Category: Uncategorized

Using Data to Evaluate Job Applicants

Big data is everywhere. I am not exactly sure what it is, but I read about it constantly. And it seems that there are a lot of job opportunities in data, so you should probably pay attention. I won’t be looking for a job with a data company any time soon, but I am often […]

10 Questions You Should Never Ask Your Professor

By this point in the semester, I am getting a little loopy. I have too many papers to read, time in running short to cover everything I want to cover in class, and as I drive home in the pitch black darkness (at 4pm) I develop Christmas-light anxiety. As in, why does everyone else have […]

“Conspiracy of Silence”

I started my LA346 class this semester with a discussion of the Penn State scandal, and the civil litigation that has followed. I find it hard to talk about Sandusky and what happened at Penn State without getting emotional, and I try really hard to keep my views out of the discussion (often unsuccessfully). But […]

Non Competition Agreements and the “Purge” at Apple

Last night my husband was telling me about the “purge” at Apple, where the company had fired several key employees that had close ties to Steve Jobs. This story is fascinating in all sorts of ways, because it raises questions about new CEO Tim Cook’s leadership, perhaps his efforts to move the company away from […]

The Real reason you didn’t get in.

As we discussed today, although many blame affirmative action’s racial preferences for their failure to get into their first choice college, the reality is far from that. Indeed, preferences based on athletics, donors, alumni connections, and geographical diversity (my husband always credits his Wisconsin upbringing for getting into Duke) are much more relevant than race. […]

More fun with the First Amendment.

Just when you thought Constitutional Law couldn’t get more interesting, Mayor Menino, the Mayor of Boston, brings us a case that tops even the Bachelor’s First Amendment rights. Trojan, the condom company, has proposed a giveaway of vibrating sex toys on the plaza at Government Center (remember that vast concrete wasteland on your way to […]

Ethical Questions College Students Face

A colleague sent me this article that addresses the top ethical dilemmas most college students face. Take some time to think about each question. For my LA346 students, apply your life principles to these questions, and see where you land. Just thinking about these questions ahead of time will help all of us avoid pitfalls […]

A Diverse Classroom

This week the Supreme Court hears argument on a case that will surely impact my children, and all those applying to state universities in the future. In Fisher v. U. of Texas, a young woman from Texas sued the university for its use of race in admissions. She gave her first interview recently, and it […]

Better late than never

I probably should have posted this before my students had a paper due, but they all have more to come. I actually was saving this article, and reminded of it as I read yet another paper that talked about a “trail” instead of a “trial.” Sigh Sigh Sigh. According to this article, I am not […]

For those students studying for the LSAT exam.

I wanted to share this article sent to me by a current student about how studying for the LSAT makes you smarter. I am pretty sure that any intellectual boost I obtained from studying for the LSAT many years ago has worn off by now, but this is good news for those of you studying […]