Red Carpets and Zombies

Good morning, Terriers!

Talk about excitement. Last night was easily one of the coolest moments of my life… Why? Red Carpets and Zombies, of course.

Ready for the Zombie Apocalypse?

Ready for the Zombie Apocalypse?

FOX’s new thriller series, The Walking Dead, is TV’s latest buzz and with so much hype the cast has been making rounds for international press. Last night, the heart of Madrid welcomed names like Andrew Lincoln (you probably know him for his role in Love Actually with the famous line, “To me, you are perfect”) and Laurie Holden (The Shield and The Fantastic Four) for a red carpet premiere as star-studded and exhilarating as you could have asked for.

So why do I care about all this? Because I got FULL ACCESS as the evening’s representative for InMadrid Magazine.

The stars. They were happy to hear at least one reporter speaking English.

The stars. They were happy to hear at least one reporter speaking English.

I arrived at Cinesa Capitol with very little knowledge about what was going to happen. All I knew was that the show was an adaptation of Robert Kirkman’s famous comic series and would be airing on FOX television. Within moments I was being swept through a roped-off opening marked “Entrada Prensa” (press entrance) and being ushered onto a platform decked out with lights, cameras and bustling journalists. I looked to my left and there, maybe two feet away, was the red carpet and photo shoot area for the actors and actresses. What an incredible turn of events.

There I stood, the only English-speaking reporter, with my digital camera and a flipcam… Sort of ghetto, but I was too pumped to care. The best moment had to be when Laurie Holden heard me say “Smile for Boston!” and responded “You speak English!? And you’re from Boston!?” and later asked the body guards to move so she could take a photo with me. I was starstruck of course, but she was awesome, asking me about Madrid and exclaiming “Isn’t this whole thing cool?”

She was unbelievably nice. Hopefully I can interview her one day.

She was unbelievably nice. Hopefully I can interview her one day.

Now, I’ve never been a huge zombie fan, but after last night I feel obligated to be an avid supporter of The Walking Dead. At the very least, I’ve had my first taste of real life in the fast-paced media world… and let me tell you, I’m craving more.

Couldn’t be happier, Terriers. Let me know what’s going on with you sometime (let’s be honest, I’m the only Kedzie on facebook) and keep checking in for more posts. Until then, keep being you, BU.


Psyched for PSYCH!

So, I don't know what you guys did last night, but instead of just doing the same old 'dinner in Warren Towers followed by homework' routine, I headed over to Jacob Sleeper Auditorium for the Psych College Tour at Boston University. Psych, for those of you who don't know, is a pretty awesome...strike that, totally awesome show on USA Network that I've been obsessed with ever since my roommate Katie introduced me to it last year. The show has a huge following among college kids, including (obviously) myself and about 600 other Terriers, all who showed up at the event last night. Psych screened a sneak peek of the next episode, "Extradition II: The Actual Extradition Part," which was super funny that I'll probably watch it again when it airs on USA on Thursday, November 1oth at 10pm. After the screening, the show's stars, James Roday and Dulé Hill took to the stage to answer questions, play Truth or Dare, and do a little dancing.

James Roday and Dulé Hill reppin' BU.

James Roday and Dulé Hill reppin' the BU love.

And even though I'm PSYCHED (hahaha, get it, guys?) that I got to be there, I know there are some people who might be bummed they didn't make it. (Benji seemed pretty disappointed until I presented him with a small Psych football in the office this morning.) You guys can officially cheer up, though, because you can still show your love for Psych, and get that love right back from participating in Psych's CAMPUS WARS. There are tons of other schools competing for a chance to be featured in an upcoming episode of Psych.

All you have to do is go to the Club Psych website, and register (it literally takes less than ten seconds, and that's coming from me, the girl who never signs up for anything online) and then go here to declare your allegiance to BU and start playing some extremely fun, time-wasting games to earn points. (Perfect way to procrastinate writing that paper you've been dreading.) Benji and I have been racking up the points for the last few days, but we need help. So don't be a gooey chocolate chip cookie, BU. Let's win this thing!

Terrier-ificly yours,


(I know, I can't believe I just made that pun either.)

SCVNGR Comes Back to Haunt Us!

It's Joint Blogging Time PART TWO - this time from the men of DOS bringing you a brand new spoOOooky SCVNGR trek just in time for Halloween!

DOS Halloween SCVNGR

With 12 challenges and enough ghosts to scare that entire army from 300, The Ghosts of BU trek will take you for a spin across campus you won't soon forget. Not only is this weekend Halloween weekend but it's also Alumni weekend - so we honor our alums that have passed on, and those that maybe just passed through on their way to Hollywood.

