Tagged: Tom Whalen

Campaign 2012: Perry, Christie, and Romney

Tom Whalen, associate professor of social science, offers his analysis on Rick Perry’s recent bad performances, and the potential for New Jersey governor Chris Christie entering the GOP race for president and what it means for Mitt Romney. Contact Whalen at 978-888-3131; tjw64@bu.edu or tjw64@comcast.net

President Obama’s deficit reduction plan

President Obama is set to announce his deficit reduction plan which will include $1.5 trillion in new taxes. The plan will also look at the so-called “Buffett Rule,” named after billionaire Warren Buffett, which would set a new tax rate for those making more than $1 million a year. The following Boston University experts are […]

Jacqueline Kennedy recordings

Recently released audio recordings of Jacqueline Kennedy reveal candid comments by the former first lady about her husband, Lyndon Johnson, Martin Luther King, Jr., and other issues facing the country in the early 1960’s. Tom Whalen, a professor of social science, is an expert on American politics and the American presidency. He is also the […]

President Obama’s jobs speech

The following Boston University experts are available to comment on President Obama’s jobs speech: Laurence Kotlikoff, professor of economics, an expert on macroeconomics and fiscal and monetary policy. He is the author of Jimmy Stewart Is Dead: Ending the World’s Ongoing Financial Plague With Limited Purpose Banking. He is also a regular contributor to Bloomberg […]

Experts available to comment on political issues

The following Boston University experts are available to offer commentary, analysis, and insight on political issues facing America: Tom Whalen, associate professor of social science and an expert on American politics and the American presidency; Regular contributor to PoliticoArena. He can be reached at 978-888-3131; tjw64@comcast.net. Graham Wilson, chair of the Department of Political Science […]

Campaign 2012: Will Rick Perry enter the race?

Speculation is strong that Texas Governor Rick Perry will announce on Sunday his intention to run for president in 2012, one day after the Iowa straw poll. Boston University professors John Carroll and Tom Whalen offer their comments on what Perry’s entry brings to the GOP field of presidential candidates. Contact Carroll at 617-353-3493; carroll7@bu.edu; […]

Campaign 2012: Tom Whalen on the Iowa straw poll

Tom Whalen, an associate professor of social science, is an expert on American politics. He is also a regular contributor to PoliticoArena. In the video below, he gives his predictions on the Iowa straw poll. Contact Tom at 978-888-3131 or tjw64@comcast.net

Weekly roundup of quotes by BU experts: July 31 – August 5

Below is a sampling of quotes by Boston University experts for July 31 – August 5: Egypt proving to be a leader in digitally preserving culture (Investor’s Business Daily): “Since the advent of the Internet, the Egyptian government has been doing an admirable job in preserving the ancient archaeological heritage.” Farouk El-Baz, Director, Center for […]

Weekly roundup of quotes by BU experts: July 24 – July 29

Below is a sampling of quotes by Boston University experts for July 24 – July 29: Field position – Putnam assumes key sponsorship at Gillette Stadium, raising its profile (Boston Globe): “It’s a perceptional investment. There are lots of ancillary things that can come out of it.” Christopher Cakebread, Assistant Professor of Advertising, College of […]

Massachusetts prepares for Aug. 2 debt ceiling deadline

With the Aug. 2 deadline looming on the debt ceiling crisis, Massachusetts officials are drafting an emergency plan to ensure that the state will be able to pay their bills. The following Boston University experts are available to comment: Fred Bayles, Associate Professor of Journalism at BU’s College of Communication. An expert on Massachusetts politics, […]