Summer Getaway!

Gooooood morning, Terriers!

I’m up bright and early to head off to the cape where I’ll be snagging a ferry to Nantucket for a few days. It’s my first real getaway of the summer and I couldn’t be more excited.


Regardless of my absence, I will be sifting through Boston events and whatnot to keep you informed. Remember to TWEET AT US if you hear of anything awesome and I will get it blogged ASAP!

In the meantime, relax, kick back and enjoy some of this BU-tiful weather. Are you guys going anywhere fun? What are your favorite summer hotspots? Let us know!

Until next time, keep being you, BU.


Orientation Tweet-Up!

Hey there new Terriers,

Hope you're all having a fantastic time at orientation! If you have some spare time this morning, be sure to stop by our office between 10am and noon. We're hosting a mini tweet-up, which is extended to all of our @BU_FYI followers!

Be sure to swing by the Office of The Dean of Students to meet not just myself, but the other faces of DOS. We're located on the third floor of the George Sherman Union. If you're lucky, maybe even Dean Elmore will be here 😉

By the way, if you haven't had a chance to check out the BU Tweeters who-to-follow list, be sure to check it out!

See you later,


p.s. my initials are ET... so here's Katy Perry's music video.

Mysterious Rib Festival (?)

Hey there, Terriers!

The other day I was walking through Government Center when I noticed a huge festival being set up in the Plaza just outside the T-Station. The signs there raved about a huge Rib Festival going on Friday-Sunday this weekend. Sounds absolutely decicious.

imagesI got so excited about the event, I came home with intentions of blogging it for you, but alas... I can't find any information on it! Duhn duhn duhn.

So, Terriers, if you are feeling adventurous, head on down to Government Center this weekend to see if you can get your hands on some serious BBQ noms. If you get in and it's as awesome as it sounds, take some pictures and tweet them at us!

Until next time, keep being you, BU.



Welcome to BU, class of 2015! As you’ll soon find out, our campus is legitimately the coolest place ever. To help you get aqquainted with your new home, We’ve built some treks through SCVNGR.

What’s SCVNGR? It’s this awesome location-based program that essentially adds a game layer to your world. By going to different locations and participating in challenges, you can earn points the more challenges you complete. At the same time, you’re exploring campus and learning fun facts about or campus. Plus, the more points you earn, the better your chances are to win some awesome prizes from the FYI Student Blog and Office of the Dean of Students.

So, how do you get started? First, go to and make an account, or download the application on your phone. If you don’t have a smartphone, activate the text-to-play feature on Next, set up your account! Let us know who you are.

Here's my SCVNGR profile page.

Next, find the Treks page on your phone- that’s where you’ll see this the two orientation treks: “Rhetty, Set, Go Around BU!” and “George and Beatrice’s GSU”.

SCVNGR home screen

Click on Treks, chose the one you want to do, and start playing!


Click a location, answer the challenge, and start earning points! Remember, most points means you get a prize from the one and only Dean Elmore. Be sure to use the hashtag #BUSCVNGR on twitter while you’re playing the treks.

See you all at orientation!


1 Reason Why We Love our Dean…

Hey there, Terriers!

Happy first day of Wimbledon! (Irrelevant, I know...)

I was sitting around this morning watching tennis, and I thought to myself, 'What can I blog today that both current and new students would love to see?' and this video was the first thing I thought of. Enjoy!

Keep being you, BU, and we'll chat soon.


Welcome to BU!

Hey there, new Terriers! Welcome to Boston University! I’m sure you’re super excited to get involved on campus. I’m Emma, a sophomore in the College of Communication, and I’m the Program Assistant for Digital Media in the Office of the Dean of Students. This summer, I’ll be blogging on the FYI Student Blog giving tips each week on how to get involved at BU. One of my favorite things about BU is how connected our community is, not just on campus but online.

Whether it’s our Fitness and Recreation Center tweeting healthy tips or our own Dean Elmore posing a question, social media really helps our campus stay connected. To get started, I’ve made a list of people to follow on Twitter. These are people ranging from academic Twitter accounts to the unofficial BU Department of Snow and Weather account. Also, there are some students I’ve included that I really enjoy following on twitter. Click here to see this Twitter list.

My favorite thing about social media is how it unites our campus. Keep checking this blog for more tips on how to get connected around BU, and I can’t wait to see you all on Comm. Ave this fall!


A (Slap)Shot at History

Hey there, Terriers!

I hope everyone is having an awesome week. I just celebrated my 21st birthday, so you know I'm happy. More exciting, however, is the Bruins' chance at claiming the Stanley Cup—a feat that has evaded Beantown fans since 1972. It all comes down to tonight's battle: Game #7.


It's been a thrilling journey to tonight's match. The Bruins leveled things up with the Canucks two nights ago with an impressive 5-2 victory here in their home town, but the final game will be away at Roger's Arena: a place the Bruins have failed to win at in their past three attempts.

So, Terriers, I want to see you all crammed in front of televisions, at bars and pubs, outside in the streets, parading with black and gold in honor of the Bruins' shot at history.

See you all at the championship parade! Until then, keep being you, BU.


Meet Your 2011 Orientation Staff

Hey there, Terriers!

Session 1 of BU Orientation has been a whirlwind of a good time, but it's coming to an end already. Over the past three days I've been tagging along with the epic orientation staff to get to know them, filming their dance moves and asking them questions about what work is all about. The end result? A hilarious and fun video that freshmen and upperclassmen alike will enjoy.

So turn up your speakers and get ready to dance along with these inspired Terriers as you check out this clip:

If you're a twitter user and you're on campus for orientation events, be sure to use the official orientation hashtag: #otation11

Have a great day and keep being you, BU!


Summer 2011 Welcomes Terriers 2015

Good morning, Terriers!

Today is a special day as it marks the kickoff of Session 1 of this summer's BU Orientation! From now until the beginning of classes, we will be welcoming the entire freshman class to campus, showing them the places, people and resources they will have at their fingertips as they transition into true BU Terriers.


To facilitate this project, BU's Orientation Office has hired its new summer staff—a load of smiling, excited and passionate students ready to inspire the entering freshmen. Be sure to say hi to them! They're hard to miss, walking around in their snazzy red orientation shirts and holding their group signs. And look out for our Summer Staff Video Blog coming later this week as a special introduction to future orientation sessions.

Alright, everyone, have an awesome day and get ready to welcome your new classmates! And keep an eye to twitter for special events like SCVNGR! (Search #0tation11 for more Orientation tweets!)

Until next time, keep being you, BU!


Boston’s Best of… “Froyo!”

Good morning, Terriers.

Today's the first day of the SCOOPER BOWL and good thing considering it's going to reach 85 degrees... And in honor of our favorite icy treats, I thought we'd settle an unanswered question once and for all: Who sells the best Frozen Yogurt in Boston!?!

The last time I tried to figure this out via our Twitter account I received a variety of opinions, but the three leading froyo locations were most definitely:

I didn't miss free Berryline on Newbury last week!

I didn't miss free Berryline on Newbury last week! It was the store's grand opening.

But that's not all our awesome city has to offer on the froyo front—have you ever indulged with Angora's or Mixx's selections? I'm sure there are others as well and we want to know what's THE BEST (if it's even possible to decide).

So here's what you're going to do for me, Terriers. You're going to get out there and try everything out, and then report back to me with a comment on this blog post. Once we overhaul the website design of BU FYI, we're going to have a "tab" dedicated to "Noms" and we'll be sure to get write-ups posted for each place you tell us is worthwhile.

So go eat some serious Froyo and while you're out there, keep being you, BU.
