April 30, 2021 at 4:32 pm
An email came in this morning, from an alumnus in the Core class of 1994, commenting on last night’s Core Banquet:
Im writing just to say I thought the Core banquet last night was fantastic, despite it having to be again a virtual event. Royal Wood was wonderful, the video was a riot, and the chat was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed the ‘shout-outs’ scrolling throughout the event. This was by far the best event Ive been part of on Zoom this entire time. Im sure youre hearing this from others, too. Congrats!
How wonderful to hear that though we’re connecting through screens, we’reconnecting nonetheless. We had about 100 people join us over the course of ninety minutes of awards, song, jokes, celebration, and charm. Thank you to all those who were able to Zoom in. (And thank you to our department leadership, staff and student staff who helped make the arrangements, pull the plans together, and keep the hosting upbeat and inclusive throughout the event.)
By zakbos
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April 29, 2021 at 6:18 pm
In observance of this evening's Core Banquet, we share the traditional toast, with which this annual event has been opened for thirty years.Each group of lines is read aloud by our convener, and thenrepeated by all in unison:
To students and their teachers;
to teachers and their students;
and therefore to the great-souled dead,
distant, their works near as mind;
Those who have sought
and partly found
the laws of nature
Those who have sought
and partly found
the laws of men
Those who have sought
and partly found
the meanings of men.
To the Heroes;
to the Thinkers;
to the Makers;
to the Inspired;
Who, together with us,
alive, here, in our time,
are the life of the mind,
and of the spirit
To these let us drink before we eat.
By zakbos
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April 28, 2021 at 11:13 am
Check out this article on the reactions of certain tabloids in the UK when the Jane Austen Museum decided to answer questions about Jane Austens ties to slavery honestly: https://theattic.jezebel.com/uk-tabloids-furious-at-jane-austen-museums-pivot-to-acc-1846735698

Students interested in reading Jane Austens works can come to the Core Office, or email us (core@bu.edu).
By Gabriela Padilla
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March 8, 2021 at 10:42 am
In light of an upcoming CC102 lecture on medieval literature the week of March 30, check out this hilarious video from Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK) with English subtitles. The actors portray two people in medieval times, one of whom has just received his first book, and has to call Help Desk to figure out how to work it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQHX-SjgQvQ

By Gabriela Padilla
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March 8, 2021 at 10:32 am
Check out this short clip from MythBusters Jr. on the Science Channel where the host, Adam Savage, attempts to recreate Odysseus famous arrow shot, hitting a target after the arrow passes through twelve ax heads: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iFuSle2QkI

Core students interested in the Odyssey can contact the Core Office (core@bu.edu) to ask for a link to the most recent CC 101 lecture on that ancient story.
By Gabriela Padilla
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March 1, 2021 at 8:20 pm
In light of Professor Joseph Rezek lecturing on Jane Austen this week in CC202, we present for your pleasure and delight this list of literary adaptations of Austen's Pride and Prejudice:
- First Impressions (2010) by Alexa Adams
- An Assembly Such As This (2006) by Pamela Aidan
- Charlotte (2012) by Karen Aminadra
- Mr. Darcys Daughters (2003) by Elizabeth Aston
- Dialogue with Darcy (2010) by Janey Aylmer
- Pride and Prescience: or, A Truth Universally Acknowledged (2004) by Carrie Bebris
- Charlotte Collins (2010) by Jennifer Becton
- Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife (2004) by Linda Berdoll
- Miss Darcy's New Companion (2016) by Cheryl Bolen
- Pride and Prejudice and Secrets (2018) by Bella Breen

Any Core students or alumni interested in learning what Austen-related works we have available for loan from the Core library, or in viewing Prof. Rezek's lecture via recording, are invited to contact the Core office staff (core@bu.edu).
By Gabriela Padilla
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Tagged Austen, Jane Austen, pride and prejudice
February 24, 2021 at 10:17 am
Whats the oldest instrument youve ever heard played? Well, we might be able to do you one better. In this article, an 18,000 year old conch was reexamined at the Natural History Museum of Toulouse in France, discovered to have a different purpose than they originally thought. This conch was discovered in 1931 in the foothills of the Pyrenees Mountains, first thought to be a loving cup, used to share drinks during ceremonies. Upon reexamination, the conch was discovered to be carved into a wind instrument. Check out its notes here: https://boingboing.net/2021/02/19/listen-to-the-musical-notes-of-an-ancient-conch.html

Conch Shell - Photo From Natural History Museum of Toulouse in France
For more source recommendations like these, check out the Core Blog (https://blogs.bu.edu/core/), or reach out to the Core Office (core@bu.edu) for more information on the Core Curriculum.
By Gabriela Padilla
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February 12, 2021 at 2:14 pm

In view of the Lunar New Year, let's look back to a trip taken in the past by Core students to Boston's Chinatown.
On Sunday February 5th 2006, a small party of students gathered at 10 AM to take the T to Chinatown to watch the traditional Lion Dance and enjoy a meal of dim-sum or "hearts delight." During the Lion Dance (see photo), businesses and families paraded red, orange, black and white Chinese lions through the street. Shopkeepers offered bowls of oranges and lettuce, and if a lion stopped to take the food, it was assumed that shop would have good fortune for the New Year.
After watching the procession of carefully crafted lions, the group went to the dim-sum meal. The room was as big as a ballroom dance floor, with tables for 12 crowded in close that filled the room. Squeezing between the tables full of hungry patrons were waitresses with carts of various dishes: dumplings, meats, and desserts. In place of individual orders, one person would order for the whole table chicken feet, sweet bread with beans in the center, shrimp wontons and the waitress would lay out a tray of each dish for the table to share. There was always a pot of tea circulating the table or being refilled by a waitress. Although the crew arrived in Chinatown early in the morning, they did not leave the restaurant until well into the afternoon.
This Core in the City trip was a terrific example of one of the fundamental purposes of our time in the Core: the cultivation of appreciation for, and engagement with, the diverse cultures of the world.
This blog post was adapted from an article in Core's Spring 2006 newsletter, De Ideis.
By Jonas Kaplan-Bucciarelli
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