Summer Coffee and Conversation? Yes, please!

Hello hello hello Terriers!

I have some Terrier-ific news for anyone who loves  Coffee and Conversation with Dean Elmore.  (So, pretty much, everyone.)


We are having a wicked awesome, totally cool, exciting,  special UStreaming mid-summer Coffee and Conversation this upcoming Monday evening from 6-7pm in the Howard Thurman Center. For those of you lucky enough to be in Boston, sweating to death in the  summer heat, feel free to join us live and in person. For those of you who are summering in places other than our beloved-yet-sweltering Beantown, you too can join us…online! Everything you need to know to be in on this can be found at this handy link. Can’t wait to see you there!

Until next time, you BU-tiful people!


BU Goes Mobile

Hey there Terriers - hope you're enjoying all the new activity on our exciting student blog. We've got a great group working in our office this summer and I happen to be one of them! Since I was a wee freshman I've worked in DOS and now somehow three years zipped by and I'm a senior studying public relations at our beloved university.

There's a lot of things I'd like you to know about me, but do you really care? Check me out here (or here) if you'd like. The one thing that is important is I have an incessant love of all things technological, especially my beloved iPhone.  Apple is frequently the cause of my empty wallet and surely will be again as soon as I save up enough for the iPhone 4. You know what else I love? BU. I'm not just saying that because I work here - I honestly mean it. I should be on a steady diet of antidepressants just to deal with the thought that I'll graduate this coming May. It's tough to deal with - believe me!


Estamos Enamorados

You know what has both iPhone tech and a lot of BU in it? The (relatively) new iPhone app.

BU's mobile addition came out earlier this year, bringing all the joy of visiting a BU website to your palm.  Wait what's that? The joy of a BU website? We'll get to (the lack of that) later.

On the surface, BU's mobile app is sleek and friendly - six neat icons you can move around and place on separate pages, similar to the iPhone itself. Overall, each of these works well. You can read BU Today articles, check where the nearest bus stop or bike rack is, find out what's going on at BU tonight, check out what courses your school has or even look up your professor's email address when it's midnight and you know that paper isn't going to be done tomorrow.

BU Mobile

It's a nice app - a good app. A decent attempt at creating a mobile window into BU. But let's go back to that whole "reason BU students go to BU websites." We want to charge convenience points or  plan our schedule. We'd like to get some fast cash with a quickie job and how fast we're going to have to run to catch the BUS. So while this is a good way to find where the Kenmore Classroom Building is (it could find it when Google Maps couldn't!), it could use a little shape up before us students get excited about it. Let's have an app that allows us to pick classes, look at professor reviews, find out what's for dinner at Shelton Hall. An app that caters to our needs - one that's available on every mobile platform and puts the power of the Student Link in our palm.

What do you think Terriers? Is the iPhone app bomb or bust? (wait, or are those both bad?) Or could you care less whether you have BU in your palm? Let us know below!


Summer Celebration

Happy days, fellow Terriers!

I hope everyone enjoyed some fun and safe 4th of July festivities. I was fortunate enough to watch the Boston fireworks from a rooftop. Of course I was thinking of you guys so yes, I brought my flipcam and captured some of the show for you all to watch here on the blog. But before we get to the video, I have some really awesome and important information for you all.

  1. We're officially on Facebook! Click the link and be sure to friend us to stay up to date.
  2. Our first city search will be kicking off sometime in the near future, so if you're not following us on Twitter yet, do it! Otherwise you'll miss all the clues...
  3. I'm trying to brainstorm a creative name for our city searches, so let me know what you think. Scarlet Search? Terrier Hunt? Comment or tweet with suggestions!

Alright, enough chit chat. Here's a quick little montage of the fireworks. Per usual, keep being you, BU!


Calling All Terriers!

Hey Terriers!

How's that summer heat treating you? It's another scorcher here in Boston, but you know what always makes me feel better? FREE STUFF.

