We Want More YOU, BU

Hey there, Terriers

I just wanted to give you all a personal “welcome back!” to this snow-covered campus. Hopefully we’ll start seeing less of this soon…


Yeah, it’s true, the BU Bubble has become more of a snow globe, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the start of a new semester. BU FYI will be bringing you all the latest on events to attend, places to visit and maybe even some food to try.

BUT. That doesn’t mean we’ll be doing this alone. Remember to hit us up on TWITTER and send us details on some of the interesting things and locations you guys find as you mull around the city. If you don’t tweet, comment here! We’re all experts on Boston, so lets spread the love… or at least some cool information.

Keep being you, BU, and keep safe on those slippery streets!


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