From Joan Salge Blake:


New School Lunch Guidelines: Hold the Fries, Please

According to USDA Agriculture Secretary, Tom Vilsack, the school lunch program that serves more than 30 million children daily is likely to get healthier very soon. The USDA is proposing significant changes to improve the nutritional quality of the school meals that are served to America’s youth. While American youngsters consume up to half of their daily calories at school, unfortunately, approximately 1/3 of American children are obese or at risk for becoming obese.

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Goldman Sachs releases report on changes in business practices

Goldman Sachs has released a report which sets force changes in the way it will do business. Law professor Cornelius Hurley, director of the Morin Center for Banking and Financial Law, sees the changes as a positive move.

"Goldman's plan to take the creation of structured financial products out of the hands of traders and give that responsibility solely to investment bankers is a positive move. The next step for Goldman, in burnishing its tarnished reputation, should be to ensure that complex products it creates are understood by their creators, by Goldman's directors and regulators, and by its customers."

Contact Cornelius Hurley, 617-353-5427,

Haiti One Year Later

Enrique Silva, Assistant Professor and Faculty Coordinator in City Planning and Urban Affairs at MET, has visited Haiti four times since the earthquake that took place on January 12, 2010. Here are his thoughts: