
Ohhhh say can you seeeee! Er… I mean, Hey Terriers!

Just a little FYI(.com/studentblog) for you that I am heading back to the states in 9 days!

What up, Uncle Sam?

What up, Uncle Sam?

What does that mean? Soon I’ll be back on campus and able to blog about things that actually pertain to your life a bit more! Who’s excited? This guy.

But, at the same time, I love it here in Spain, and with how big the BU Abroad program is I want to open up this blog as a chance for any of you thinking about studying abroad to ask questions. Whether you want to hit Madrid, London, or somewhere else, feel free to ask questions on the comment section. Either me or someone else who has studied abroad will be more than happy to answer questions for you!

Best of luck on finals, everyone, and you know the drill: keep being you, BU.


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