“Finding Joe,” and, Being the Hero of Your Own Life

I saw an excellent trailer for a movie last weekend. It hit me at the exact right time, with school getting back in full swing and my life as an artist coming back into sharp focus. I spent a lot of the summer figuring out what’s important to me as a person outside of the theatre, and now it’s time to dive back in, but how do I reconcile those people? How do I keep my sanity with an insane schedule and work load? How do I remember who I am and what I love when life moves so quickly around me? “Finding Joe” is a movie about Joseph Campbell, one of the most renowned experts on mythology of all-time. It follows the links between almost every story ever told, and how being a central figure, or a “hero” in one’s own life story is the ultimate goal. The movie looks inspiring to me both as a “normal” person and as an artist. I think it’s important for all of us, as artists and as people, to remember to be the hero of our own story, and to face our fears and doubts and push through to find the greatest parts of ourselves and finding satisfaction in our daily lives. My favorite quote from the trailer is, “I think people wake up to the fact that they are hero of their own life when they get tired of being the victim of it.”…it’s a nice thought to keep around, especially on the tough days when doing what we do becomes seemingly impossible and I think myself silly or impractical for wanting to be a part of such a magical world.

One Comment

kmjiang posted on September 19, 2011 at 11:24 pm


What if I want to be the sidekick in lots of other people’s stories? Is that okay, too?


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