Category: Uncategorized

Boston’s Best Of… “Burgers!”

Hey there, Terriers! I hope you enjoyed the latest video I posted. It’s always inspiring to look at the projects your fellow BUers throw together. In this blog we’re heading back to the Boston’s Best series! So what’s on today’s menu? Burgers. And the winner (without any doubt) is: Mr. Bartley’s Burgers in Harvard Square! […]

COM Calls for Pride

Hey, Terriers! I cannot believe it’s the end of July already. In one month the campus will be filling in with new and old Terriers alike– aren’t you excited? With the influx of students comes a boost in university pride. WOO! I expect to see you all decked out in scarlet and repping BU. This summer, […]

Get in Motion. Make Some Moves.

Hey Terriers! For those of you who are new to college life, and even those of you who are seasoned veterans, one thing many students want to know about their university is how to take advantage of their time on campus and how to really become successful.  We all want to make moves. This weekend […]

Book It!

Ahh, textbooks: one of the greatest banes of the existence of the broke college kid. They’re heavy and occasionally dull, and worst of all, they can be pretty darn expensive. If you’re one of those unfortunate souls, like me, who always seems to manage to pick the classes with the most expensive books all listed […]

Boston’s Best Of… “Chocolate Shakes!”

Hey Terriers! The summer sun is really packing a punch these days, so my first few “Best of Boston” posts are going to follow a refreshing theme: How to beat that dreadful heat. Our first stop for Boston’s bests comes from a Twitter suggestion sent from BU student, Valentina Monte. She told BU FYI that […]

Summer Coffee and Conversation? Yes, please!

Hello hello hello Terriers! I have some Terrier-ific news for anyone who loves  Coffee and Conversation with Dean Elmore.  (So, pretty much, everyone.) We are having a wicked awesome, totally cool, exciting,  special UStreaming mid-summer Coffee and Conversation this upcoming Monday evening from 6-7pm in the Howard Thurman Center. For those of you lucky enough to […]

BU Goes Mobile

Hey there Terriers – hope you’re enjoying all the new activity on our exciting student blog. We’ve got a great group working in our office this summer and I happen to be one of them! Since I was a wee freshman I’ve worked in DOS and now somehow three years zipped by and I’m a […]

Summer Celebration

Happy days, fellow Terriers! I hope everyone enjoyed some fun and safe 4th of July festivities. I was fortunate enough to watch the Boston fireworks from a rooftop. Of course I was thinking of you guys so yes, I brought my flipcam and captured some of the show for you all to watch here on […]

Calling All Terriers!

Hey Terriers! How’s that summer heat treating you? It’s another scorcher here in Boston, but you know what always makes me feel better? FREE STUFF. That’s right, Terriers- free stuff. Here at the Dean of Student’s office we think it’d be best to get this blog rolling with ideas from you, the students who make […]

The Inside Scoop, Orientation Style

Hey Terriers! As promised, here’s a sneak peak of what’s going down at this summer’s orientation sessions. Aren’t you glad you follow this blog? Those of you who are new to campus will definitely want to sit down and take a look! For those of you who have been through the whole orientation experience, you […]