Category: Uncategorized

Look who loves the Terriers!

Goooood morning, all you BU-tiful people. Hope everyone’s been enjoying the fantastic summer weather. If the heat gets to be too much for you, I personally recommend enjoying some A/C while taking in a summer movie. And, if you were to head to theaters this weekend, and check out, oh, let’s say that new Adam […]

Another Voice, Another View

Hey guys! If you’ve been keeping tabs on this awesome blog (and I know you have… *cough*) you realize we’re getting revamped and ready to provide you– the amazing Boston University community– with the latest and greatest insider info about what’s going on in and around BU. My name is Kedzie Teller and, along with […]

Jumping In

When the time for my Orientation session finally came, back in June 2008, the Celtics were in the NBA finals, and there was construction going on down Comm Ave. Today…not much has changed, at least as far as the city of Boston’s perpetual state of construction goes, and as for the C’s, well, it’s looking more and more like history will repeat itself. (BEAT LA!)

In fact, the thing that’s changed the most in those two years is yours truly. When I arrived here, I was outwardly confident, but inside, I was a nervous wreck, worried about fitting in and finding my way on campus. There’s an old saying: give a Terrier a bone, and they’ll have a bone for a day…teach a Terrier how to fetch bones and bury them, and they’ll have bones for a lifetime!

A Final Post on My Last Day

It’s my last day here in the Dean of Student’s Office. Hard to believe that after an incredible four years at BU,  my time here is almost over.  I’m looking forward to a change, to moving to a place I don’t know and trying out a new and challenging career.  But I have to admit, […]

Calling all Job-Seekers

Hey there everybody, It’s true, getting a job during a recession is a tricky business. The Labor Department recently released figures showing there is one job opening for every 5.4 unemployed men and women. So, it could be worse…you could be that .4 guy. Still, do not despair! We’re fortunate enough to be at a […]

BU is going…going…have we gone Greek?

According to COM senior Chelsey Brooks, more BU students are interested in going Greek every year. Here’s a link to  her blog post: What’s your take on it? Have we gone Greek? Where is the increased interest in Greek life coming from? Is increasing Greek life on campus a good thing or a bad […]

Career Fairs…Not Just For Seniors!

Picture it:  hundreds, maybe even thousands, of potential employers and job seekers squashed into Metcalf, fighting for one anothers’ attention and handing out resumes left and right in the hopes of finding a job in this worrisome economy. Maybe it terrifies you. Maybe you love it. Either way, elbows up, people! is coming to […]


Hurray! Latin honors were released yesterday! Now, if only we knew what they meant. We’ve been doing a little research at DOS and here’s the bottom line: Each school breaks the top 30% of their graduating class down into three categories:  Summa-cum-laude, Magna-cum-laude, and Cum-laude.  The GPA breakdowns are as follows: School or College Cum-Laude […]

Just like in the movies…

I’ve watched Ocean’s Eleven hundreds of times in my life (both the original with the Rat Pack and the more recent, yet equally star-studded, blockbuster).  I’ve seen gangster movies and heist films galore, and I always wish I could be right in the action.  The exhilaration the actors feel when they handle their silver briefcases […]

Marni’s Take: Run, Don’t Walk, to the Jon Jonsson Concert

Guess what Terriers!?  Our very own alum JON JONSSON is coming back to campus with his band to perform exclusively for us!  This incredible singer has been writing and performing his music in Iceland, and now he is in the states, specifically Massachusetts, and will be performing right here on campus next week!  Jonsson will […]