If you're a first time SCVNGR-R (sounds like a good name for it, right?) here's how it works:

iPhone / Android users: Download the new and improved SCVNGR app, select treks and get trekkin'!

Every other phone: Text "buboo" to 728647.

If you want a little more SCVNGR info, check out our detailed instructions from the last awesome trek. Remember that it's about who finishes it fastest rather than first!

Our super-awesome prize is hush-hush right now, but you know that must mean it's going to be a big deal. Like, a really big deal. So put your ear to the rumor mill to find out what it is. You're resourceful, I know you can do it.

ALSO, make sure you come to the Men's Hockey game this Saturday at 7pm to participate in the LARGEST Social Check-In EVER.

Love (platonically),

Alex and Benji


As the females in the office, we are here to talk about the recent phenomenon of
the "I <3 BOOBIES" bracelets.  Personally, I (Marni) own one, but let's get real.
THEY ARE SO SCANDALOUS.  ("And you might get some strange looks from your professors."- Julia)

As many of you know, it is October.  And although it is,
most importantly, Abbey's birthday month, it is also Breast Cancer Awareness
Month.  By buying one of these snazzy rubber bracelets, you are donating a small amount of money to
a worthy cause!

such cute colors!

Such cute colors!

So the real question is, are these appropriate?  High schools all over the
nation have been banning them from their hallways, but let's get real, we're in
college.  Even though they seem suggestive, the controversy is succeeding in
spreading the word to the public.

What do you think, Terriers??

If you would like to buy a bracelet, we suggest Googling the 'Keep A Breast' Foundation.

Always trying to save the ta-ta's,
Marni, Julia, and Abbey

Did he see it coming?

Hey there, Terriers!

Lot's to talk about these days. This morning's headline for you...

Psychic octopus dies: did he see it coming?

For those of you who lived under a rock during the world cup, there was an octopus by the name of Paul living in a German aquarium who accurately predicted the results of every single one of Germany's matches, including their crazy upset against Serbia and the team's exiting loss to Spain...

Germany Octopus Oracle World Cup

How did he do it? Caretakers at the Sea Life Center lowered two boxes into Paul's tank, each marked with one of the competing teams' flags and a mussel inside. On every occasion, Paul selected the mussel of the team who would then win the match. Psychic? Lucky? Sushi? Regardless, to the disgust of Dutch fans worldwide, Paul "predicted" Spain to win... and they did... Spain vowed to stop eating pulpo (octopus) for months.

SO. Today, Twitter has been clogged with Spanish tweets lamenting the death of the miraculous, oracle octopus. Simultaneously, a muffled cheer could be heard reverberating across the web- perhaps from the Netherlands?

Really? 1000s of tweets about this guy. He really was cool... in theory.

Really? 1000s of tweets about this guy. He really was cool... in theory.

Me? I'm heading out to the nearest Tapería to get my share of pulpo as a mini celebration. Normally, I'd feel bad that something like this happened, but today I just feel... hungry. My only regret is that Paul couldn't have been part of my paella.

So, I wonder, if Paul had been given the chance to pick between a box with a smiley face and a box with crossbones this morning, which would  he have picked? ... We'll never know.

Keep being you, BU!


Halloween Plans Anyone?

Hey Terriers!

masSo when did it become October 25th?? Well all that means is it is finally HALLOWEEN!! ooooohhhhh scaaaarrry.  I hate scary movies.  Anyway, if you don’t have any plans yet (or even if you do), be sure to go to Programming Council's Halloween Dance- Masquerade Ft. Shwayze!!  There will be awesome music, delicious desserts from Finale Desserterie, and Rockstar to keep you dancing all night long.  Be sure to dress up, and I hope to see you there!  I'll be dressed as a flapper, unless I change my mind for the 100th time about my costume, which is getting kind of annoying.

I wish I could still go trick-or-treating,


Brooms Up

Buenas tardes, Terriers!12944_171296069239_502064239_2770563_637096_n

So just because I'm across the pond doesn't mean I don't keep regularly updated on life back in Beantown, so today's tidbit is something that you guys can look for on campus (and man am I jealous...). I'm talking about BU Quidditch, people, quaffle and all.

For those of you unaware, BU has an epic quidditch team. For a little information about how it's played, I suggest you check out the article "Not Varsity Sports" published in BU's alumni magazine, Bostonia. Last year's team, which included me (yeah, I'm a chaser) finished 3rd at the annual world cup hosting more than 20-some teams, some from as far as Texas and Canada.

3rd place. Coming for 1st, Middlebury. Look out.

3rd place. Coming for 1st, Middlebury. Look out.

Anyways, I'm not here to tell you the specifics of what quidditch is and what it's not, because that's something you can do on your own. I am, however, here to tell you about the season's kickoff.


