Tim Walker, and, Not Feeling Guilty For What I Like.

As I was trying to think of what to post this week, I found myself searching for something impressive. I was talking to a friend trying to explain what the assignment was, and they innocently asked, “well, what do you like?” I, of course, immediately responded that the only things I read on the web were “stupid,” or, “not art.” Then I looked at my browser history to find out what I did like. Facebook, Entertainment Weekly, and a couple of other mundane websites came up. But what I found out is that I spend a lot of my time looking at beautiful things that bring me joy. The Sartorialist, for instance, is a blog site filled with pictures of people all over the world who dress impeccably and create art everyday via expressing themselves (their thoughts, opinions, aesthetics, etc.) on their bodies with their clothes. Then I found Tim Walker’s website, who is a fashion photographer for Vogue and budding filmmaker. I read this article/interview about/with him when his first 20-minute short film was coming out. As I re-read it tonight searching for something to post about, I kept thinking, “this isn’t smart/artsy/interesting/thought-provoking enough.” But it IS. It’s what I find interesting and beautiful. I encourage everyone to read the article and flip through his pictures and take time to think about how people create art even in the commercial world. I also encourage everyone to embrace what they love and what brings them joy and what they consider to be art, even if it’s not performed 8 times a week in a dark theater.tim walker 1

One Comment

kmjiang posted on October 11, 2011 at 10:32 pm


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