Beanpot Baffled

Oh hey, Terriers…

Well, it didn’t go as we planned. Our beloved team fell to BC and won’t be heading to the Beanpot Championship this year. The game was level at 2-2 when the final buzzer rang and into overtime we went. Unfortunately, the Eagles were up to the challenge and toppled the Terriers in an upsetting 32 loss.


Not from last night's battle... but you get the picture.

Personally, I was looking forward to a NU vs BU final because let’s be honest, anytime BC isn’t doing well, we love it… But that won’t be the case this year. I have my own personal connections to NU so I will be decked out in red and black for this beanpot final. Really though, I expect most of Terrier nation will be howling for NU this year. I mean, who wants BC to win?

The Terrier’s will take on Harvard in the consolation match before the final next Monday night. Oh hey, Valentine’s day. Don’t break my heart, Huskies. Clip the Eagles’ wings.

Keep being you, BU, and look out for SCVNGR information as it comes.


One Comment

Ms. Mata posted on February 8, 2011 at 9:47 am

Love this post. Let’s go Huskies <3

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