
2021 Tau Bates

As the Fall semester comes to a close, we would like to congratulate our newest members of the Massachusetts Eta chapter for completing both the Bent Ceremony and Initiation. Here are just a few of the wonderful bents that were presented this year:

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We are looking forward to getting to know all of our members more next semester, and we wish everyone the best of luck with finals!


Introducing our 2021-22 E-Board

Thanks for visiting our blog! Today's post will feature the members of our 2021-22 E-Board. Keep reading to get to know Tau Beta Pi.

Starting off with our President, Harin Lee (he/him/his)!


Hey folks! My name’s Harin, and I’m a senior studying biomedical engineering. Some quick things about me: I really enjoy hiking/backpacking, playing volleyball, and chowing down burrito bowls at Chipotle. At BU, if I’m not doing research at the material robotics lab, you can probably find me cruising down Comm Ave on a blue bike or studying/eating at the GSU. I’ll also be serving as the president of Tau Beta Pi’s MA Eta chapter this year! Feel free to reach out to me (  if you have any questions or want to suggest any event ideas! Can’t wait to meet you all!

Next up, we have our Vice President, Dhvanil Nanshah (he/him/his)


Hi, my name is Dhvanil, and I am a senior studying BME.  I look forward to fulfilling my role as vice president of  BU’s Tau Beta Pi chapter by helping preserve our culture of excellence and through facilitating the growth of our organization!  You can typically find me in a GSU conference room pulling an all-nighter,  running around the medical campus, or half-asleep at numerous other meetings for organizations like EWB during the week.  In my spare time, I enjoy watching movies, going on hikes, gaming, boxing and shooting hoops.

Meet our Secretary, Taylor Schissel (she/her/hers)


Hi everyone, thanks for checking out our website! My name is Taylor, and I am a senior studying biomedical engineering. I'm really interested in the intersection between BME and public health, so I'd love to hear if any of you are too. Outside of school, I love hiking, going to the beach,  and drinking way too much coffee, and I'm involved in BU's Club Equestrian Team and Greek Life. I'm so excited to meet you all- reach out any time at!

Read on to learn more about our Treasurer, ShuLan Holmes-Farley (she/her/hers)


Hello, my name is ShuLan, and I am a senior studying mechanical engineering. I will be serving as TBP's Treasurer for this year, and I'm really excited to see everyone on campus! You can usually find me at one of my three favorite study spots: Ingalls, the Law building, or Hillel, but in my spare time I enjoy playing the piano and folding origami. 

And last but not least, we have our Historian, Michael Aliberti (he/him/his)


Hello everyone, my name is Michael Aliberti and I am a senior in computer engineering. When I am not frantically scrambling to write code, I enjoy kayaking, cooking, and walking ten minutes out of the way to get coffee for a dollar cheaper at Dunkin. I am excited to meet everyone and make this an enjoyable year!

As always, if you have any questions for any member of our E-Board, don't hesitate to reach out via email at Have a wonderful day!


2020 Bent Ceremony

Our chapter's annual Bent Ceremony, where we ask our new members to create and show off a bent, was this weekend.  So much creativity and ingenuity was shown by everyone!  There were bents made out of baked goods, CAD bents, drawn bents, paper bents, macrame bents, Minecraft bents, and more.  Members voted on their favorite bents of the day, and here are the winners:

First Place: ShuLan Holmes-Farley

Second Place: Gayatri Sundar Rajan

Third Place: Mackenzie Obenreder

ShuLan's Tensegrity BentMackenzie's Engineering Disciplines Bent


Welcome from the 2020-2021 e-board!

Hello all! This is the 2020-2021 e-board of Tau Beta Pi. We are now in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, but that won't deter us from our goal to keep our Massachusetts Eta Chapter going with inducting new members, the Bent ceremony, and creating a supportive engineering community. Nice to meet you all!

Here are some personal introductions from our e-board:


Our President is Meghan Griffin (BME):

Hi, my name is Meghan, and I am a senior in biomedical engineering.  I'm really excited to serve as the president of BU's Tau Beta Pi chapter this year!  Around campus (when there isn't a pandemic), you can find me helping out with Dean's Host events, taking full advantage of my Ingalls printer quota, tutoring at the ERC, and ordering sugary beverages from Starbucks.  In my spare time, I love to read, do yoga, and ride and show my Quarter Horse. 


Our Vice-President is Sadie Allen (CE):

Hello, my name is Sadie and I am a senior studying computer engineering and mathematics. I love singing and making music and I am involved in Chordially Yours, one of BU's all-female a cappella groups. When I am at school I spend a lot of time running on the Esplanade and studying at Pavement, croissant in hand. I am so happy to be serving on E-Board for Tau Beta Pi this year! 



Our Treasurer is Daniel Bradford (MechE):

Hey everyone, my name is Daniel and I am a senior studying Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Math. I will be serving as TBP’s Treasurer for the 2020-21 academic year! When I’m not in class, you can find me at FitRec training and competing with BU’s Men’s Swim Team, crushing plates in the West Campus dining hall, and consuming large quantities of Dunkin cold brew. My interests include aerospace, 3D printing, and long naps.

