Category: Uncategorized

Does it really matter?

The Sixth Circuit has been asked to decide an interesting trademark question: whether Jose Cuervo tequila can use a red wax seal on its bottles. Makers Mark bourbon is arguing that the seal is too similar to the seal on its bottles, and a reasonable drinker might be confused. In other words, I might think […]

Who is in?

Here is another interesting article about the Facebook IPO. It says that the company plans to make more shares available to regular old people, like you and me. So who is in for our LA 245 share?

For my graduating seniors.

Good advice.

Sometimes ethical doesn’t equal legal.

One of your classmates was kind enough to share this uplifting article about a veteran that bootlegs movies and sends hundreds of DVDs of current movies to soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Totally illegal, but totally nice. A utilitarian analysis would certainly find this ethical, as the greatest good for the greatest number is […]

Something for Everyone in this one.

The weird thing about being a lawyer and an ethics professor is that bad news is great news for me. So today, when splashed across the New York Times was the headline, “Vast Mexico Bribery Case Hushed Up by Wal-Mart After Top-Level Struggle”, I was giddy for a split second. Then I felt guilty for […]

Making a hard choice.

My entire ethics class is focused on learning how to make a difficult decision. Ethics education is not about teaching someone to have better morals, but about how someone can make decisions that align more closely with his or her own values. You see, I believe most people share a common set of values — […]

More limits on tobacco advertising.

The government sure likes to keep tobacco lawyers busy. In yet another case involving the industry, a court recently ruled that the city of Worcester’s limit on tobacco advertising in windows is unconstitutional. The city had made it illegal for a store to display cigarette ads that show brand names in a store window. As […]

You’re Hired…As long as you give me access to your Facebook account.

Long ago, just calling three references was enough for an employer to make sure that you are a normal (enough) person to hire. Now, as we live our lives online through social media, employers are increasingly monitoring Facebook and other social media outlets in order to keep their employees under watch. First we began reading […]

More shoes, but this time an ugly pair.

Apparently the footwear industry is a litigious group. Athletic footwear has always been an innovative industry. I remember when Air Jordans came out, and the idea of an air pocket in the sole of a sneaker was the next great thing. More recently, we saw claims of toning sneakers, shoes that made you more fit […]


You may recall the mass shooting at Virginia Tech in 2007. It was a scary day for all of us, particularly those involved in a university. Last week a jury found that the university was negligent for its failure to take adequate steps to warn students that the shooter was on a rampage on campus. The parents […]