That's right, Terriers- free stuff. Here at the Dean of Student's office we think it'd be best to get this blog rolling with ideas from you, the students who make this campus what it is. Sure, I could come up with a bunch of fun topics (and I promise I will) but here's my challenge to you: Comment on the blog, email us at, or tweet at us on our Twitter account with ideas for this blog and we will award those of you whose ideas we use with a BU t-shirt or thumbdrive!

Don't you just love BU gear? Rhett does.

Don't you just love BU gear? Rhett does.

So there it is, my fellow Bostonians. Do you accept the mission? Get out there and tell us what you think is important. Did you find the best pizza in the city? Is there a festival worth noting? Let us know! And as always, keep being you, BU.


The Inside Scoop, Orientation Style

Hey Terriers!

As promised, here's a sneak peak of what's going down at this summer's orientation sessions. Aren't you glad you follow this blog? Those of you who are new to campus will definitely want to sit down and take a look! For those of you who have been through the whole orientation experience, you might want to watch and take a stroll down memory lane. Ignore my goofy introduction and enjoy.

KEEP IN MIND: This is only a quick glimpse at the epicness that will be your first dabble into BU life. There are so many secrets about orientation that I just couldn't give away. You'll just have to get pumped and wait to find out what those surprises are.

Watch the video, go soak up some sunshine and as always, keep being you, BU.


Look who loves the Terriers!

Goooood morning, all you BU-tiful people. Hope everyone's been enjoying the fantastic summer weather. If the heat gets to be too much for you, I personally recommend enjoying some A/C while taking in a summer movie. And, if you were to head to theaters this weekend, and check out, oh, let's say that new Adam Sandler movie, Grown Ups, you might spot the face of our much-beloved mascot: good ol' Rhett.


The folks from the BU Athletics Department sent a photo over this morning. Looks like someone's been shopping at the BU Barnes & Noble...

In other news, my fellow blogger, Kedzie, has been slaving away in our back room over his first video blog look for that sometime in the next few days. But if you just love us too much to wait, you can always hit us up on our new Twitter! Tweet us your questions, comments, ideas for blog topics, photos from around campus, marriage proposals, etc.

We've been planning tons of exciting things for you guys, so keep your eyes peeled and your ears open.

Until next time, you BU-tiful people.


Another Voice, Another View

Hey guys! If you've been keeping tabs on this awesome blog (and I know you have... *cough*) you realize we're getting revamped and ready to provide you-- the amazing Boston University community-- with the latest and greatest insider info about what's going on in and around BU.

My name is Kedzie Teller and, along with Julia, I will be running this BU-tiful blog. I'm a  junior in the College of Communication and I am an intensely proud member of the Boston University family. But enough about me (you'll be getting to know me soon enough)... I just wanted to say a quick hello and let you know that I'll be blogging!

Two of the COM Orientation Leaders, looking good.

Two of the Orientation Leaders for the College of Communication, looking good.

I promise to keep all of my written posts concise, interesting and hopefully witty. But if you want to get a real view on what's going on in Boston, keep an eye out for my video blogs. Yeah. Videos. I'll be covering events and programs with my trusty little flipcam and uploading them to this blog for your pleasure. Oh, and I work for orientation, so all of you incoming students will be mighty intrigued about my next post.

Until then, keep being you, BU!


Jumping In

Well, hey there fellow Terriers!

My name is Julia; I’m majoring in journalism in the College of Communication and a proud member of the class of 2012.  I'm happy to say that I'm going to be blogging for the Dean of Students Office…so get used to my Meryl Streep obsession,  my tendency to get long-winded, fondness for obscure references, and my rabid love for any-and-everything BU.


Well, the Orientation sessions for the class of 2014 began this week, and it got me thinking: it’s funny how much things change and don’t change in two years. Almost two years ago to the day, I stepped onto this campus for freshmen Orientation. I was the oldest of three kids and the only girl in my family. I came to Boston University from a small town in southern Maine, where I’d lived my whole life:  the kind of place where it takes you an hour to run into the grocery store for a gallon of milk, because in a town that size, you can’t go to the store without bumping into everyone you know…and they always ask “How’s the family?”

