-intoxicating CBD.