This weekend, BU Quidditch stepped on the pitch to face off against the newly formed MIT squad and the well-seasoned team from Tufts. With a few members missing abroad, BUQ was excited and nervous to see how the new members would handle their first competition... And with much excitement I am happy to say that BU defeated both MIT (110 - 10 ) and Tufts (0-50, 50-30, 50-20 ) in impressive fashion.

After wiping MIT off the map, BU took on Tufts, a team known for their solid tackling who managed to squeeze out a win in Sunday's first game of a best-of-three battle. But BUQ is well-known for a reason, turning the match around and taking the following two rounds in low-scoring, hard hitting drama.

We hit hard too.

We hit hard too.

This year's world cup will be in NYC on November 13 and 14. Expect another blog from me or Julia about it as the date draws nearer. Until then, check out the team's Twitter, Facebook page and keep an eye out for a snitch around campus.

Keep being you, BU, and get over to the BU beach to watch some quidditch practice!



Hey BU!

My name is Marni and I'm a junior in CAS.  Is anyone else sooo over midterms? Because I definitely am.  Too bad they've just started for me.  Forget midterm week, more like midterm month.

Look familiar?

Look familiar?

But if you need help with your papers or would like some friendly peer tutoring, make sure you check out the Educational Resource Center and what they have to offer. Remember the link! Otherwise, you can be like me and post blogs as a form of procrastination... I should probably go crack a textbook.

It's fitting that my first blog post is about studying-- I guess that's what we're all here for anyway...


An Amsterdam Good Time

Hey there, Terriers

Oh please, that's shorts weather.

Oh please, that's shorts weather.

Studying for midterms? Oops. Didn't mean to remind you. I'd rather you read the blog anyways...

By now I figure Boston is getting cold- I wouldn't know, I'm guilty of being spoiled by relentless Spanish sun. I know I complain that it's 50 when I wake up, but by the afternoon I'm sweating bullets, though my señora assures me it's freezing outside. These people have clearly never experienced a New England winter.

But enough about Spain- here's a little insight into my first European adventure outside of my host country... Where did I go? HOLLAND OF COURSE.

DSCF0297 resize

For anyone who knows me personally, and even for many who don't, my love for anything Dutch is something that doesn't go unnoticed. (Let's not get me started on the World Cup and the resentment I feel living in the country who ruined my dreams).

Bad memories. Thanks, Boston Herald.

Bad memories. Thanks, Boston Herald.

Anyways... Literally with tears in my eyes, I landed in my motherland at 10:03am on September 3rd. We hit the Van Gogh Museum, the Heineken Brewery for the "Heineken Experience" (an amazing tour, drinks included), and of course, my favorite: the Ajax soccer stadium.


For those who have never been, Amsterdam is an amazing city and it's easy to survive there considering almost everyone speaks English (Okay, I'm guilty for not speaking Dutch... yet!).

There are incredible statues, buildings that look like palaces, and if there's one thing worth noting, it's the beautiful canal system that serpentines through the city's heart. I'd go back without question. If you go, be the ultimate tourist and take a photo at the Iamsterdam statue at museumplein.

I want to write about Amsterdam for hours, but I know long blog posts defeat the purpose. If you want to know anything else, please comment and I'd love to answer your questions. After all, I bleed oranje.

Keep being you ,BU, and I'll work on some new blogs now so I can post more frequently.


Finally! (Por fin!)

Heya Terriers,

Miss me? I mean, I miss you. Sorry it took me so long to get in touch. My computer is grasping at the threads of life and I've been so busy (a combination that doesn't promote frequent blogging, I assure you...).

Spain is incredible. I can't even begin to explain. Classes have been going strong for the past few weeks and those of us in the Internship Program are hard at work. The entire program just took its first group excursion to Córdoba and I'll be sure to blog about that soon-- or at least try to.


Estais celosos? Er, I mean, jealous?

My host family is wicked nice and my accomodations, though tiny, are comfortable. I'm still getting used to the whole dinner at 930pm thing but let me tell you, siesta is the most brilliant "cultural" concept a country could have. Who doesn't like a midday recharge?


Legit maybe 2 more feet at the end of my bed. Cozy.

Since vidblogging is going to be, mm... impossible right now, I think I'm going to try and do serious photo blogs of some of the different stuff I've been doing, including:

  • Visiting the MADRID ZOO
  • Attending a BULL FIGHT
  • Spending a weekend in AMSTERDAM
  • And a whole lot more because life in Spain never slows down...

Sound good? Keep it classy in Boston, everyone, and I'll be chatting with you soon. Let me know if there is anything specific you want me to blog (like my Halloween trip to BARCELONA). And as always, keep being you, BU. 'taluego!


ps. Dean Elmore will be here in Madrid this week. Expect greatness.