Yeah, COM Group 33!

Yeah, COM Group 33!

When the time for my Orientation session finally came, back in June 2008, the Celtics were in the NBA finals, and there was construction going on down Comm Ave. Today…not much has changed, at least as far as the city of Boston’s perpetual state of construction goes, and as for the C’s, well, it’s looking more and more like history will repeat itself.  (BEAT LA!)

In fact, the thing that’s changed the most in those two years is yours truly. When I arrived here, I was outwardly confident, but inside, I was a nervous wreck, worried about fitting in and finding my way on campus. There’s an old saying: give a Terrier a bone, and they’ll have a bone for a day…teach a Terrier how to fetch bones and bury them, and they’ll have bones for a lifetime!

(You may be more familiar with the version of that proverb that goes “Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime.”) Whatever, the general theory still applies.

(You may be more familiar with the version of that proverb that goes “Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime.”) Whatever, the general theory still applies.

The Orientation Student Advisors and Program Advisors helped me a lot, and made me feel like I would be able to successfully navigate my first few days on campus without ending up hopelessly lost. They didn’t hold my hand the entire way, but they did guide me long enough that I was able to figure out my own way, a much more rewarding experience.

That’s one of the great things about Boston University. We give you all the resources you need to help yourself (like the Educational Resource Center, and Career Services, to name just two);  it’s up to you to take advantage of them. You’re also free to make your own choices and, occasionally, mistakes…and, take it from me; sometimes mistakes teach you more in the long run than you would have learned if everything had gone according to your original plan.  By using the guidance I got from Orientation, academic advisors, and my freshman year RA, I was able to navigate my way through my first year with only a few missteps along they way. And at the end of the two semesters, I discovered something: that outward confidence I’d arrived with at Orientation had slowly worked its way inward, and I had learned to believe in myself and walk with confidence.

When I first arrived at college, I was terrified that I would make a mistake or mess up somehow. I didn’t want to disappoint my parents, or the teachers and guidance counselors who had logged long hours with me in high school. And I didn’t want to disappoint myself. Even now, when I talk to incoming freshman or the high school seniors from my hometown that I’ve kept in touch with, I hear this secret fear over and over again: what if I mess it up somehow? What if I make a mistake?

Guess what? You’re going to. It’s inevitability. We all mess up sometimes.

Nobody’s perfect (although I personally think Meryl Streep comes pretty close…didn’t I tell you I’m obsessed with her?)

Nobody’s perfect (although I personally think Meryl Streep comes pretty close…didn’t I tell you I’m obsessed with her?)

Now before you freak out and call me a pessimist, think about this: so you accidentally lock yourself out of your room after a shower. You’ll not only learn the phone number for your RA on call, but you’ll also probably never forget your keys again. Say you’re undecided, and you take a class you don’t like it? Guess what? You just narrowed down your choices in majors even more, making your life a little easier. Maybe you’re even going to sleep through your alarm and miss a quiz. Trust me, it’s probably not the end of the world – and you can bet you’ll learn quickly to set multiple alarms. ( I can personally attest to that last one...I learned it the hard way during my second semester of freshman year. Oops...)

The most important thing about mistakes is what you take away from them; the things that make you a better, stronger person. College is about figuring out who you are, who you aren’t, and what you want to do with your life. It’s about finding the people who make you really feel good about who you are, not just the kids who are fun to go out with on a Friday night. And maybe it’ll take you a little while to figure out who those people really are. But you’ll never know for sure until you put yourself out there, not only with people, but with classes and activities too. (For example, if you had told me two years ago I’d be willingly waking up at 7am three times a week to film a morning news show for BUTV, I would have laughed in your face. But now it’s one of the best parts of my week!)  Classes, minors, friends, even what your favorite sandwich order is in the dining hall...these things take time to figure out. Trial and error eventually leads to trial and success, guys. And it’s never too late to start.

