Posts by: thanos

Above the Law: A Legal Tabloid

As law student, it’s not long before you’ll be introduced to Above the Law (also known as ATL), an online legal tabloid and blog. It’s extremely popular, so much so that large law firms taken notice of it. This blog is also a fantastic way to waste a half hour or so of your life. […]

An Amazing Race

Going of my classmate Eric Thompson’s post on law students being competitive…I would have to agree, law students are definitely competitive, so much so that our Student Government Association (SGA) held a scavenger hunt/race around the city for us with prizes for the top three teams and the team with the best costumes. When race […]

A New Type of Busy

People always say that 3Ls have easy schedules, do nothing and are barely seen for the entire year. This is sort of true. I have a very easy schedule, and perhaps I’m not seen much at the Law Tower because I’m only there on Mondays and Wednesday. Even though I’m only taking three classes this […]

Summer Travel Leads to Round 3

After a hectic and hot summer of travel and heat, I’m finally back at school for Round 3. When I wasn’t working for a judge at the Land Court here in Boston, I was always somewhere else: New Orleans, Philadelphia, Michigan, Maryland/Delaware, and . . . Long Island. As a side note, the Land Court […]

The Non-Open Book Exam

In law school almost all exams are open book, meaning that you can bring in anything you want to the exam short of another person. Some exams might be restricted open book exams where you may be able to bring in your own materials or your casebook but not any commercial outlines or anything else. […]

Patriots’ Day (a.k.a. Marathon Monday)

There is something amusing and exhilarating about having a holiday on a day that nobody else in the country has a holiday. That is precisely the case for Patriots’ Day, which takes place on the third Monday in April every year. It’s a Bostonian holiday that commemorates the Battles of Lexington and Concord, which were […]

What Type of Law?

When I tell people that I am in law school, people often ask me if I know what type of law I want to practice. I always tell them that I have no idea and that most people really have no idea. I was required to take a communication law course as an undergraduate and […]

Viva Las Vegas

As law student, spring break is a welcome reprieve from the dreariness of mid-winter Boston and of classes. Some people choose to stay in Boston, but a lot of people choose to leave for home or some place warm. Last year I went to Southern California (San Diego, Los Angeles and Santa Barbara) to visit […]

Expenses: Business or Personal?

In my federal tax class, there are many amusing cases that I’ve read about where people try to get out of paying their taxes. Most of the time it doesn’t go well. The Supreme Court and Congress have recognized that it’s perfectly fine for people to minimize their tax liability as much as possible…they just […]

Insurance Law…Risky Business

I’m really enjoying my Insurance Law class a lot. I decided to take it because I heard a lot of people say it would be useful (that’s probably the reason that I choose half the classes I take). It is indeed useful because as I’ve learned, everybody has insurance for something and when something goes […]