Another Voice, Another View

Hey guys! If you’ve been keeping tabs on this awesome blog (and I know you have… *cough*) you realize we’re getting revamped and ready to provide you– the amazing Boston University community– with the latest and greatest insider info about what’s going on in and around BU.

My name is Kedzie Teller and, along with Julia, I will be running this BU-tiful blog. I’m a  junior in the College of Communication and I am an intensely proud member of the Boston University family. But enough about me (you’ll be getting to know me soon enough)… I just wanted to say a quick hello and let you know that I’ll be blogging!

Two of the COM Orientation Leaders, looking good.

Two of the Orientation Leaders for the College of Communication, looking good.

I promise to keep all of my written posts concise, interesting and hopefully witty. But if you want to get a real view on what’s going on in Boston, keep an eye out for my video blogs. Yeah. Videos. I’ll be covering events and programs with my trusty little flipcam and uploading them to this blog for your pleasure. Oh, and I work for orientation, so all of you incoming students will be mighty intrigued about my next post.

Until then, keep being you, BU!


One Comment

Chris Stretch posted on June 26, 2010 at 2:12 pm

Kedzie and Fu = not just “two orientation leaders”, but “the BEST two orientation leaders”

This week was so much fun!

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