Summer Coffee and Conversation? Yes, please!

Hello hello hello Terriers!

I have some Terrier-ific news for anyone who loves  Coffee and Conversation with Dean Elmore.  (So, pretty much, everyone.)


We are having a wicked awesome, totally cool, exciting,  special UStreaming mid-summer Coffee and Conversation this upcoming Monday evening from 6-7pm in the Howard Thurman Center. For those of you lucky enough to be in Boston, sweating to death in the  summer heat, feel free to join us live and in person. For those of you who are summering in places other than our beloved-yet-sweltering Beantown, you too can join us…online! Everything you need to know to be in on this can be found at this handy link. Can’t wait to see you there!

Until next time, you BU-tiful people!


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