An unsung playwright

Here we have the story of a playwright who has gone fairly unknown in America. He is an Indian absurdist, and worth looking into.

39 Steps: In Philly

For anyone in the Philadelphia area, the Walnut Street theatre is showing the 39 steps. I’ve been to a few Walnut shows, and they are an amazing space to see a show in.

Tennessee Williams: in a new light

An online writer gives us an article about the life of playwright Tennessee Williams. An interesting read

Laramie Project Getting another go

The very powerful show ‘The Laramie Project’ is in casting now at the Little theatre company. Hopefully they can do justice to this powerful show.

Hair: More relevant than ever?

This reviewer doesn’t believe that the show is too good. But in a time when America is fighting two different wars and beginning to take action in Libya, perhaps it is time for an anti war play. But maybe not Hair…

Spider-Man: Can’t keep it together

So Spider-Man the musical has a new choreographer. This comes on the heels of yet another actress getting injured during the show that just can’t get out of previews. What’s next for this disaster? Only time will tell…

The Weir, an old local review

Hey all,

Just wanted to do a little shameless promotion of my family friend who's an actor who did a fabulous job playing Jack back in their production of The Weir in 2004 (at Marblehead High school, it was a nice theatre...they were a small company of actors putting it together)

Apparently they did it again but right in Gloucester last year and I didn't know anything about it.

I don't want it to seem too provincial, but that's what made the essence of the play come alive with this group. It's a humble essence, and I love that about this play. Cheers!

I’m pretty, are you?

In a world were the 'ideal look' is plastered every where how do we come to terms with not being 'pretty'? Neil LaBute's 2009 Tony nominee for best play Reasons to be Pretty addresses "How much is 'pretty' worth?" The Speak Easy Company current production at the BCA closes April 2.

Jon Lipsky’s Living in Exile

Here is a beautiful  review of Jon Lipsky's play, Living in Exile, playing through this weekend in Somerville and being performed by Actors' Shakepeare Project. Quite a testament to the work of a brilliant teacher and a kind soul. He will be greatly missed.

slew (recently one of my favorite words, go figure) of stuff

so, instead of making separate posts to catch up for my lateness, i'm just going to make one big fat one or two with all my findings in it.

1.i went and saw Fragments at ArtsEmerson tonight, with Leigh. I thought Fragments was a piece in and of itself that Beckett wrote. (I tried to find the original performance, the world premiere) Not so, my friends! Peter Brooks just picked stuff to do and called it Fragments, another example of another Fragments is here:

^ also a nice idea of what Peter Brook and Beckett's relationship was/is.

2. those of us in this class who are in our 4th quarter of senior year could really benefit from saving as much $$ as possible, wouldn't you say? doesn't free theater sound nice? I know, right!

^company one's on there! yay friends!

3. watch this video and see what you think. i googled "street theatre performance" and stumbled upon these guys, Arc Theatre. it's nothing extraordinary, but it gives me some ideas for stuff to do and hello, collaaaaborate oooon in the real world. this is the kind of stuff we could do to just get our faces out there.

of course whatever we do will outshine this greatly

4. found this link by total happenstance, whilst looking for kabuki in Boston. A list of the major theatres in Boston, with a link to each one of them:

5. if anybody's going to NYC any time before April 9th, and wants to see some Japanese theatre at Carnegie Hall (they extended this festival in honor of the earthquake victims):

6. i can't figure out if this is only a California thing or not, but look at this! it's cool! seems like a good go-to place for certain questions about theatre production/making your own company:

The Greatest Break-Up Story Ever Told

Nina Paley, who wrote, directed, produced and animated Sita Sings the Blues, will be at the screening of her work at BU's SMG Auditorium (with following discussion) on April 4th at 6pm. While not 'theater' it is a compilation artwork. It is already available to watch online for free here. I came across this a year or so back and it made me relise how much of the Hindu world is a mystery to me. This work presents a foreign epic in a easily relatable creative formate that still stays true to it's origins. For more information about the screening please visit BU Program for Scripture and the Arts.

Dance Dance

Dance Brazil is going to be at Northeastern University's Blackman Theater, Eli Hall (360 Huntington Ave.) April 8 at 8pm. If you cant see the show I suggest checking out their teaser video on their website. Tickets are only $10 with student ID. This company has for years influnced North America's view of Brazil's culture. It started  in 1977 by Jelon Vieira developing out of "grass-roots workshops at the Clark Center for the Arts in NYC."[About Dance Brazil] I find this proof that great art lasts.


Liver is an exhibition of Sight and Sound featuring Mia Friedman, Sojourner Hodges, John Mehrmann, Aaron Muesing and Alexa Guariglia. April first at Yes Oui Si. I have heard some of these artists before and found them a experience worth repeating. Here is a link to Yes Oui Si calander of events.

Did you know?…

Elizabeth Taylor was also a swingin stage actress?  Well, at least partly.  She was part of two productions both met with dissimilar fates.  Read their reviews here;

A glimpse into one man’s past

This article comes at a good time as we are about to graduate.  A playwright with a day job, who once was an actor waiting tables writing short plays in his spare time.  It seems no matter what path we carve for ourselves, we will find our way.  He also blends the topics he wants to write about and what will be produced;

“I’m trying to be smart about the pieces I write,” Mr. White said. “Look, if you spend three years on a play, you want it produced.”

Which speaks to the things we need satisfied in the future.  Our artistry and our pocketbooks.


Check out this New York Times review of ‘Dream of the Burning Boy’, which stars recent alum Jessica Rothenburg!  Nice review and congratualtions Jessica!

Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo

At the same time BU releases its multiple award winning new play "Fallujah", Broadway attempts to tackle the Iraq War. Hopefully an outspoken trend will be started for Broadway.

Turn Off the Dark

I saw a preview version of Spiderman: Turn Off the Dark last week. I'm sure that most of you have kept up with the ongoing issues. Personally I can say that the show wasn't a total loss. There were some amazing special effects and the design was out of this world. However the music and large parts of the story was just plain boring. The most entertaining aspects of the show involved the two villains: Arachne and the Green Goblin. Unfortunately the actress who played Arachne just got injured. You can read below. I am glad that I got to see this version of the show before they revamp it. Hopefully the kinks will get worked out by June.

Above expectations BoM

I mentioned in earlier posts that I was excited to see The Book of Mormon while in New York. I expected to see a staged South Park episode that would give me a few laughs. I walked out of that theatre completely blown away by the production. It was not only clever and hysterical, but was thought provoking and the music was really GOOD! I'll go into more detail when I post my response paper, but here is a review you all can take a look at in the meantime. I have not seen a vast amount of Broadway Musicals, but this is certainly my favorite. It was entertaining from beginning to end.

Past Pillowman Pictures

Hi all,

I just wanted to include this link to some production shots from Stage Troupe's production of The Pillowman last spring. I saw the production and left absolutely in love with the play. About five or so people walked out in the middle of the show over the three performances, which I think is kinda awesome. Theater can actually move people! Also of interest, please note the female Ariel in the photos. This definitely changed the character quite a bit, but it seemed to work, at least for this production. If I hadn't have known better, I would have thought the part was written for a women after seeing it.