Ciao, Boston.

Hola, Terriers!

Well, it’s finally time. With only a few days until my flight, I have to put my blogging on hold and give you a mini-farewell. The next time you hear from me, I’ll be fully settled into life in España.


Because of technical difficulties, videoblogging may not be as frequent as I had planned, but the moment I find a functioning MacLab I will do my best to give you all a glimpse into what it is I’m up to. Also look forward to some photo-posts.

Until then, have a wonderful semester and take care of this amazing city. Mucho amor, mis compañeros, y como siempre, “keep being you, BU.”


Quite a Tail

Hey Terriers!

Sorry about the delay on this video (for those of you who expected it yesterday because of my latest Tweets), but at last, HERE IT IS!

This is a video of my sister and I on a whale watch out of Gloucester, Mass. We got to meet two awesome humpback whales named Pepper and Scratch, as well as a grey seal (who merely floated in the water, enjoying the sun on its face...) and a lot of other cool creatures. I made the video pretty goofy for you and at the very least I know you will enjoy the music.

What a day! Keep dry in this seemingly unstoppable rain and as always, keep being you, BU.


DOS Brings U SCVNGR (and an iPad)

As you know, we love acronyms at BU. You can get to SHA from COM by going past the GSU and turning left at FitRec (well that’s kind of an acronym). So when we found an impressive local cutting-edge company that ALSO loves acronyms we were like OMG UR GR8T!

Well maybe that’s not exactly how it went, but there are a whole lot of reasons we’re obsessed with these awesome Cambridge folk.


Here’s how it works: SCVNGR is a game you play through your smartphone or through text messages. Do challenges, win points, beat your friends. It’s that easy. To step it up a notch, Dean Elmore is giving out three huge prizes to whoever masters BU best. I’ll reveal them in backward order because it’s more exciting:

3. $100 in Convenience Points. That’s enough points to buy two new BU sweatshirts. Or like 300 of those Lindt chocolate balls (Great for studying indulgences)

2. 2 Men’s Hockey Season Tickets and 2 Winter Jackets. Remember that time our team won the 2009 NCAA Championship? Yeah, they’re pretty awesome. You’ll see every single game this year - and have one of the most coveted goodies on campus. Plus you’ll do it all in (really warm) style.

1. An iPad. That’s right, eye-pad. Apple’s most magical creation yet. From playing that get-the metal-ball-in-the-hole game to reading your favorite book to watching Netflix - you can do everything with this bad boy. I’m going to pretend like I didn’t make this game and try to win it myself (just kidding?).

Now you’re sold. I know it. You know it. So on August 31st between 1 and 4pm search for our Trek on your SCVNGR app (available for Android and iPhone - download it now!) or text “bu” to 728647. Come visit our booth in front of the GSU to get a tutorial and make sure to check out all the other Comm Ave Fair action here (website coming 8/23 - keep checking it!). Our event is just one of a ton going on all over BU that day - with everything from people walking on water to free duck tours - it's sure to be a historic day in BU's awesome history. See you bloggers and bloggettes then!

SCVNGR Instructions

Alex (DOS Tech Master)

Shout to our Readers!

Hey my faithful Terriers,

The summer clock is ticking towards its end and the excitement of a new semester is starting to set in. I won't lie... I'm nervous. I depart for Spain in just about three weeks, leaving behind my comfortable BU setting and taking on a whole new city, country and life.

Bye, summer. We love you.

Bye, summer. We love you.

What am I saying- I'm PUMPED!

This blog I am dedicating to the BU students, old and new, for open conversation. I want to see comments from upperclassmen saying what they are excited about, tips for freshmen and what they have loved about BU during their time here. Freshmen, ask us questions, express your excitement and let us know what you look to get out of your time here.


I'm looking at you, Terriers. Speak up. Comment. Get to know one another. Love BU and your community.

Oh... and let me know what you want to see when I'm in Spain. You know my flipcam will be at the ready...

Keep being you, BU.


Hidden Gems: “In Your Ear!”

Hey Terriers!

Aside from all the obvious benefits of living in Boston, there are many little-known treasure troves scattered across the city that many BU students overlook-- even ones here on campus!  The hidden gem I offer you today goes out to BU's music lovers: "In Your Ear" music store.


In Your Ear is a paradise of forgotten CDs, records, casettes and even 8-tracks that keep faithful band-f0llowers and obscure collectors rummaging the isles for hours. Located in the basement of 957 Commonwealth Avenue (next door to the West Campus City Convenience) many students go years without acknowledging its existence. I didn't know about it until this past May!

The best part of this crazy music emporium: the prices. Many of my friends walk out of In Your Ear hauling over 20 CDs, beaming because they got their entire stash for a mere couple dollars. I prefer the handy little "freebie box" that sits outside the front door: a pile of orphaned knickknacks, cassettes, etc. that are free to a good home. I've found some awesome records there that my friends and I have been listening to all summer.

You'll go nuts over the massive selection this place has.

You'll go nuts over the massive selection this place has.

So there's your first "hidden gem" from me, Terriers. Hope it comes and handy. Rock out to some good tunes, keep an eye out for more blogs and as always, keep being you, BU.


Boston’s Best Of… “Burgers!”

Hey there, Terriers!

I hope you enjoyed the latest video I posted. It's always inspiring to look at the projects your fellow BUers throw together.


