Parents Weekend

I’m sure this will become frequently blogged subject, but for now, here’s our first post on the parents weekend.

What: Orientation said it best…”parents weekend is a celebration of Boston University students and their families.”

Why: Because there’s no better time for students to share their BU experience with their families. There are optional events all weekend for visiting parents, but best of all there’s ample time for students and parents to catch up on what life’s like at BU. My parents have come every year, and every year they say they learned something new, or got to know a little something extra about my life here. I strongly recommend it.

When: October 16-18th, 2009.

Where: Well, obviously, you’ll spend most of your time on our campus in Boston. But I’ve got some hotel ideas for you that could save you a few dollars. First, if you say “I’m visiting BU” at the following hotels, they may give you a discount…

Holiday Inn, Brookline: 617-277-1200. This is my parents’ favorite spot. It’s very close to campus and a short walk to Coolidge Corner, a family-oriented, quiet neighborhood here in Boston. They have a special reduced rate for BU students and parents of $169, and after November that will drop to $149.

The Hyatt Regency, Cambridge: 617-492-1234. My parents have stayed here several times. One quick walk across the BU Bridge will get you on campus. This hotel isn’t guaranteeing reduced rates for Parents Weekend, but its worth a try.

For more discounts specific to visiting parents and students please visit‘s Boston site. If you choose one of their hotels, be sure to simply say, “I am visiting Boston University” in order to get the discounted rates.

Who: Parents Weekend is run by our office of orientation, but you should also check out our special BU parents site to find out more information.

So there ya go! We look forward to seeing you in October, and if you’re a new student, for orientation over the summer as well!

terrier love,


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