As the females in the office, we are here to talk about the recent phenomenon of
the “I <3 BOOBIES” bracelets.  Personally, I (Marni) own one, but let’s get real.
THEY ARE SO SCANDALOUS.  (“And you might get some strange looks from your professors.”- Julia)

As many of you know, it is October.  And although it is,
most importantly, Abbey’s birthday month, it is also Breast Cancer Awareness
Month.  By buying one of these snazzy rubber bracelets, you are donating a small amount of money to
a worthy cause!

such cute colors!

Such cute colors!

So the real question is, are these appropriate?  High schools all over the
nation have been banning them from their hallways, but let’s get real, we’re in
college.  Even though they seem suggestive, the controversy is succeeding in
spreading the word to the public.

What do you think, Terriers??

If you would like to buy a bracelet, we suggest Googling the ‘Keep A Breast’ Foundation.

Always trying to save the ta-ta’s,
Marni, Julia, and Abbey


Kedzie posted on October 27, 2010 at 6:42 am

People need to be mature and let it be…. its not suggestive, its creative. AND for a good cause. USA is prude, let me tell you. spain is out of control with what they let slide. Sometimes America shows how young it really is.

Bailey posted on October 27, 2010 at 4:47 pm

Don’t forget it’s also Adopt-a-Shelter Dog month. 😉

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