We’re Here! We’re Here!

School’s out! Or is it?

Last weekend, while some BU students packed their bags for their homes around the globe, many students chose to stay on campus to work for the university this summer. Believe it or not, the campus is buzzing  throughout the summer days of May, June, July, and August. Check out the video below to see why some students choose to work for offices like the CAS Academic Advising Center, Orientation, and our own Office of the Dean of Students over the summer.

So what can you do on campus this summer? The new Dean of Students staff thought about what we’ll be doing this summer, and we’ve got a few ideas for you. Here they are:

Have a sunny reunion with friends on the BU Beach after grabbing food at the George Sherman Union. The GSU’s summer hours are:

Monday-Thursday: 7am-9pm

Friday: 7am-6pm

Saturday and Sunday: Closed

OR Do something completely different at FitRec. They have summer classes in everything from aquatics to climbing to dance or you can visit them during FitRec summer hours, which you’ll find below.

Monday-Thursday: 6am-9:30pm

Friday: 6am-8pm

Saturday: 8am-6pm

Sunday: 8am-8pm

FitRec classes can be found at: http://www.bu.edu/fitrec/programs/summer/index.shtml

And we can’t forget the academic side of BU, so here are a few other options if you’re somehow missing the side of college life that involves, ahem, studying…

Take a class during one of BU’s summer terms. Whether you’re a current BU student, a high school student, or a visiting student, there’s definitely a class for you. Check them out at…


OR Study for the MCATs, GREs, or the upcoming test of your choice at Mugar Memorial Library. Here are the hours:

Monday-Thursday: 8am-11-pm

Friday-Saturday: 8am-5pm

Sunday: 10am-11pm

But what about off campus? Check back on Thursday to find out fun things to do around the city that cost less than $20 dollars. Plus, these upcoming ideas probably won’t involve the hoards of Boston tourists that fill our neighborhood cow paths in the summer months. 🙂

Terrier love,


Why didn’t Dean Elmore put me on the Dean’s List?!

And I'm back--everyone's favorite blogger (except not really).  One of the many things we get questions about in our office is the Dean's List.  Dean's List is a fantastic award that you can receive by getting certain grades, dependent on your college.  While the name would lead one to believe that the Dean of Students might be responsible for this, unfortunately he's not.

I can assure you, if he had a list, you'd be on it.  Everyone would.

If you have gone abroad, for example, and need to talk to someone about whether or not you're on the Dean's List, you actually will want to contact your school or college's dean's office.  This is the dean who makes the infamous list.  Those phone numbers are listed below.

CAS: 617-353-2400,

CFA: 617-353-3350,

CGS: 617-353-2860,

COM: 617-353-3471,

ENG: 617-353-6447,

MET/SEP: 617-353-2977,

SAR: 617-353-1983,

SED: 617-353-3177,

SHA: 617-353-0930,

SMG: 617-353-9107

Your most recent graduate (Hooray, Class of 2009!),


Swine Flu—Should we worry?

Hey Everyone! My name is Chris, and I'm the communication manager at the Dean of Students Office.  So, as you can probably imagine, we've been getting a lot of calls and E-mails from people concerned about the issue of Swine Flu.  To say that it's not a big deal would be hogwash.  Here's a bit of info I have found and passed along.  From me to you.

As of right now, there have been cases of Swine Flu in 36 states throughout the United States and numerous countries throughout the world.  But how much should we be worrying about it?  While the World Health Organization is toying with the idea of upgrading the Swine Flu's status to "pandemic" (which is simply a statement of geography not how many people have it), officials at Boston University are preparing in the event that it drastically affects the University community.

The plans are in place, though we may not know what they are.  I don't pretend to be one of those people in the know because I'm not.  But I know they've got it taken care of.  BU Student Health Services is working tirelessly with their prevention efforts as shown by the quadrupling of Purell dispensers across campus.  BU has even set up an info page on Swine Flu!

Over the weekend, however, we learned of a BU dental student recovering from a probable case of Swine Flu.  BU Today has been covering the possible Swine Flu case.  Check out the article and the FAQs page for more information on the case as well as ways to help keep yourself safe.

With washed hands,


Welcome to the FYI Student Blog!

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

We here in the Dean of Students office adore our boss, the one and only Dean Elmore. We especially like his blog. But being the busy guy he is, he doesn't get to blog nearly as enough as he or we would like. So we took matters into our own hands, and started the FYI Student Blog.

What are we going to blog about? All sorts of news items, questions, and fun things that come up in our office on a daily basis. What question have we gotten on the phone seventy-five times this morning? What event does Dean Elmore want to attend most this weekend? What sorts of emails are we getting in the dos@bu.edu inbox? Can Dean Elmore get students out of jury duty? What campus news story seems to be really big today? What event does Dan need volunteers for this week? What inane hockey fact have Kat and Laurel shared today? What online quiz do Benji and Robyn seem addicted to today?

If it's going on in our office, you'll hear about it.

We'll promise to update at least twice a day - once in the morning, once in the afternoon. Check back often, or add us in your RSS reader, so that you are always in the know of what is going on at BU.

Welcome to the virtual Dean's Office - grab some coffee, or a Blow Pop (just like in the real Dean's Office!) and enjoy!

-Dean of Students Office