Reflections on the Past, Visions for the Future

Hello everybody!  How are you?  We are well.  However…we are sad.  In the words of Mulan, it’s time for some reflections.

Our summer is coming to a quick close in the Dean of Students Office, and a lot has happened.  We’ve been reminiscing about all the sessions of Orientation we’ve seen come and go and about all the incoming freshman we’ve welcomed to campus.  We’ve created new friendships and greeted people who have strolled in and out of our office.  And as this very hot season ends, we thought it would be appropriate to highlight some important events from the summer.  So, without further ado, here are our:

Top 7 News-Worthy Events of Summer 2009

1.  We said “Congratulations” and “Farewell” to the Class of 2009 here at B.U.  After years of hard work, their college careers have culminated and they have gone into the “Real World” to pursue their careers and use the lessons they learned at B.U. to further their lives and the lives of those around them.

jon_kate_upset2.  America was taken aback when “celebrities” Jon and Kate Gosselin announced they were getting a divorce.  What ever would the country do without “Jon & Kate Plus 8”???  Who knows…but we’ll have to wait and see as the 5th season of their show brings surprise, mystery, and a chance to discover why America is so concerned with them…

3.  Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the 6th installment of J.K. Rowling’s phenomenon series, came to life in theaters across the world.  In 5 days, HP6 grossed over $390 million, and quickly became the highest-grossing movie of 2009.  I can only hope you love Harry Potter as much as I do, and if you do, you’ll know that we can’t wait until the next movie is released.

designer-snuggie4.  The Snuggie, the cult-favorite “blanket with sleeves,” released new patterns this summer including leopard, zebra, and camel prints.  Consumer response has been less than overwhelming.

5.  Despite all the fun we had this summer, we had to say goodbye to many celebrities that passed away in an unfortunately short period of time.  Among them were pop icon Michael Jackson, actress and sex icon Farrah Fawcett, The Tonight Show‘s announcer for 30 years Ed McMahon, and infomercial pitch king Billy Mays.

6.  Speaking of The Tonight Show….Conan O’Brien took over for Jay Leno as the host of NBC’s famed Tonight Show.  Jimmy Fallon of Saturday Night Live fame took over Conan’s spot on The Late Show.   However…it wasn’t long before Jay Leno got his own show earlier in the evening.  The Jay Leno Show, premiering this September on NBC, will be taped in the same studio as The Tonight Show and will follow a similar format.  It makes you wonder how different the show will be from Jay’s old late-night show…

7.  Here at home, Boston University welcomed members of the Class of 2013 with Orientation, where they got a chance to make new friendships, meet University Staff, and learn a few things about B.U. along the way.  Across the country, Dean Elmore and the rest of the office traveled from Hawaii to Puerto Rico and everywhere in between with our 13 Summer Send-Off Receptions, where incoming students got a chance to gather with one another and meet employees from the Dean of Students Office and the Division of Student Affairs.

While we can reminisce all we want about the great summer we’ve had, there are tons of things to look forward to this Fall semester.  In honor of that, we present our:

Top 7 Coming Attractions this Fall

1.  Students requested subs and sandwiches, salads, and authentic Mexican food, and B.U. delivered.  Opening this Fall, Olecito will serve Mexican cuisine from a new space in the lobby of Warren Towers.  Extreme Pita has been added to the lobby of Claflin Hall in West Campus.  And finally, Loose Leafs (salad) and Charles River Bread Co. are opening new locations at the Buick Street Market & Cafe in the Student Village.  With these new options, including a Panera Bread and Upper Crust Pizzeria opening on-campus locations, B.U. students will never go hungry.

2.  The Terrier Tailgate is coming!!  Come by Nickerson Field on Sunday, August 30th, at 4:30 for a free cookout before watching the America East Champion B.U. Women’s Soccer team take on rival UMass at 6 pm.  Free food, free fun, what could be better?

3.  SPLASH! into the pool of activities at B.U. when all student groups and resource centers come together on Nickerson Field September 1st to give away goodies, prizes, and free BBQ.  Again, how can you honestly turn down free food?

drivein4.  Activities keep popping up on Nickerson Field.  On Friday, September 4th, join Student Activities for a double-feature Drive-In Movie on Nickerson Field featuring I Love You, Man and The Proposal.

5.  The Fall Activities Expo is a smaller version of SPLASH! that takes place in the GSU and features every group in Student Activities.  It’s a chance to learn more about each group and find out what you might be interested in.  Get involved – it’s that easy.

6.  Parents Weekend, while far away on October 16-18, is an opportunity for parents to come to campus and see the way you live.  They can meet your friends, floormates, tour your college, and take part in a number of events throughout the week, including the famous Head of the Charles rowing race.

rhh_logo7.  RED HOT HOCKEY!!! If you’re going to be in New York City over Thanksgiving weekend, buy a ticket and come cheer on the 2009 National Champion Terrier Men’s Ice Hockey team at Madison Square Garden when they throw down against Cornell on Saturday, November 28th.  We beat them two years ago, and if Coach Parker has anything to say about it, we’re going to do the same thing this year.
Now that you know what we enjoyed about our summer and what we’re looking forward to this fall, share your opinions with us.  What are you hopeful for this upcoming semester?  Will you explore Boston, will you get involved around campus?  Whatever you do, we’ll be here in the Dean of Students Office, waiting to hear from you.

Terrier pride,

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