Book It!

Ahh, textbooks: one of the greatest banes of the existence of the broke college kid. They’re heavy and occasionally dull, and worst of all, they can be pretty darn expensive.

Expensive textbooks getting you down? Rhett sympathizes.

Cost of textbooks getting you down? Rhett knows how it feels.

If you’re one of those unfortunate souls, like me, who always seems to manage to pick the classes with the most expensive books all listed as required reading, then you’ll be as excited about this little bit of news as I was.

Let's just hope you don't need this many books for one semester...

Let's just hope you don't need this many books for one semester...

Just in time for the new semester, BU’s Barnes& Noble is now offering a great new option for those of you, like me, who might want to save a few extra bucks on textbooks:  textbook rental. (Personally, I’m putting the money I’ll save towards my “Finals Week Coffee Fund.”)  According to Barnes&Noble, you can save up to 50% of the cost of the book you’re renting. This page has all the answers to any question you might have: for example, you’ll be happy to know that even with a rented text, you can still highlight and take notes in the margins.

Not all books are available for rental yet, though, so we here at the FYI Blog would love to hear your suggestions for the best websites to pick up textbooks for cheap. (Also, it’s worth noting that the book list provided on the StudentLink now includes the ISBNs of each book,  making it easier than ever for you to find the exact text you need on another website of your choice. ) My Coffee Fund and I would be pretty interested in hearing your suggestions for saving. Leave us a comment on this entry, hit us up on Twitter (@BU_FYI) or shoot us an e-mail at

Until next time, you BU-tiful people, I’ll leave you to browse your book lists.


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