• ‘Bilateralism vs. Multilateralism: Rethinking Japan’s Strategy for Trade and Investment in East Asia (「二国間主義と多国間主義:東アジアにおける日本の貿易・投資戦略の再検討」), The 3rdYoung Lions Boston Japanese Benkyokai, Boston University, Boston, USA (December 23, 2009)
  • ‘China’s Rise among BRICs: Bridging the Gap Across the Asia-Pacific and Facilitating Regional Financial Cooperation and Trade’, roundtable on ‘Globalizing Economies: The Rise of BRICs in Relation to Japan and the U.S.’, The 61st Japan-America Student Conference (日米学生会議), University of Washington, Seattle, USA/Tokyo, Japan (July-August 2009)