Take chances! Make mistakes! Get messy! (Please, please, please tell me I'm not the only person who watched this show as a child.)

Take chances! Make mistakes! Get messy! (Please, please, please tell me I'm not the only person who watched this show as a child...)

My journey at Boston University is halfway over. (I’m not tearing up…I swear.) For the class of 2014, it’s just beginning.  For some others, the journey is entering its final year, or maybe only its second year. But whatever point you are at in your personal journey through your life and time at Boston University, put yourself out there! You're always going to remember your time here , but wouldn't it be cool if BU never forgot you, either? We're all extraordinary people with so much to offer- that's why we're here. I guess the bottom line here is: Carpe BU, you guys. Seize the day, and don't waste a second.

You can always start by dropping by and visiting the DOS gang here in the GSU. We're a friendly bunch...not to mention the fact that we usually have a jar full of BlowPops,  and we ALWAYS have a delicious variety of coffee flavors.  (Just don’t ever take the last Chocolate Glazed Donut flavored coffee…please? That’s my favorite!) Or ask us any questions/share comments you might have in…well, in the comments section.


Once I come up with a unique, witty-sounding sign-off, I'll start using that*, but until then, I'll just say...see you around, BU.



*In the spirit of Katie Couric, who ran a contest when she took over the CBS Evening News back in 2006, hit me up with any suggestions you guys might have...because God knows I've wracked my brain and haven't come up with anything good yet.

A Final Post on My Last Day

Marsh Plaza, 2009

It's my last day here in the Dean of Student's Office. Hard to believe that after an incredible four years at BU,  my time here is almost over.  I'm looking forward to a change, to moving to a place I don't know and trying out a new and challenging career.  But I have to admit, I really will stay tied to BU.

In true upper-classman/senior fashion, I am going to leave you with some advice.

  • To Prospective Students:  It may sound cliche, but coming to BU was the best decision I've ever made. In high school, my adviser told me to choose a school where I'd, "be excited and inspired from freshman through senior year" and where I'd, "never get bored." You won't ever be bored at BU, and I am living proof that you can still be inspired as a senior, straight through the last week of classes.
  • To Freshmen:  Professors matter. Being close with several of my professors here at BU has made a huge difference in both my time here and my post-graduation plans. So take small classes, go to office hours, and get to know your professors. Trust me, it's worth it. Also, be willing to let go. You'll move through majors, jobs, even groups of friends while you're here.  That's okay. You're growing. Let them go.
  • To Rising Seniors: I know it's tempting to freak out and look for a job (trust me, I applied to nearly 30), and preferably one that lets you know exactly where you'll be the week after graduation, but I really recommend taking some time off if it's possible for you. I have friends who are traveling, moving home, or kicking around Beantown for a while, but they are significantly more excited about graduating then the folks headed straight for a cubicle.

To everyone, try something different, something uncomfortable, something truly challenging.  From someone who has to say goodbye, don't be afraid to say hello.

"Two roads diverged in a wood and I--I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference."

-Robert Frost.

Terrier love,


Calling all Job-Seekers

Hey there everybody,

It's true, getting a job during a recession is a tricky business. The Labor Department recently released figures showing there is one job opening for every 5.4 unemployed men and women. So, it could be could be that .4 guy.

Still, do not despair!

We're fortunate enough to be at a university that supports us through unfortunate economic circumstances! We invite you to check out the career fair tomorrow, March 18th, from 1-4:30 in the George Sherman Union.

More than 70 potential employers will be there! So come in business attire, with a strong handshake (eye contact included), and resume in hand!

Good luck! Here are some Stats to keep you interested.

Terrier Love,


Soure: The Wall Street Journal

Soure: The Wall Street Journal