Posts by: nmednick

We Need to go Deeper

I stumbled upon this comparison to Inception and theatre that I thought I would share with all of you. The article basically lays out each job of the characters in the movie Inception and correlates it with a job in the theatre. It is actually dead on with its description and summarizes in this final […]

Programs for the Untalented and UnGifted

The reason why I was first intrigued by this article was the concept of how to determine who is “gifted and talented”. Not everyone has the same learning styles and I believe our nation’s view on the “gifted” is wildly askew. There are so many schools where classes in the arts are not required. Art  or […]

Dancing Girls of the Swat Valley

I stumbled upon an article about the dancing girls of the swat valley in Pakistan. The article explains the artistic history of swat valley and the terror that occurred during the reign of the Taliban. In Pashtun areas, a singer or dancer is known as damor beghairat (a person without a sense of honor). They […]

Collective Consciousness

While browsing the web scouting for something that I wanted to share with all of you I went to see what a theatre artist I love, Aaron Jafferis, was up to. I had not seen what he was up to in a couple years and I was delighted to see that his piece Stuck Elevator […]