Daniel Bradford - Undergraduate Research Assistant - Boston University Mechanics of Slender Structures Laboratory | LinkedIn


Our Historian is Ben Chan (CE):

Hi, my name is Ben Chan, and I’m a rising senior majoring in computer engineering. When I’m on campus, you can find me getting coffee at Starbucks, studying in photonics, or walking around the BU beach. In my spare time, I enjoy sailing and watching Netflix. I’m looking forward to serving on the E-board this year!  


Our Secretary is Leen Arnaout (BME):

Hi all! I'm Leen, a senior in biomedical engineering with a minor in electrical engineering. I enjoy hiking, fiddling around with Arduinos, or conjecturing up new bioinformatics experiments. If I'm not playing Kendo (Japanese Fencing), I could be found hopping between Boston's many cafes, working towards my mission of visiting every single T and Commuter Rail stop in Massachusetts, or huddled up with my little cat, Beans. So excited to serve on the e-board for TBP this year!



Starting Out the New Year!

Hey everyone!

Thank you to everyone who came out to our Welcome Back Ice Cream and Pizza Social last week. It was a huge success! Current members, make sure to keep on the look out for future events and free food over the course of the semester.

Now for some business...

Invitations are out and we are excited for our first meeting with the new class of students ready to be inducted this December. The first informational is Thursday, October 1st at 8 PM. Any current member who wants to stop by to mingle or grab some pizza is always welcome, and we'd love to see you! Stay tuned for more updates about Bent Ceremony's and Induction!

See everyone Thursday!


Bent Ceremony

The Bent Ceremony will be taking place on November 13th at 8pm in PHO 906.

This event is mandatory. If you can't attend make sure to email, and give your bent to someone else to present.

We look forward to seeing all of your creative Bents. Don't forget, there will be prizes!


Fall 2014 Induction

We are gearing up to have induction this fall.

Our first event is the info session for those invited! It is Wednesday October 8th at 8 pm!

Hope to see you there!


Elections and Ratification Friday, March 21


Ratification of the new bylaws will be held tomorrow Friday, March 21 in CAS 116. Four new bylaws will be voted upon and the ballot sent to Head Quarters.

Elections for the 6 positions will also be held March 21.

The available positions:


Vice President

Recording Secretary

Corresponding Secretary



If you wish to run for any of these positions, please send an e-mail to with the position you're interested in as well as a short speech you have prepared. Student's studying abroad are also welcome to run for any positions. Please send a short video or a speech to be read at the elections. Send these before the elections tomorrow!


District Conference

This year the district conference will be held at Boston University. It's a great opportunity to meet alumni and other Taubetes from the Northeast region! Come join us April 4 and 5 for networking, nice meals, and a good time. RSVP by sending an e-mail to We need a head count for food ordering.


ENG Trivia Night

Come out to this awesome event!!

When? Thursday, Feb 20 from 8-10pm

Where? Photonics 9th floor Colloquium Room (8 St. Mary's St)

What? Compete against your fellow BU engineers in an exciting night of trivia, covering topics of Music, BU ENG, Movies, TV, Sports, Food, and more!

Who? Teams of 3-6 engineers can sign up by emailing or by commenting your teammates names below. Space is limited, so please RSVP!
Students can also come alone or in pairs and join onto teams at the event.

Why? Free snacks will be served! There is also giftcard prizes for the winning teams:
First Prize: $120
Second Prize: $90
Third Prize: $60


Info for Prospective Members 2013

Hello Prospective Candidates!

To complete the application by Friday Nov 8th by 5PM, you must

  • Have a professor recommendation
  • Perform 4 hours of community/volunteer service
  • Write a 1-paged essay (topic below)
  • Create a Bent (Due by Nov 14th)
  • Pay Dues

Details are listed underneath. For further inquiries, please e-mail

There will also be a form that will submitted with your applications that will be uploaded above.

Exemplify Academic Excellence

Top 12.5% of Junior Class

Top 20% of Senior Class

Exhibit Moral Character

Character Evaluation from a professor

Be sure to ask the professor before volunteering him or her to write your recommendation.

Include the name and e-mail of the professor who will recommend you in the form above.

Devote Oneself to Community Service

Proof of 4 hours

Here is the link to the community service form. Please attach this to the application and turn it in in ERB 107 before Nov 8.

The MindSET program is a good opportunity to participate in some community service.

Be Committed to Diversity

A personal statement in the form of an essay or other creative medium. Tell us about yourself, a potential topic is below.

Topic: “How has your background and past experience shaped you into the engineer you are today ?”

Attach a hard copy to your application. If you are sending a digital copy to then please write: "Personal Statement: FirstName LastName" in the Subject

Understand the Worth of Character

Pay a $70 entry fee into TBP.

The E-Board will set up an envelope in the Undergraduate Office ERB107

Have the Creative Spirit of the Engineer

An engineer is able to solve complex and multifaceted problems with the wealth of knowledge that he or she has accumulated over his career. In order to be a member of TBP, one needs to create a Bent, a cross-section of a timber frame building or supports a trestle.

This are the basic dimensions of the TBP bent. Feel free to interpret this illustration through your own lenses and create your own version of the bent. We've had members make bents at the Binoy Singh Imagineering Lab, a circuit with LEDs, PVC pipes, lemon bars and cookies, and bacteria in a petri dish. Be creative!

There will be prizes awarded to artistic, unique, and outstanding bents at the Bent Ceremony!