Slowly Emerging as a Theatrical Force

This past summer, I was fortunate enough to work as an artistic intern for a theatre company that used to go by the name of X Repertory Theatre. However, when I was there, this special theatre company was in the midst of a transition. They were looking to move on to bigger and better things, and I am so grateful I got to be a part of their new ventures.

Over the next couple of years, they are looking to emerge as a prominent theatre festival, much like Oregon Shakes, the Berkshire Theatre Festival, etc…What sets them apart? They boast a teaching theatre, a conservatory of sorts. While it is only a certificate program now, they are looking to find a neighboring university that will offer accreditation as a sort of MFA program.

The reason I was so inclined to write about them this week on the blog was their use of new technology and social networking for both artistic and self promotion. They have been using facebook and twitter to their advantage. It’s wonderful for me, as a theatre artist, because I am able to keep myself in the loop (so I can hopefully be a large part of their future endeavors elsewhere…). They use facebook in order to release important information about their growing company. This week, after much anticipation, they have released their new emblem. I was so excited to see it pop up in my feed earlier this week and so proud that I was a part of a company that is so intent on moving forward in the theatre world.—A-Vision-of-Artistic-Possibilities—.html?soid=1106396447670&aid=ER1BJvIDPOY299035_256205621087835_214412985267099_663679_1903660210_n

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