In this blog we're heading back to the Boston's Best series! So what's on today's menu? Burgers. And the winner (without any doubt) is:

Mr. Bartley's Burgers in Harvard Square!

Burger's are a classic American treat and come in a variety of styles, but culinary creativity reaches its peak at Mr. Bartley's Gourmet Burgers. From "The Barack Obama" to "The John McCain", Mr. Bartley's offers a plethora of flavor explosions that keeps customers coming back for more.

If you're in the mood to venture off the BU campus for an incredible burger experience, head to 1246 Massachusetts Avenue in Cambridge and get ready to nom. Mr. Bartley's was named "Boston's Best" for a reason.

Sit. Relax. Enjoy.

Sit. Relax. Enjoy.

All this talk is making me hungry... perhaps I'll be seeing you all in Cambridge later today!

Be you, BU, and I'll talk to you again soon.


COM Calls for Pride

Hey, Terriers!

I cannot believe it's the end of July already. In one month the campus will be filling in with new and old Terriers alike-- aren't you excited? With the influx of students comes a boost in university pride. WOO! I expect to see you all decked out in scarlet and repping BU.

This summer, the College of Communication went one step further in getting students pumped to arrive, challenging the new freshmen to submit videos online explaining why they selected COM. The grand prize? A new, shiny, absolutely awesome Macbook Pro. Yup. COM's the bomb!

For your viewing pleasure, here is the winning video submitted by Sarah (COM'14).

Be sure to check out the other COM videos on The COM Youtube Channel. And per usual, keep being you, BU.


Get in Motion. Make Some Moves.

Hey Terriers!

For those of you who are new to college life, and even those of you who are seasoned veterans, one thing many students want to know about their university is how to take advantage of their time on campus and how to really become successful.  We all want to make moves.

This weekend I want to share with you a little tidbit about a group of Terriers (three recent grads and one current student) who really exemplify what it means to go out and create your own future.

The group goes by Making Moves BU and aside from running FIVE BUSINESSES, they film their own YouTube-accessible show (called Making Moves). The young entrepreneurs have facebook groups, a Twitter account and all sorts of media to market themselves and attract clients.

Check it out. Looking legit, am I right?

Check it out. Looking legit, am I right?

Check out this article for more information about what these students have accomplished. Isn't it awesome to see Terriers like you hitting it big in the real world? Just imagine what you can do!

Now, I don't know about you all but I'm getting tired of posting textual blogs when I promised you guys more videos, so I'll get to work on some projects to keep you all coming back for more.

As usual, keep being you, BU.


Book It!

Ahh, textbooks: one of the greatest banes of the existence of the broke college kid. They’re heavy and occasionally dull, and worst of all, they can be pretty darn expensive.

Expensive textbooks getting you down? Rhett sympathizes.

Cost of textbooks getting you down? Rhett knows how it feels.

If you’re one of those unfortunate souls, like me, who always seems to manage to pick the classes with the most expensive books all listed as required reading, then you’ll be as excited about this little bit of news as I was.

Let's just hope you don't need this many books for one semester...

Let's just hope you don't need this many books for one semester...

Just in time for the new semester, BU’s Barnes& Noble is now offering a great new option for those of you, like me, who might want to save a few extra bucks on textbooks:  textbook rental. (Personally, I’m putting the money I’ll save towards my “Finals Week Coffee Fund.”)  According to Barnes&Noble, you can save up to 50% of the cost of the book you’re renting. This page has all the answers to any question you might have: for example, you’ll be happy to know that even with a rented text, you can still highlight and take notes in the margins.

Not all books are available for rental yet, though, so we here at the FYI Blog would love to hear your suggestions for the best websites to pick up textbooks for cheap. (Also, it's worth noting that the book list provided on the StudentLink now includes the ISBNs of each book,  making it easier than ever for you to find the exact text you need on another website of your choice. ) My Coffee Fund and I would be pretty interested in hearing your suggestions for saving. Leave us a comment on this entry, hit us up on Twitter (@BU_FYI) or shoot us an e-mail at

Until next time, you BU-tiful people, I’ll leave you to browse your book lists.


Boston’s Best Of… “Chocolate Shakes!”

Hey Terriers!

The summer sun is really packing a punch these days, so my first few "Best of Boston" posts are going to follow a refreshing theme: How to beat that dreadful heat.

Our first stop for Boston's bests comes from a Twitter suggestion sent from BU student, Valentina Monte. She told BU FYI that the "Chocolate Frappe" from UBurger is the best example of a chocolate shake in Beantown. After a quick survey and a sample of my own, Valentina, you are so very correct.

Omnomnom. So cold. So good.

Omnomnom. So cold. So good.

With two locations on BU's campus, UBurger is an easily accessible treat for any Terrier looking for a bite. For those of you ready to sample the bliss of a chocolate frappe, here are the addresses that you'll find most convenient:

  1. 636 Beacon St. (right in Kenmore)
  2. 1022 Commonwealth Ave. (across from West Campus)

If anyone disagrees with this blog and knows of a BETTER chocolate shake in Boston, let me know! I'm dying to venture through the city and try new things. Right now I'm in the middle of taking sides in one of the summer's biggest debates: is Berry Freeze or Berry Line the better FroYo location!?!

As always, be you, BU, and stay cool!
